Name: Dejanira

Gender: Female, pansexual

Age/DOB: appears 30s / inception RY 10

Origin: Rookery Earth / Rapture facility clone of a Vault Earth being

Family: Is the clone of Aretha, and has a 'sister' in Trinity

Other: She is not a Synth, but won't hesitate to claim she is one in order to either curry favor or put the fear of the Institute into someone

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 145, muscular and quite strong for her frame

Hair: red-brown natural afro very wooly, kept short as shown

Eyes: surprisingly dark blue, large, differs from Aretha in this regard, often wears goggles or glasses to keep her vision clear of debris, as she is often wandering the wasteland

Appearance: darkly brown skin, with very dark full lips, broad nose; she has no scars or marks since she is a newly created clone; like her prime, she has a weird sense of fashion and as she is tromping around the Commonwealths she tends toward exotic armor such as the Mechanist outfit that Aretha collected in Boston; she has a custom pip-boy that is connected to her sisters and prime's, and has access to much more information than a normal one

Genetic Abilities: with an extreme durability that rivals the strongest Pantheon, Dejanira can stand in front of a missile and laugh. She basically has no need for armor, but uses it anyway. She can be hit and bleeds but feels virtually no pain, and as such kind of wants all her parts remaining inside where she can regenerate them more easily. She has a strong Vortal connection to both her Prime and her Sister

Icarus Processing: technically yes, though not a full treatment, it seems that when Aretha was cloned in the facility under the sea, 'something' changed about her physiology. Maybe it's because she was from another dimension, maybe because she'd already been altered at Big Mountain or other facilities before. This has made her about 3x as strong as a normal person, in addition to aiding that durability above

Image Credits: Bethesda

Skills or Profession: since she is based specifically on Aretha's memories and skill sets, she is not just a rough and tumble explorer. She has excellent navigational skill, including within buildings or underground areas, and can track both animals and people with ease. Though she doesn't rely on stealth as much as Aretha did, she can somehow blend in in a crowd, or in a location, and spring from the shadows. She does however rely on her communication skills, and is chatty with folks she believes will want to settle with their Vault. She is diplomatic but also firm and believes that if people have enough information, they will be able to make their own decisions about living in the Vault or elsewhere.
Personality: As gregarious and experimental as her Prime, Deja likes to try things out for herself before asking anyone else to do them. She has an air of confidence about her, but not arrogance - she prefers to have people think she's an aide or helper, rather than expecting them to follow her around. Like Aretha too, she has... weird taste in partners as well as clothing.

Events or History: Created in the depths of the sea, in Rapture, along with her 'sister' Trinity. They conferred with Aretha extensively in addition to practicing their new Vortal link with her and each other, before leaving the location and dimension for their 'home' of Vault Earth. Because she's tromping around grounds that Aretha did in the past, she does expect to be mistaken for her - and like her sister, they do not encourage people to think they're 'replacements' like Synths in the past. They are their own people, and because of that attitude they've also encouraged a lot of Synths to come out of hiding and be their own people even if they were meant to replace someone else. She tends to focus her efforts to recruit people from bad situations, like in the Pitt or areas where slavers run rampant. Though she does take care of business with regards to those slavers (... just call it murder, she absolutely murders slavers) Deja doesn't mince words: slaves should revolt on their own if they feel the benefits will outweigh the potential disasters. The Pitt is an exception, since she knows that the situation there is very different. They do need to bring people ostensibly against their will to the site, but it is for a good reason, and deals were made to make sure that no one must remain longer than 3 years. She collects whoever will be willing to move into a new life and location - usually those with little or nothing to lose. Once there are a few to bring along, they make the trek back east to the Boston area where she hands them off to her sister Trinity, then moves to one of their other haunts either nearer Acadia to the north, or Point Lookout to the south. She has access to boats which let her skip the arduous and very dangerous trek overland to both of those locations. It's possible she may use those boats to travel more extensively south - after all, the entire east coast is her playground.


She took the move to this weyr in stride, like she did with pretty much every other event in her somewhat-short life. Sorting through the memories of her prime and sister wasn't difficult, though only Trinity had been to a place like this for dragon bonding. She enjoyed the wines, the 'klah', the pies and hearty stews... Maybe there would be more like those back home, maybe they should bring a couple of these creatures back with them? Hm, well - didn't matter, there were brahmin and molerats and radchickens to tend at the Vault.

It was a bit weird, because being here at Dawn Watch meant she had to be attending specific classes, learning about dragon care, behaviors, flight training. And not - as her normal pattern - wandering around the countryside. She felt a bit like she needed to be moving, traveling... Maybe some time soon, these amazing eggs would hatch and choose their partners. So in the meantime she studied how they used maps and star charts - though her home world wouldn't need to predict this 'threadfall' thing, the star chart reading techniques would very much come in handy. The skies were so clear over the Vault's location, with the ocean nearby and no 'light pollution' to interrupt the view. Navigating around the Commonwealth itself wasn't hard, but she'd walked nearly a thousand miles in the couple years she's been alive, and it would be terrific to have a dragon friend to keep her company on those journeys.


Origin: Dawn Watch Weyr Hope Court? ** Chariot? Knight of Wands?
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