Name: Trinity

Gender: Female, pansexual

Age/DOB: appears 30s / inception RY10

Origin: created in Rookery / Rapture facility of Vault-Earth basis dna

Family: clone of Aretha, with sister Dejanira; in RY12 she and Aries decide to have a child, and Norma is their first

Other: Is very likely to find love in all the wrong places, but she doesn't mind those wrong places at all... she's had romantic interludes with both Preston Garvey and X6-88 unlikely though that sounds, but also just enjoys the company of whoever is around

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 140, much stronger than her weight or height might indicate, she is more curvy than either her Prime or sister, but that is deceptive since it's enhanced strength and not just raw muscle

Hair: dark red-brown, natural afro, cropped very short, and usually under a hat as shown, more often than not the Silver Shroud's hat...

Eyes: like her sister, they are large and deeply blue rather than brown like Aretha's, and she likes wearing obnoxious sunglasses including 'fashionable' ones shown, but also the Cappy glasses nicked from Nuka World

Appearance: deeply brown skin with dark lips and no scars, since she is still 'fresh' from the cloning tubes. She has a rich voice and likes laughing, so there's usually a smile on her face; wears armor she begged to have adapted to the rigors of the Commonwealth, and though it's orange like Gordon's, it's not actually his HEV suit. Those layers of armor under it are showing the signs of that paint wearing off...

Genetic Abilities: Like her sister, she's benefitted from being altered from an other-dimensional dna sample, and has durability as well as strength on her side. She is strongly resistant to radiation or other side effects, and apparently can breathe under water - which is handy when she forgets she's wearing heavy-ass armor and it sinks her to the bottom of a lake. She is slightly faster than normal as well, but relies more on charm, wit, and charisma to get her work done - all of which seem to have strong genetic components in her case.

Icarus Processing: in a sense, yes, she was slightly altered by nature when duplicated in Rapture; she is around 3x stronger and 2x faster than normal, and has a strong Vortal connection to her sister and prime, at virtually any distance. Also she's pretty flexible once you get her out of that armor.

Image Credits: Bethesda, Valve(ish, modded)

Skills or Profession: as she is reliably the one to head up leadership in their Vault, Trinity concentrates much more heavily on communication skills, language, and interspecies relations - like her Prime, she... experiments with whoever will be around, be they ghoul, supermutant, robot, synth... sure human too whatever. Good with getting heated arguments cooled off, she plays the diplomat with ease, and if she wasn't responsible for working with this new Vault settlement of theirs for the Rookery, she would be interested in taking over duties at the Institute for Levi. She believes in his course of action of unifying the area with roles available for everyone who wants to protect the place, and as such she may be trying to get raiders and mutants alike to join their extended population. Maybe not living in the settlement, but certainly keeping the peace nearby. She doesn't shy away from fights, getting some distance away from enemies in combat. Though she hardly takes damage anyway, she likes hip-fired pistols and carefully-aimed sniper weapons most.
Personality: open and honest, she only resorts to being 'blunt' if the people around her really are that dense that they require it. Enjoys challenging conversations and games, and encourages others to participate even if they don't think they're 'good enough' for mind games. Genuinely wants to help educate everyone she can, she's looking for those with children to bring to their settlement. She is a little more snarky than her sister, but in a healthy way, knowing when to goad or nudge someone into action. And very much in keeping with her sister and prime, she has horrible taste in clothing and goods. Any traveling companions will certainly comment about how it's fine, as long as she's the one to carry all that junk she hoards...

Events or History: created with her sister Dejanira, from Aretha's DNA in RY 10, and sent more specifically to lead efforts at the Commonwealth vault. She does go out and physically visit spots very frequently, to recruit or make sure that deals are being upheld around the Boston and Acadia areas, as well as over in Nuka World. She definitely enjoys that park, now that it's been renovated, though they did decide not to build their settlement at the park. It is its own whole bag of raiders and ghouls and traders. Trinity is a capable leader for the time being, but also knows well how to delegate the responsibilities of the settlement, and won't hesitate to lend a hand when she can. She is more interested in getting their settlement ready for a new permanent residential 'overseer' when they come along, and will step down to a more observational role when that happens. Until then, she is very much a search-rider in style.

