Name: Logan "LOCK-ON" Locke

Gender: Male, homosexual

Age/DOB: 20@Arrival

Origin: Aperturth, though Hawaiian by family origin, he spent his later teens in St Louis MO

Family: Paternal Grandparents may still be alive, his parents both died in a shipping accident in Hawaii only about 4 years before the RC, and he was sent to live with them; boyfriend is Derek

Other: he is quite keen on starting that family that Melissa has hinted about, and is scheming about how best to propose to Derek

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 140, muscular and more beefy than he looks, compact body and strong legs, considerably bulkier than a 'radio nerd'

Hair: coppery brown, thick, straight but full, and usually kept around jaw length, with gel keeping it styled; sometimes shaves it off, but it grows very quickly

Eyes: Pale yellow, this color has changed, as he was born with darker brown eyes, and after the Resonance Cascade hit them they along with his power level altered pretty quickly, judgemental brows, but his smile honestly is echoed in them when he's happy

Appearance: tan-red skin thanks to his Hawaiian mother, his father had lighter toned skin; he might get chonky if he let himself, but he's very active so he hardly needs to worry about getting fat. Has a rounder face and hasn't lost much 'baby fat' in his cheeks, full lips, and a broad (broken) nose; virtually no body hair, and only the slightest number of burn marks and scarring around his hands, due to tool use; wears 'surf colored' clothing, and has a white pooka-shell necklace similar to the dark one that Derek wears; he is actually fluent in Hawaiian, and sometimes talks to himself using the language

Icarus Processing: none, his powers existed before the Resonance Cascade, and were affected reasonably strongly by it. However, Melissa is actually curious as to whether he would also take the Icarus process well too - and has assured him that the children he and Derek might have could be given the processing without issue

Image Credits: Doll Divine Potter

Genetic Abilities: An unusually gifted electronics genius, this isn't just because of his dad being very well trained and helping him with school projects. Logan could sense radio waves, electrical power, and circuitry long before he knew that other people couldn't do it too. He never suffered any lasting damage from electrical shorts, the scars on his fingers are because of heat and fire, not because of the electricity itself. He can take virtually any amount of electricity through his body, and stores some of it for later use - this sounds familiar, Natascha... But he rarely uses it as an attack, preferring to deluge a brain with weird radio garbled waves - though he can't really control the 'sound' of it, he can force a bunch of strong radio frequencies at a person until their brain just kind of gives up and they pass out. He didn't want to hurt anyone (else) with the amount of damage that could be incurred by his electrical discharge, and has been remarkably careful about it ever since that one time. His radio wave detection is pretty amazing, he can filter through incoming frequencies until he finds one he likes, and listens in on it for a while. Thankfully he can turn it off, otherwise he would be kind of crazy. He cannot tune it outgoing, but can spot anomalies in radio signals of all kinds, within nearly 100 miles. His electric control is quite strong, but highly localized, as he can turn items on and off without touching them, blow out any small electronics (or small animals), siphon the energy out of things at around 10 meters, and sense through a physical connection (while touching something it's connected to) for over 500 meters in a radius - not just the wiring itself (no sense in reading a 200 meter coil when it's just sitting there in one place, right?), this sense allows him to 'feel' an area before entering it, or sense whether anything in that area is in use. He can't also suss out physical shapes, but just whether there's something aside from the powered item or not. Once he knows the coast is clear, he can jump through those lines, often damaging them in the process, because apparently he is a lot for small power lines to handle... And wind up at the other end of a plug. He can do this through light fixtures, open plugs, anything that can easily be 'burst' - so not a microwave, because that would probably melt and kill him on exiting. This is also limited to around 500 meters but is best within 50. Of note, he is absolutely untrackable electronically, due to interference from him. He cannot control that, it does make things a little difficult for those trying to keep track of him - like Aperture - and this disruption does apply to small items such as power dampening control devices...

Offensive power: Average Radio Wave attacks---2x normal power level Defensive Power: Strong Electric defenses---5x normal power level Defensive Power: Very strong *Camouflage defenses---7x normal power level---This power is out of control Transport Power: Very high Electricity Riding (power lines)---3x normal power level

Skills or Profession: Logan is a sneaky one. After his folks were murdered - he knows they weren't in an 'accident', he heard radio chatter about them both before and after the fact - he went on a rampage attempting to find who it was that was talking about it. He never did, unfortunately, but he is confident that the Resonance Cascade did them in. His rap sheet on arrest included Unlawful possession of radio devices /Tampering with public records in the second degree / Unlawful surveillance in the second degree; so they were 'on to him', for a while. But with him moved to the mainland, and unable to really get anywhere with convincing his grandparents to help him, he turned to a life of spying and light blackmail to keep himself occupied. He's exceptionally good with all surveilance tools including cameras and sensors, radios, satellite dishes and in fact satellites, computers, small electronics, basically anything his powers can affect he knows how to use. It doesn't seem to matter what flavor of origin they have, either, he is equally good with these weird ass old-school Vault Tec things, as Combine radios ripped from soldiers helmets. He is also pretty decent with civil engineering type electrical duties, so he is reliably helping out fixing things on the Strip.

