Name: Copperclaw

Gender: Male

Age/DOB: young adult, aged, RY13

Origin: Vault Earth, MoCon area

Family: Mother Aurie, unknown Deathclaw father; numerous other eggs from this nest; by extension Dallas is his 'grandmother'

Other: along with the rest of this naturally-laid nest, all eggs have been modified slightly and contain highly intelligent deathclaw-hybrids and not just deathclaws

Height: 8'7" at back crest (not including spines) when fully standing

Weight: yeah, a lot; very solid, all muscle obviously, but also that is a ton of bone and armored skin, too

Hair: none; protrusions, claws, and horns all grow in shades of highly metallic copper red through a paler yellowish shade

Eyes: strongly glowing copper-orange, small, under big armor 'brows'

Appearance: as shown, Copperclaw is a Deathclaw physically, and has all the expected traits of a male that will eventually become an alpha of a pack should he find a mate; his skin is generally the same as most other local deathclaws, but some armor and his spines glimmer in sunlight and are highly reflective - this feature may also cause him some trouble since some dumbass raiders may try and 'collect' that stuff... good luck with that... Notably however, he is not lumbering in his motion, and while he definitely can gallop along like the rest of his breed, he seems very precise and careful where he puts his big razor sharp claws; also he can speak...

Icarus Processing: technically the Plasmid treatment, while in the egg - just an exposure to it, not actively engineered since Aurie already has all the features desired among this line; physical changes may include the coloration, also the dexterity and agility shift

Image Credits: Bethesda

Genetic Abilities: human like postures and body language, and the ability to speak in a very rough voice in English, sort of. While unable to really enunciate, it's clear that he understands the words being spoken around him, and more importantly hears them long before people think he does. His senses are very keen, though not preternaturally so, he can distinguish animal noises from human speech and movement, and has learned how to identify both specific people and specific dragons by their breathing and footfalls. He has a good Vortal connection to his parent(s) (it's not clear how strong this is with his sire) and siblings, as well as with Express even though she's not typical of a telepathic dragon. Though he cannot command other unrelated Deathclaws, he is definitely able to cow them into submission and hustle them around if needed (away from crops and cattle, toward unsuspecting enemies). It is likely that he's fertile with modified humanoids as well as deathclaws, but it's also very likely that he'd only want to breed with appropriately large and sturdy females that will give him high quality offspring!
Skills or Profession: the Mojave wouldn't be complete without couriers to bring information here and there... he makes certain it arrives without incident. This taps his navigation skill, perception abilities, and occasionally his combat prowess. He knows the area by sight, scent, and sound, so he knows whether something is out of place just by sniffing the air or tilting his head a little. He can 'speak' a good number of phrases clearly enough that people understand what he needs to say - often 'delivery for farmer' or 'picking up gear bring to Strip'. If he needs to get more direct or detailed information to or from anyone, he can ask Express, because she, like Aurie's dragon friend, can speak more clearly than even they can.
Personality: surprisingly calm, but if you anger him or endanger anything he values, kiss your bodily fluids good bye because they will be spattered everywhere. That said, he's not a 'cut first' kind of Deathclaw - he waits and listens in, even to raiders or local gangs, because there's always a chance that they might have useful information or goods to move - he's been tasked by Dallas to try and sway anyone that they encounter, to the 'cause' of a united Mojave, a goal which is definitely shared by Aretha up in the Lucky 38. While he is absolutely terrifying if you're not aware of his origin, he's actually less scary than the dragon he works with, they love playing good-cop bad-cop with people...
Events or History: You wouldn't typically think a dragon needs a bodyguard. Technically Express isn't being guarded by Copperclaw, but what she's carrying. Copperclaw is there to make absolutely sure that whatever goods or information need to be delivered across the Mojave - get there and aren't stolen or interfered with by anyone. Given that he needs to make sure that items are received by the right people, he has established connections to those people and they have learned to eagerly expect his arrival.


Name: Express
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium (bulky) 10' s / 55' l / 86' ws
Colors: body from chin to under tail dusty pale greyish brown; face, legs and wing arms slightly creamy brown; side scales bright off-white cream framed and marked by cream-brown; dorsal scales and armor dark brown; wingsails mottled dust storm orange through tan with cloudy dark grey; dorsal fin mostly dusty orange; horns and claws black; eyes blue
Features: sandwing with standard features as shown
Powers: Winged Flight, speedy and sure even in stiff winds and dangerous conditions, she's in and gone before you even know it if all that's needed is a quick dropoff. She can carry a single massive weight such as a shipping crate with goods, if they're packed properly, but prefers smaller things like boxes and kegs or crates as well as letters or holotapes for more urgent use. She can carry that gear as well as Copperclaw though he has to be very careful and there are 'booties' where he can put his feet to avoid any damage to her wings or scales
Verbal Speech, like many Pyrrhan dragons who have dispersed across the Rookery, she speaks fluent English and Draconic, and has a good grasp on local slang
Sandwing Adaptations, ideally suited to life in the desert, Express loves the warm, dry air, and thrives without much in the way of water sources. She can withstand incredible heat and the biting winds with sand flung on it, and has strong tolerance for the little stinging (and big stinging) creatures like radscorpions and cazadores (though she doesn't like them around, but Copperclaw loves how crunchy they are!)
Venomous Stinger, the tolerance for those stingy things comes out in spades at the end of that tail. Her stinger is capable of piercing heavily armored animals or power armor, and delivers a devastating venom that can instantly paralyze and kills a human-sized creature within minutes. This venom lingers in the flesh but depending on who else is eating whatever she's killed, can actually add spice rather than simply also kill something consuming it
Fire Breath, her flames are bright, hot, but short in terms of distance they can reach, so she sometimes uses it in a bursting fan shape to crisp-fry the flying bugs around, or just scare the crap out of groups of foolish raiders, however it can definitely kill bunches of smaller animals at once and truly hurt humanoids in the blast; this is best at less than 30 meters at most, and highly effective at 20
Parentage: unknown pure Sandwings, was very young on arrival to the Rookery, but spent some time near the Ranch before coming to MoCon
Origin: adopted from and colors by Synthwave-Terror on DA, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: energetic as a youth, she's just barely adult enough to 'do her own thing'; New Vegas is an absolutely great place to live and work, she loves getting to know the people that she and Copperclaw serve