She spotted this location on a hill overlooking a lake and several interesting landmarks, and stood on in wonder as the 'vault' part of it was moved by the Lanes. She would like there to be a little more cover, but the Vault structure is extremely hardy, and she lets the inhabitants know it. Trinity takes her duties there seriously though, and makes sure that even with Deja's expert filtering, if there are conflicts among the settlers, they get dealt with immediately. She does go out and collect clothing, armor, weapons, and whatever else her settlement needs, but also requires the people there to pull their own weight.

Speaking of: this is on her personal computer terminal. Recruitment Drive! (( Notes from interviews of other settlers ))

Adalyn - cute blond, good with kids and very protective, want her on duty if the kids are up, she's always attentive and they seem to really like her too.
Alice - yeah I ... really need to stop giggling when I talk to Alice at her... *snerk* restaurant. A good woman, great listener, I like her. She is trustworthy.
Amelia - a former Gunner, thanks to them leaving her for dead. But she's a great armorsmith, I can't wait to see how our guards and scouts get outfitted.
Aries - Amelia's partner on the armory, and ... oh is he on my checklist of 'people to see, things to do'... no reason. Oh wait, yeah reason. Tall dark and handsome, strong, loves to wear the Pack outfit? I'll take it.
Avery - quiet girl, I know she'll do well on the farm, but I do hope that she blossoms here. Losing most of her family is rough.
Chad - good cook, digs the chef hat I found for him. Also loves big guns, so I'm gonna hook him up so he can do some proper big game hunting, and I can watch.
Damian - how do I keep finding people with such weird names that are oddly appropriate for a role here? It's kind of a shame he's a preacher, I don't really 'do' religion.
Dan - oh Dan, you're such a beautiful nutball. Mel's gonna have a good time with your dna. Maybe I should help. Tending the animal pens, I mean. Of course. >_>
Darece - Weaponsmith, a great foil for Amelia at their counters, she likes being kept busy, so I know we'll see some wild stuff coming from her work bench.
Dora - wife of Leah and mom of Daryl, our resident tailor. She's super good with her child's needs, I love watching her work with everyone else, too. You can just see the love in her.
Gene - he's a bit eager to get people into his office and do 'work' on them, but hey he also knows how to actually do surgical healing. He does sorta creep me out.
Hognose - what a great Supermutant nerd he is, I love it. Of excellent use to infiltrate nearby mutant hideouts, he thinks it's fun too.
Holly - a planty name for a gardener specializing in herbs and medicinals, not to be confused with the kid of the same name. *repeat as needed**because I need to remember...
Hope - runs the clinic, and keeps a tight ship there. She's good with problem patients, and is a bit of a clean freak, so it's a good thing I brought along some of those clean-room suits from the Institute
Howard - one of our resident rescue Synths, hooked up with Willow, he's so good with keeping Wakefield healthy from the eyes to the toes. I'm glad they chose to find some fliers among the dragons, he's the only one that can keep up with Willow's imagination.
Joan - this gossipy gal, our postal and news deliverer, is gonna love the printing press I found in the Hubris Comics basement. Come to think of it, so will Willow.
