Name: Dora Vickers

Gender: Female, gay

Age/DOB: 28 / 2258

Origin: Vault Earth, Commonwealth, Diamond City

Family: wife Leia Vickers, adopted son Daryl

Other: her birth family disowned her, Upper Stands snooty bunch that would rather have forgotten they had a daughter, than 'allow' her to marry another woman

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 135, thin but not bony, tends to tailor things for herself that make her look slightly more curvy than she is

Hair: Rich charcoal-brown nearly black, thick and slightly wooly, kept back in a braid, when it's down it is loose afro and comes to below her shoulders

Eyes: dark hazel mixture of denim blue and nutty red brown, shiny, small eyes with slightly upturned brows

Appearance: light brown skin with a small number of scars and freckles, typical of someone who grew up reasonably pampered but learning a trade that occasionally meant scissors, knives, or needles in proximity to a child's inexpert hand. She has a straight broad nose, small but pretty lips, and a quiet but not 'soft' voice; she wears the fruits of her own labors, as well as things she dolls up after having found them in abandoned locations, and looks good with them on

Genetic Abilities: though it doesn't appear to be a proper 'power', she has an uncanny ability to guess volumes, sizes, distance, and overall dimensions of objects or places. This has certainly helped her in her tailoring tasks, since she can size someone up the moment they enter the shop, and pick out something suitable to their size.

Icarus Processing: none, though Melissa has also tested her and found no negative markers, so any children she engineers for Dora and Leia will be treated and likely benefit greatly

Image Credits: Bethesda

Skills or Profession: Trained since childhood as a tailor and with modest shopkeep skills. She prefers to create and make things, rather than sell them or push wares, and concentrates on her tasks quite well even among the distractions of Diamond City's noise. She has an excellent eye for patterns, textures, and possible uses for discarded items, and will pick up nearly anything sitting around - even those on long-dead skeletal remains - and decide what to do with it. She can spin new thread from old items, all but dust will return to a useful state with her diligent work. She knows how to use a loom, dyes, and sewing machines, though she only has access to limited quality of those items - she's looking forward to either having them built for her, or found in the surroundings. She is also quite adept at childcare, and puts kids to work on simple tasks for the shop as well as others, in the Settlement. If required, she can defend herself, and will absolutely put cloth scissors into a Raider's throat if need be - and then complain quite a bit that that's 'not what they're supposed to be used for'.
Personality: mostly quiet and private, but can put on a 'shopkeeper' face to interact with people. She's defensive about her past, but that's also where she grows fierce: she defied her parents and grandparents, even as she was turning out to be their best option for replacing her mother in the shop. She doesn't go out of her way to avoid men, but does not prefer their presence around her nearby - probably stemming from early life among the Upper Stands and their attitudes. Dora would rather be busy and working than bored in the front of a shop, and is very glad that the Settlement is new and needs her pretty much constantly.

Events or History:

"Oh I am not wearing that," Dora said, as she saw one of the farmers new to the Settlement walking by. "And she should not be wearing that either," the disgust in her tone was pretty clear, and also straight from her Upper Stands background. Realizing that, Dora clamped her mouth shut and looked away, but not sheepishly. Trinity watched this with interest. After all, she'd brought all these cast off clothes from Nuka World at some expense.

Mostly at the expense of the raider gangs wearing them, and her own supply of bullets, but that was neither here nor there.

"I mean, you've brought your own," Trinity said, "so I'm not insisting on it, obviously."

She watched as the slender tailor returned her focus to the bins along the wall of the Vault. Her eyes lit up, however, when she spotted a particular style of cloth folded into bundles.

"Oh now... what is this?" She eagerly opened the bin fully and gazed on the results with what Trinity considered delight.

"It's from a gang called the Operators," Trinity explained. "They did have style, that's for sure."

Dora touched the cloth, closed her eyes. "This is ... very nice. I think it's silk, it's so rare..."

Though Trinity was going to try engaging her in further conversation, trying to get a better idea of her background and potential in the Settlement, Dora was absolutely intent on digging through that section of the storage bin now, and her partner Leia came up beside the Vault leader. "She'll be like this for a while, best to leave her to it. You will enjoy the results, trust me."

"I'm going to put this on you," Dora asserted when she heard her partner's voice, "look at this, this is perfect for you - and probably me!" She held up the blue-grey paisely patterned outfit to Leia's shoulders. Though she clearly wasn't meant to overhear it, Trinity gave a soft grin when Dora whispered into the other woman's ear, "it's in your favorite blue!"

She left them to their collected efforts, pulling out different 'ranks' of those fancy clothes and discussing which might look best for what occasions. It was easy to tell that while she was certainly out of Diamond City, and her upbringing was snobbish, Dora held back from being a bit of a snot about it, and used her knowledge to produce excellent results. She - and her family - would fit right in.


Name: Threadbare
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 7' s / 29' l / 66' and 20' ws
Colors: *primarily brightly red with slight red-violet tints on belly, face, and armor; pinkish trim and spots; wingsails and neck web vibrantly sky cyan blue with butterfly patterning in dubdued powder blue on second wings; charcoal black horns, claws, ridges; strong blue eyes
Features: Rainwing Silkwing hybrid, strongly rainwing dominant with only a secondary set of small wings, and antennae, as well as their silk production coming from their Silkwing side; she is small even for a Silkwing, and can fit into most of the Vault's hallways below the surface, beyond the dragon section.
Powers: Winged Flight, Threadbare is good with low-altitude and complicated location flight in and among trees or outcroppings that serve very well in ruins and rubble now. She isn't durable or long-flight worthy, but will flit from tree to tree, or roof to rubble pile, for a few miles at a time.
Communication, Threadbare tends to be very quiet, but she can speak Draconic and English equally well, but also adds a sort of ringing hum with her antennae vibrating for emphasis, also she can shift her color spots to be very bright, as a warning or alert.
*Color Shifting, though she tends to remain in largely the shown color scheme, she is fully capable of consciously controlling her scales on every part of her body and wings. With effort she can display a pattern even as complicated as paisley rainbows, though not for a very long time. Normally though she lets her body remain in 'warm' colors like reds, oranges, pinks, and yellows, while her wingsails are 'cool' colored blues, greys, greens, and indigo.
Silk Production, though she looks much more Rainwing, Threadbare is very much a silk producer, using glands under her wrists, and she fully believes that her long curved Rainwing claws work much better to help her weave it into cloth for Dora, than a shorter or thinner claw. She can create a wide variety of non-sticky threads, from spider-silk-thin to heavy knotted wool, all of which lasts through thick and thin, and often is used to create weather resistant clothing for the Humans. Her silk is colorless, or actually a very pale ivory shade depending on its thickness, so it must be dyed in order to have any color at all.
Rainwing Features, heavy curved and extremely sharp claws help her grip into buildings or rubble easily, or trees, rocks, whatever else on hand. She tends not to use them to claw her way through things, rather just to get around town and weave patterns with her silk. She has a prehensile tail that is quite strong, agile, and acts as a 'fifth' hand, with her forepaws and wing claws being the others. Though she can lift reasonable weight overall, since she isn't very strong in the air, she can drag things with her tail. She lacks any venom or other such offensive capabilities from either side of her family, which is why she prefers a support role and not a patrol or hunt.
Parentage: unknown Rainwing mother and Silkwing father, unlikely to be found among the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from bi0nic-rapt0rs on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Carries a chest pouch which Dora fills up with scavenged cloth and other necessary goods for her tailoring duties, it's rarely heavy enough to imbalance her flight, and she really loves participating in the fashion presentations they do at the Vault