Name: Dale Brooke

Gender: Male, trans, het

Age/DOB: 28, 2252

Origin: Vault Earth, Vault 26, Mojave

Family: alive but apparently disowned him, in Vault 26; Notably, his ancestors exited the Vault and settled near a university, he is related to Dallas, in fact his last name means the same as hers

Other: with the arrival of dragons and otherworldly people, Dale is extremely interested in their methods of perhaps remaking himself not just in image, but with DNA adapted and modified

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 180, strongly muscled, good upper body strength, and particularly strong arms from lifting and working with machinery

Hair: caramel brown, silky, kept short to stay out of his way

Eyes: strongly reddish brown, large and almond shaped, sometimes squinting at things

Appearance: light tan skin usually with grime and a few small blisters or cuts visible from work; though he is quite handsome with a dusting of stubble and light body hair, he has top surgery scars still, and pretty much everyone within the Vault does know that he's trans, and unfortunately most of them aren't all that fond of the idea; he wears loose fitting shirts and a modified Vault Suit overalls, heavy work boots, and has the scent of a machine shop around him; has a deep and slightly edged voice

Icarus Processing: none, but he has had extensive reconstructive surgeries and has access to very detailed records of DNA, biochemistry, and brain scans... you know, just in case? **

Image Credits: Meiker Shidabeeda Mage

Genetic Abilities: while none are overtly active, Dale's abilities with mechanical devices as well as intellectual pursuits are legendary among those in the Vault. If there's a broken device somewhere, call Dale. If you need a puzzle solved, grab Dale. His mind is like a steel trap and behind it is a long hallway of well-organized filing cabinets. It seems that his intelligence is genetic, as his memory is as clear as Dallas's, and his abilities with people are only slightly less strong. He does however have a different take on the charismatic-leader angle, as people are still a bit put off by his blustery nature, he uses intimidation and scare tactics, and those, Melissa asserts, are absolutely Vortal in nature. Also similar to his cousin, Dale's inherent understanding of non-human entities is amazing, from computer AI to literal Deep Ones, the elder things that reside in the deepest parts of the Vault's hollows all respond to him eagerly. This obviously extends to dragons. All of these things are ones which he really wants to exploit further, so can we get on with the... cloning or replacement body thing now? Huh?

** After meeting up with the Rookery and only a few months after befriending Oxbow Melissa did decide it was about fucking time that Dale get everything he needs. An Icarus-treated reworked body, which allows his weight to be reduced but only a little, he's much speedier and considerably stronger (about 3x and 4x respectively) than typical, and is for all purposes fully functionally male at last. He can use his intimidation as a form of Empathic attack, at close range even among groups he can just stare and people will stop whatever they're doing in terror. His Vortal senses are strong, and he can directly communicate with dragons, other Vortal minds, and the Elder thing below, at distances up to 2 miles.

Skills or Profession: though his family would have preferred 'she' go into the filing and paperwork side of Vault life, he absolutely did not want that. He picked up a wrench and a screwdriver and fixed toasters, radios, and intercom systems until someone in the mechanics department gave him a chance properly. He knows how to use tools of virtually any type, and can repair mechanical devices as well as lower-end computer systems, and is a remarkably good hacker. He's been working on creating hybridized computer systems, he loathes Vault Tec's systems, and thinks that the clunky interface and bad screen resolutions of his world need to be tossed out in favor of those that the Rookery has. He knows power systems, security, observation, and large scale machinery by heart, and has a minor interest (waning now with a dragon) in vehicles.
Personality: Socially he's... well, scary, prickly, somewhat sullen, but also demanding and precise with discussions and interactions. He has very few close friends, but those that are on his good side are extremely close. He'd much rather be working alone or with the Entity below, or Oxbow his dragon, than among humans.