Joanna - even if she doesn't realize she's a Synth, testing proved it. But she's a good landscaper, happy with her duties, and that's all that really matters. She designed the park in the upper level of the below-ground area, and it's lovely!
Kenshin - hardly recognized him after he showered and got new gear, I had no idea he was blond... Up in the Pitt I guess all that horrible ore and runoff really does a job on you.
Kim - Helping out with the weapon assignments, keeping them clean and functional, and responsible for doling out ammo to guards; adorable redhead, more chipper than an arms dealer really should be.
Leah - wandering farmer who had access to a lot of unusual seedlings from way farther afield than I expected. Put to good use here, that's for sure.
Leslie - One of Howard's Synth pals, with a refreshing attitude and an eye for bartering scrap he finds and fixes up. Good handyman, patient, devilish barter skills. Great hairline.
Lois - Robotics expert with a name that makes him a target for some idiots thinking 'guys shouldn't have a lady name'. He will fuck your shit up if you insult him, and I get to watch, so bonus.
Mia - girlfriend of Stella, she runs the produce stand and deals with travelers a lot better than some. A bit on the demanding side, apparently high-maintenance.
Quantum - a Nukalurk mutant, I'm so happy she came with us when we asked. Hopefully she'll find a good dragon that is as pretty as her fins.
Randy - third of the Synth group, we've put him over in the Clinic area with the chems, he's really super brilliant at chemistry, not just for shooting up but for explosives and even tonics.
Rhianna - Someone said she had to be a singer, that someone was Howard, as they left the Institute. She's a Synth singer, no one could possibly guess how lovely her voice would be if all she was doing in the Institute was sweeping hallways.
Rick - gruff hunter and butcher, from up in the Bar Harbor area, he's where we got some of the protective gear and weaponry available for the settlers. Watching him chop up a brahmin is amazing, but I know he's hacked into worse flesh.
Rose - she claims she's a farmer, and always has been, but she's absolutely an ex-Gunner. I'd trust her to pick up a gun again if needed, but hopefully if she wants to remake herself here, she'll be whoever she wants to be.
Sammy - if this guy puts on any spikier Trapper armor he won't be able to sit down. I'd like to sit down on some spikes of his though. He's a scavenger, not a Trapper, came south from Bar Harbor with all that weird ass armor and some Vim pop.
Stella - girlfriend of Mia, she runs the meat stand, after Rick hacks up the meats. She does like the Pack outfit she got, and looks good in fur and a tank top. I better stop looking, because Mia is the jealous type.
Tart - our Supermutant from the DC area, terrific guard and tactician, I think she might also want to start a records room for everyone in the settlement. Need to find a typewriter or keyboard big enough for her fingers. And a screen that won't break.
Vic - our second Nukalurk, good kid, I think I can call him kid safely. He loves running around underground, and is super conscious of his surroundings. We'll be expanding underground with him at the front of the digging team.
Willow - head in the clouds, I love this girl almost as much as Howard does. Diamond City did her no favors, I hope that with a dragon to fly, she can match her imagination with reality. Though she's the settlement's barber, I think we're going to put her on as a teacher in her spare time, she's great with the kids and teens.
"The Pack Of Kids" - Daryl, Clint, Debra, Holly (the younger) and Cody, Amir, Christiane, Layla, Becky, Max, Peggy, Ken

