Dragon residing under the Mesa

Name: Stylianoss
Gender: Male, 'drone' rank?
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium small (very long) 6'8" s / 50' l / no wingspan
Colors: Black body segments in shiny carapace style; purple head carapace, body segment lines, tail stabbies; greenish teal face and head sides, neck, chest, musculature on arms/legs, floaty spike; glowbobs glow pale blue; claws dark no eyes
Features: Xenodragon-Styx Beast hybrid; xeno-like head with no eyes, prominent teeth, and inner grasping jaws, fringed in glowbobs; neck is long and slender, segmented at throat edging and with more glowbobs; chest supporting arms is armored on front, arms have four fingers including a thumb with sharp chort claws; body is long and worm-like with several segmented areas to the carapace; last segment supports hips with very strong legs having 3 clawed toes; tail is unsegmented and splits at the end into two long slender parts having sharp stabby points (one has a last hurrah of a segmented area...); 'wings' are a single hovering shard of... something, and cannot fly at all but this is used for portal creation
Powers: Xeno abilities include resin secretion, wall climbing, mindstream communication (with any Xeno/Hive based creatures), telempathy (emotional communication with non-hive), as well as acid blood and immunity to similar substances - all of these things are very typical of a xenomorph and ideal for the complex areas underneath the Mesa. He can easily move through the narrow and slick resin of the Antlion tunnels, and patrols them for yummy treats; his blood is less acidic than some and he doesn't really need to worry too much about accidentally burning a hole through a vital piece of machinery or support structures up in the Mesa proper
Styx Beast abilities are poison and disease immunity, sympathetic healing (able to take on physical wounds in order to remove them from a subject, usually a dragon), telepathy (with whoever), portal based teleportation and foresight - an unusual set of powers that this odd dragon thrills to use. The shard floating over his shoulders produces the portals, somehow expanding (it might just be open all the time and we can't see it, who even knows with Ezra as their parent...) in order to either see alternate realities and 'future' moments, or even move through it to reach known areas nearby; his natural immunities make him ideal for rooting out dangerous creatures under the still-lurking pools of toxic sludge. We thought Keenan got rid of all of those? Well, he tried...
Parentage: Madigass and Ezra
Origin: Planet Zar
Other Info: Notably Paxton can absolutely talk to this dragon on its own terms, he shows up as 'hive' on Stylianoss' mental radar, and he accepts orders from the human or one of his Replicas (and can tell the difference, sensing the man himself as 'queen' and the rest as either 'warrior' or 'drone'), and also works very well with the dragons associated with Paxton's 'wing'. While it cannot be said that Pax and this dragon are 'bonded', if anyone asks Stylianoss to say who they obey, it would be Paxton.

Skills or Profession: remarkably good at rooting out invasive antlions, Stylianoss is there to aid the Mesa's efforts to reduce the pest population. They are never going to completely vanish, and in fact just nearby are being herded by the Vorts at the Ranch - but those aren't supposed to burrow this far southeast. Plus there are always nests of headcrabs, somewhere down there is a Gonarch or maybe more than one so it keeps spewing little baby headcrabs... those are tasty snacks. In any battle or encounter with Gonarchs, antlion Guardians, or even the extremely rare antlion Queen, he's fierce and apt, but also presents his healing skills if anyone is wounded. His healing is often best done in conjunction with Vortigaunts aiding, as they heal him he can soak up damage on others at an incredible pace. He seems incredibly receptive to Vortal powered healing, in fact, and the Vorts below the Mesa truly enjoy his presence, odd though he appears.

Current Location: Beneath Black Mesa, you can tell if he's been in an area by the presence of small incscribed scratch marks which he purposefully leaves, carved by his tail pieces; he can emerge from virtually anywhere, but he's particularly fond of scrabbling around the existing resin tunnels. His own resin is visibly black in color though it's actually translucent and refracts light making it seem quite dark, but either way it's easily told from the antlions' since theirs is fiberous and yellowed. If he gets hungry and there's nothing else going on, he sometimes slides up through the ubiquitous pipes into Residue Processing... where a lot of the old old corpses of the former employees (now deceased thanks to whatever damage the Resonance Cascade or its repercussions made) are still decomposing. mmmm. meat.

Personality: You might think that a xeno-beast like this is there to terrorize the area, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Stylianoss is thrilled that he's found a place where portals are in use by things other than himself, and where his skills with tunneling can be exercised regularly. He is careful around the man-made (and vort-made) areas of the Mesa, knowing that this place is home to hundreds of refugees and scientists alike, he doesn't want to disrupt their activities. So if he's up in the main Mesa buildings he doesn't tunnel around. But anywhere else, if there's an existing natural opening or an antlion or other burrow, he'll exploit that. He can leave behind enough resin to plug up or even shore up weaknesses, though he also keeps those areas in mind to relay them to Paxton and get repair crews down if needed. And yes he's noticed there are some other Xeno-types here... hmmmm....
Events or History: there would be no place for a creature like him on a space station, or on a world that would hunt him. He is a thinking, sensitive being! Shortly after his first moult his portal-wing lit up with a terrific idea for a locale to visit. Turned out to be the Rookery - where not only are there intelligent bipeds and beings, but dragons aplenty! He's actually excited to be there, as there's a seemingly never-ending supply of food, combat, injuries to tend, and discussions to be had about virtually anything.