Events or History: he'd always known he was different, always eschewed the party-dress and princess-dressup that his mother wanted him to enjoy, and by the time he was only 8 he knew perfectly well he was not 'a she'. When he was able to do his own research, having found a long-disused office with a functional computer in it, he discovered that there were pieces of medical equipment that could at least physically let him catch up to the boys in the Vault. He needed someone else to run them, however, and that meant that any kind of changes he wanted to make, had to be in secret, secure areas, with someone he trusted - and those were few and far between. By the time he was 13 however, and he'd made his deeper personality known at least to his parents, he started in earnest finding someone who could just rid him of the oncoming hormone 'threat', and helped him become much more visibly what he wanted to be. And though almost all of his age-mates were fine with it, most adults still sneered or called him a freak, you know the routine. He spat it right back at them, but since he was quite adept at his tasks in the Vault, they couldn't afford to lose him to the exterior... just yet. Around 18, he broke the Vault away from Vault-Tec's observation system, allowing him to see the deeper issues that had plagued their people for generations - they were all part of Vault-Tec's plans, and for that he hates them. He also knows, by having discovered that Elder creature below, that Vault-Tec's backing is ... less than human. Of any group to side with, Dale has chosen the Elder - because the Zetans that occasionally drop in with their flying saucers and ray guns are absolutely the enemy.

The dragons arrival has changed things for him, only a little. He makes more forays into the surface areas, enjoys watching Oxbow play in Lake Mead or other large waterways, and he is apt to explore where he can through the Quarry's tunnels rather than coming above ground.


Name: Oxbow, 'the bend in the river'
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (will be bigger by about 30% at full adulthood) 13' s / 60' l / 108' ws
Colors: Vault colors, buttery yellow with darker goldenrod shadows, creamy under armor, marked with vibrant white-blue bioluminescent patterns; backs of wings yellow; ventral wing sails, all webbing on body, neck, head, tail bright blue with 'storm swept' white markings; claws, horns black, eyes blue
Features: Leviathan
Powers: Winged Flight, though his wings tend to dry out somewhat above ground, he's very strong in the air, including during storms or with bad visibility conditions. As he's very big and broad, he can carry a lot, including supplies or people, on a harness that goes both over his back, and under his neck. He cannot really stay up above very long, in the desert at least, because his scales really want to be wet - but if he has easy access to a water way and can dive back into it, he can fly around for hours.
Water Power, on the other hand, his seaborn flight is amazing and long-term, and provided he has enough room he can travel for days on end without stopping. Obviously that's not possible in his current situation, however there are those between-world portals that the Rookery has put in, and ... well, you never know where he really is, if he sticks his head back out and it's all cold and icy? He's been up with the Borealis team. Maybe down in Rapture.
Underwater Adaptation, he has gills as well as lungs, and can tolerate pressure and chill as well as any Seawing. His darkvision is extremely good, and he can see in basically any low-light or bad condition provided there is enough space between particles (say in a sandstorm, or blizzard). He does prefer being near or immersed in water, and likes dim lighting best, but isn't blinded like some Leviathans might be in broad light. He can navigate in water environments somehow without even thinking about it, and has gotten stuck now and then in the tighter spots under the Vaults only to break free and cause a larger water connection to form. (Which then, others can come along and fix up - usually opening it but sometimes having to re-block it to preserve water locally.)
Communication, like most of his kind he can speak Draconic and Aquatic, using his luminescent scales to flash meaning while deep under water or in darkest night. However he also seems quite happy to speak English, though he doesn't have any further Vortal skill he can still hear and communicate with Dale easily.
Mandibles, an unusual feature for dragons, his face has heavy mandibles which allow him to grip flesh, scratch at stone, coral, or other harder substances, and he uses them to create interesting shapes with chunks of the Quarry stone brought down by Dallas. Also his head has unique sensory pits like snakes or fish, which he can use to discern heat or smell, though this works best in water.
Parentage: Unknown, they are not on the Rookery or Vault worlds
Origin: Adopted from and fantribe by LunarSolstice981 with lines by x-tamara-x on Deviantart; WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Given how odd it is to have a deep-sea dragon in the middle of the desert, Oxbow doesn't seem to mind it too much unless he has to be above ground for too long and dries out. He does most of his hunting through the portals, on the Rookery Earth, because food is a bit more scarce in the Mojave and he wants to let others have theirs. Sometimes he does fish and then bring things back, dropping them above and watching how baffled the humans and other creatures are, when a 50 foot long alien fish flops around in the desert sand. Personality wise, Oxbow is ... not quite the polar opposite of his rider, but he's much more approachable and nice, that's for sure. However they get along famously, Oxbow can help shape items and lift Vault machinery easily, and likes being relied upon for transportation.