- mature subject matter

Name: Dallas Arroyo

Gender: Female, infertile, aro

Age/DOB: 30 / 2250

Origin: Vault Earth, Mojave area

Family: Deceased, had been living in a university, but were driven out by the presence of Ceasar's Legion, and later taken as slaves by a group claiming to be the Brotherhood of Steel - however they absolutely were not, they were merely slavers who had stolen a considerable amount of Brotherhood gear on raids. Notably, Dale Brooke is her 'cousin'.

Other: She had been assaulted on numerous occasions as a youth, and rendered infertile by the injuries she sustained. This has not really played into her life particularly, save for being a bit sad and jealous of those who have families; though listed as 'aromantic' she has strong emotional connections to some of her city's people, and is not afraid to amid she loved the now-dead James

Height: 5'8"

Weight: ~150, very well muscled, proportioned, and quite strong though she doesn't necessarily always look it

Hair: medium brown, slightly coppery in bright light if it's washed, which it rarely is. Kept short, occasionally pulled back with ties or bandana, usually looks cropped and shaggy

Eyes: brown, large, under accusatory brows, and usually narrowed in thought or peering intently at something or some one

Appearance: lightly tan skin with numerous scars, particularly those around her wrists, neck, and upper arms thanks to the slavers; usually a bit on the scruffy and dirt-encrusted side, wears comfortable and functional clothing with heavy work boots and sometimes adds protective gear. However, she also is a surprising master of disguises, and has a ton of varied clothing that allows her to move unseen among different groups of the Mojave; has a gritty, quiet, somewhat fierce voice, and has a very large vocabulary having been raised in a university area

Icarus Processing: none, though Melissa and others have said repeatedly that she probably would benefit in unusual ways

Image Credits: Meiker Divine-lyn Team Phoenix

Genetic Abilities: no overt abilities, however she is clearly able to perceive personal details and motivations just by looking at someone. She has very strong empathic perception, and this allows her to blend in with groups, or spot suspicious activity among people that she doesn't even know. Her memory is remarkably strong, and those details she sees seem to be lined up and ready for comparison in her mind at will. Her charismatic abilities are surprisingly strong with non-humans, particularly Deathclaws and Dragons.
Skills or Profession: leader of the Quarry, a group of former slaves brought from the Mojave hills into what used to be known as the Pabco Gypsum lot, which was also situated directly next to a massive solar farm. Her intelligence distinguishes her from most laborers, in fact from most humans in general, and she uses her smarts to their advantage. She knows how to use stone cutting tools, machinery, vehicles, and even explosives found in a mine, but prefers smaller tools and survey equipment over outright huge devices. That said, she also is remarkably well educated, partly because they returned to the university to pick up as much as they could, and she leads expeditions there frequently when times are calm. She knows the area at a glance, and can use maps and satelite images to plot out moves. She is a remarkably good tactician, having freed her group from their captors in a massive battle that left the fake-Brotherhood completely destroyed, and several other groups impressed enough to begin trade routes with them. Since that point as well, she's the one everyone looks to for organization and instructions. Being able to root out spies keeps her constantly vigilant, and hardly anyone doubts her when she brings out her sword for some executions. Yes, she uses a very old katana - found in a museum near that university - that has been fully repaired and kept up. Not fancy use, she reserves it for close up stabbing and cutting heads off traitors. She has a good speaking voice, commanding attention and keeping it with sure spoken words.
Personality: one might call her 'bristly', she does not like people getting too close to her, but she absolutely trusts some folks, and has demonstrated her desire to make sure that her people in the Quarry are kept safe. She is demanding but sensible - she won't put the wrong person on a task, and is always open to suggestions for who is best where. She has never hesitated to just outright kill someone if she's offended, cornered, or knows they're up to something. So far, she has never been wrong about any of them. You might think she's cold, but she is very professional and keeps her private thoughts to herself. That doesn't mean she feels nothing for people, in fact the opposite, she is passionate about keeping everyone well and safe, and anything that gets in the way of that goal is going to have a bad day. She will soften her hard exterior a bit around a few people, and some creatures, not the least of whom is her dragon, but also a family line of Deathclaws.