Personality: Focused to the point of obsession up until the Resonance Cascade, but then he seemed to be broken of that habit. He does have quite the nicotine habit, and does gamble quite a lot in the casinos on the Strip. Also he's a bit of a voyeur, and likes to listen in to supposedly private conversations. He helped wire up various monitor stations around the Strip, to aid Aretha's maintance of control, but he certainly uses them to add spice to his day. He is openly gay and rather casual about that fact too, though he knows that Derek is still gunshy about it because of that bastard father of his. Logan is very protective and will snap at anyone that hints danger toward his precious smolbean Derek.

Weakness: Addicted to Substance/Thing (very common)

Events or History: As above, when he was a kid he was all into the radio and electronics that his dad taught him how to use, and was highly likely to become a very good engineer, until ... well, until his parents were caught in a nasty murder plot. He is still unsure of what exactly they did or found, that led to this. He was only a young teen and had been more concentrating on his studies and having fun with his powers, not political in any way until that point. After then however, he became very angry, very focused, and tracked down a good dozen people who he followed day and night, until his arrest. They didn't really know that he didn't need the equipment he carted around to listen in on them, but they still didn't say much, out of paranoia overall, on those com units of theirs. He was sent to live with his father's parents in Saint Louis, which he was okay with for a while, but they were Aperture employees, and that meant he was under a little too much scrutiny. He didn't exactly run away, but spent a lot of time in his teens wandering around from Detroit to New Orleans, hitting up raves and gatherings, and it was at one of those where he met Derek. They were both arrested in the same incident, and were allowed to remain together, which was good for both of them - and everyone around them, because apart they would have done a tremendous amount of damage trying to get back together.

Though Logan's powers can certainly defeat any electronic device designed to dampen powers, they can't do the same for Vortal energies, and while they were on that bus, Soloman's abilities kept them both a bit sullen. They did spend a few weeks at the Mansion and Grounds, learning about the Rookery and getting hooked up with their awesome dragons, before moving out to the Mojave. Currently, they share a large suite at the Tops, but Logan works all around the Strip, mainly focused on keeping the electronics and surveilance equipment in the Lucky 38 up and running for Aretha directly.


Name: Datyk - rhymes with Static!
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Sport Biped 6' s / 12' nose to tail / 22' and 14' ws
Colors: body solid slate grey with slightly more graphite on belly/chest; tail marked in black; face eye mask, horns, and beak bright gold; crest black; wingsails solid black with gold markings on both sides of main arms, no marks on lower arms; eyes blue-static, claws white
Features: Bipedal Hathian Fira hybrid
Powers: Winged Flight, Datyk is a very good flier for her size, and can lift up to three human-sized weights and still fly steadily. She is fast in the air for short distances, and can maneuver indoors as easily as she could outside, including around tight corners and in bad lighting conditions - this is due to her Static power, below. She can't maintain speed for very long, or fly for great distances, but for doing on-the-job flights, and carrying goodies back from scavenging runs, she's a pro.
Teleport, on-world Datyk moves like wireless, filling the air with a buzzing sound as she comes and goes. Up to 40 miles at a time, and with about 6 ports before she is exhausted, Datyk teleports with confidence. Off-world, she is capable of returning to Carramba, the Rookery, and perhaps a few other locations only - though she also seems capable of interrupting constructed locations such as Lane creates, possibly because he hosted their hatching in his own sequestered construct.
Communication, she and her siblings are primarily telepathic, she can produce 'zapping sounds' similar to a tesla coil or other devices with her powers, but that serves only as warning or heads-up noises. She is intensely talkative to her bond and his boyfriend, and to an extent some other dragons or people that exhibit good knowledge of the same subjects, but aside from that she's nearly silent. She clearly understands all of the technical terms and verbal requests that Logan has for her, and is able to keep up with his needs even before he's asked.
Electric Controls; Datyk has three distinct abilities that stem from her breeding - control over electric Currents (level 6), Electronics (level 5), and Static production (level 2). She can power up nearly any battery, or even be 'plugged in' to a device requiring any form of electric energy for a short time. Generators are usually what she's found holding on to, they require no fuel when she's around. She can use this to attack creatures or enemies nearby, within 20 meters, with a positively devistating blast of pure electric energy. Robots beware, she will absolutely ruin them forever, to the point of frying all their circuits and permanently damaging all wiring inside them. If you want to keep a piece of electronic gear safe, please warn her in advance not to zap stuff while they're working on it! She has a strong casual ability to understand and create electronic equipment, from rebuilding a generator she's ruined, to rewiring (Vortally) a robot without actually damaging it with her blast. She can read data from some sources, but not all - she's better at those from Repuporsed and Twoarth, moderatly talented at reading Combine data on the Rookery, and is only barely starting to figure out how to 'hack' these really awful computers in Vault Earth. She thinks their electronics are garbage, honestly, and she's not wrong. Using her Static power, she could nominally cause minor static shocks to anyone in an area, but that's not what she uses if for - she can 'throw' it in front of her, very quickly lighting up an area with it before passing through, and it acts as a kind of static field of radar. She can sense through this field, and it doesn't really cost her much energy to keep it running, so she can feel around a ruined building more easily, and safely navigate it, before letting anyone else in.
Parentage: Mother Toko, father Amphithorinath, with several siblings around the Rookery
Origin: Carramba / Den hatching, by Lethe
Other Info: She's the kind of dragon that would bop her head with the music while she works, and in fact that's why she likes both Derek and Logan, she's friendly and nice, but not talkative.