She updates this listing when new potential settlers are on her radar, and she has her eyes on some Synths that are still wandering the Commonwealth... for another settlement up north near Acadia. With plans for such a strange place roiling around in her head, she'll have to confer with Levi, Deja, and probably Lane to figure out just how to work it up.


It had surprised a few people that even though she was busy sending settlers away to far distant worlds, finding dragon clutches that would suit them well... neither Deja nor Trinity yet had found a dragon themselves, so one of the farmers scooted their pamphlet over as they'd chosen already. It was pretty easy to see that Trinity wanted to find a dragon that wasn't ... all frills or fancy. She still needed to blend in, somehow, but have a dragon that could help in her duties around the Commonwealth. Flying, 'check'. Dedicated, 'check'; range of skills to both fight or identify potential settlers, 'check'. That all looked a lot like an 'old world' Weyr, or at least something similar. It would be to Darkling Dawn, a well established location that had served others that Lane asserted he investigated before starting his Rookery, that Trinity would go.


(some from hatching)

A good dinner was being served at the Weyr, and Trinity relished it. She felt... older than most of these candidates, so many of them were in their teens. But then of course she reminded herself that she wasn't actually anywhere near as old as they were. The stranges sound came to her ears, and it was clear that those native to the dragon worlds knew what it meant right off: the eggs were starting to hatch! The people in the dining hall stuffed rolls and meats into their mouths (and a couple into pockets) as they hastened to get down there... The candidates were gathered separately, now would be their time to shine - or to walk away unbonded. They'd all been warned that it might happen, and the fear was plain on some of their faces. Trinity wasn't really sure whether she would be fantastically disappointed if she wasn't chosen by a dragon, after all she'd been without one all her life and only barely had the time to adjust to the fact that it was possible anyway. ... She shook her head: that was Aretha's memories, not hers. She was made with this in mind. So steeling herself, Trinity marched in with the rest, and looked at the hatching sands with clear, amazed eyes.

The eggs had been there to be touched and listened to, shown off while they were in classes, as long as the mother would allow them to remain. Now, she showed off those shaking eggs until they started to burst open. The dragons humming and noise finally stopped, and dragon after dragon hatched from those colorful shells. So many - though she'd been told that this was hardly the biggest clutch that the world had seen. Finally there were only four eggs left, and... and Trinity did start to get a weird sensation. Was it fear of rejection? That she actually ... wouldn't impress? Or was it something else entirely?

With the trio of greens Impressed, there was one egg left unhatched, rocking in place, though the dragonet inside was clearly struggling to get out. After another struggle to crack the shell, a sigh was heard from inside the shell, and Trinity heard the hatchling. May I please have some help with this. I've almost cracked it, I'm sure, I just need to find the right spot. If you don't mind.

Once she was sure the dragon's words were for her, Trinity stepped up eagerly enough, and with an extra pair of hands, the dragon managed to crack a hole in the shell. A small blue hatchling crawled onto Trinity's lap and blinked up at her with whirling eyes. Ah, there you are. My name is Corenth , Trinity.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and more. "I'm so glad you're here, safe. You can always rely on me, Corenth, always."

You should always rely on me too, my one, but after food! and... and sleep? that was so exhausting... His little mind-voice trailed off, he'd been fighting with the shell for the whole hatching, after all, he was tired.


Name: Corenth
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-small 7'9" s / 24' l / 28' ws
Colors: strong blue on all body parts, wingsails slightly faded, more denim-blue neck ridges; eyes change, light claws
Features: pernese with split tail, large paw feet, and 3-fingered leather wings
Powers: Winged Flight, Corenth is a steady flier, but definitely prefers cool, windless days or early morning flight to anything more blustery. While he's not afraid to fly in storms he wants to make sure that his rider and anyone else entrusted to his care don't get hit by lightning or slip off and fall. He isn't one for acrobatics, and it's likely he will be hesitant to fly in a mating ritual because he's more polite than aggressive.
Teleportation / Between, he does have a great understanding of where he needs to be if he teleports, and appreciates the detail that his rider's mind can offer him in that regard. He's apt to find a landing spot 'somewhere nearby' if it's a relaxed flight 'port, because he doesn't want to surprise anyone and get shot at. He has a decent amount of time spent heading between the Rookery and the Vaults, and though he's not going off alone jaunting as such, he will confidently move between dimensions with his rider and her chosen searched.
Telepathy, he has a smooth and kindly voice mentally, and seems apt to 'watch' or listen in to conversations before joining them. That does mean he's listening in, though, explaining that as needing to keep track of things in their Vault. He can easily speak with virtually any intelligent mind at up to 2 miles, and dragons or his rider at any distance.
Assisted Firebreath, he does not chew firestone, prefering to leave the supply of it to those who need it for actually defending the Vault. This ability will carry in his descendants should have sire any, however.
Parentage: clutch #41: Pernese Gold Jasmith x Pernese Brown Anubith
Origin: Darkling Dawn
Other Info: Calm, diplomatic, with excellent knowledge of proper manners