Events or History: her parents left a nearby Vault and settled in the ruins of a university north of Vegas, and protected as much of the place as they could, hiding books and maps, making sure that displays were secure, as the 'Brotherhood' attacked. Her father died in that attack, and she, her mother, and the few others that were with them were taken south to the quarry where she remained as a slave. Though she was quite young, she was abused regularly by the men, and once her body gave out they put her in the quarry proper. A steady stream of other slaves were brought there, and over time she figured out ways to strike back. When she was 17, a group of 'actual' Brotherhood arrived in an airship - and she led an attack on it that not only took out the fake ones, but every living person that it fell on - a huge battle for the location, that the Quarry people decidedly won. She'd used a clever tactic to get one of the fakes to release the explosive collars that the slaves all wore, and put them together into an explosive surprise attack launched from one of their mining machines. Obviously she still has a deep mistrust of anyone wearing the Brotherhood's gear, though she knows now that they were not actually that group. The plans she learned about - that the airship was to bomb and ruin the location for anyone's use - would have killed all of them anyway. Allowing the three rival raiding gangs that had come following the airship to scavenge what they could find among the wreckage, she gained points with all of them, particularly with a small band of Great Khans who had come along from the north-east. Separated from their peers who wound up near Bitter Springs, those would eventually learn the fate of their main party... and remained in the Quarry to guard, learn, and supply the small township with medicine and drugs. From them, a young man named James rose in her ranks of close companions, and he was her trusted right-hand man for a decade, before the Legion once more began pressing southwest. Though the Legion did make it through their area, it was at a cost to everyone - the Quarry blew up the encampment that the Legion had set up, from underneath in caverns, making it clear to the Legion that this place was not going to be won. But as they passed, James was gravely injured, and brought back to the Quarry, memorialized by a neon sign made in his honor. This grave site became known as the Neon Church, and soon everyone's dead were brought there for some kind of memorial. This plays in to her realizing that a very odd Deathclaw was considerably smarter than she looked, and the massive lizard's own mate's trophy skull was placed in this location for her to mourn. That's her own story...

At some point, however, things started getting... weirder. As the Quarry was self-sufficient with the solar farm nearby and fresh water from Lake Mead (dug deep), it was clear that the Legion wasn't going away until that lady who took over the Strip showed up. Aretha kept tabs on things in the Mojave at least as thoroughly as Dallas would, and when Aretha showed up with... a dragon, it was easy to see where this could lead. The Quarry is known to have a large Vault connected to it now, Vault 26, where they've been moving the university's contents for a few years. It was there that she found her long-lost family, the Brooke clan, whose name was altered to suit above ground (arroyo is indeed 'brook'), though she and Dale are not remarkably close she respects him and they're working on ways to make his dragon comfortable.

It wasn't too long after Dallas's 30th birthday that the big silver dragon known as Hematite Fire came to her side, and they've been patrolling the north-eastern side of the Mojave Conglomerate ever since. Late that same year, RY11, was when she commissioned Melissa to work with her to create a more formal union of Deathclaw and Human, starting with Aurie.


Name: Hematite Fire
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large 13'6" s / 80' l / 115' ws - notably, can be bipedal, and stands 30' tall at the head when she rised on her hind legs*
Colors: silvery graphite and light grey, with belly bearing small white specks, body and wing arms reflective in stripes, wings having large extremely shiny patches; making her look somewhere between a statue and liquid metal; ventral wingsails are yellow-gold, orange, blood red, and blackened red mottled and have narrow sweeping brilliant-reflective gold streaks; claws, horns, back spikes all vary from bright white to silvery graphite; eyes red-orange
Features: Raptorwing
Powers: Winged Flight - huge and strong, if Hematite takes to the air, she means business. Most of her breed are runners, however, and she is not as graceful in the air as she'd like to be. She can fly with incredible power, but only for a short period. She prefers not to be used as a draging ... dragon, she's built for scaring and protection, not for labor.
Running - Raptorwings have big hind legs and claws that dig into virtually any surface easily, she can run on four legs or two, preferring four so her wings can balance and boost her turning. Though she cannot attain the fastest speeds of her breed, she still tops out around 60 mph and can maintain that speed on a flat stretch for over 50 miles before tiring, at which point she often just takes to the air to give her legs a break, and then is back at it when rested. Because her spines are extremely dangerous, she cannot really carry people or goods on her back, but she does have special carrying harnesses for neck and chest that can hold several people or crates.
*Bipedal Ferocity - be warned, because if she's standing up like this, you are going to be absolutely fucked. Do not stand behind her, her tail lashes for balance, and her wings are usually outspread in a massive fire-colored fan. She can use her wings to blow down basically anything that's standing, and has been known to leap into the air, and smash into the ground with such force that entire buildings crumble. She is for all intents and purposes a massive wrecking ball and if needed, she will smash things out of the sky or on the land until nothing is left.
Claws, Claws, Claws - and spikes, and teeth and horns. Raptorwings are known to be extremely physical, and that's due to their lack of a breath weapon. Her claws are sharp enough to simply cut through solid stone, and living in the Quarry area that's quite handy indeed. Her people are known to work mines, mostly salt, but stone is just as fun to stomp around in. She yearns for the day when another airship like the one her rider has described will show up, because she totally wants to pop it.
Communication, though she's hardly the smartest dragon in the Mojave, Hematite is gifted with language skills and can speak Draconic as easily as English, and she speaks with the Deathclaws of the area and is learning some Mirelurk to boot. Because she's huge, she can just 'mutter' something and be heard half a mile away, and because she can mutter in Deathclaw, it isn't easy to distinguish her speech from theirs unless you know where she is at the time. It's pretty clear that some of the Deathclaws in the area look up to her as a kind of goddess, because look at her. She's stunning.
Parentage: Unknown, do not live in the Rookery or Vault worlds.
Origin: adopted from and fantribe by LunarSolstice981 with lines by x-tamara-x on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: though it's known that she is not a Titan Raptor, she absolutely acts like one. She is very much the protective mother type, just like her human friend.