Name: Rianna "REPO GIRL" Rendina

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: 22@Arrival

Origin: Aperturth, Los Angeles CA

Family: Unknown, had been alive when she was arrested in Texas

Other: yes, she ran away when she was 16 and began stalking one of her favorite rap stars. While he might have been okay with this... if she'd been older... what she wanted to DO with - or TO - him wasn't healthy to say the least; she defines 'unhealthy relationship' really

Height: 5'2"

Weight: around 100 on a good day, maybe if she's eaten; petite and compact, much stronger than she looks

Hair: two-tone naturally colored orange and rust, quite metallic looking in the sun if it's clean, kinked but not curly, quite thick, and to shoulderblades at longest, usually up as shown in a messy loose bun or hair tie

Eyes: quite green, envy green, almond shaped, with a strong epicanthal fold, under perfect eyebrows and over freckled cheeks, highly focused, a bit creepy because she tends not to blink if she's watching something with interest

Appearance: medium tan skin that freckles before it goes bronze, she carries features from her Philipino mother and Brazilian father perfectly fused. Thick and pretty lips, big teeth, and a heart-shaped face. Any man would find her beautiful - why not him? Simply adores green and yellow, and is absolutely fine in any condition of those clothes, though she does like to keep them from smelling so they're usually clean; her voice is clear and high, quite loud if she wants to be, but normally speaks in a conspiratorial hush, and does have a Valley Girl twang and vocabulary

Icarus Processing: None, but the Aperturth Resonance Cascade took care of that. She was always apt to seem like she knew what you were thinking, and daydream a lot, the RC turned those fantasies into reality

Image Credits: Rinmaru Post Apoc

Genetic Abilities: Do not look her in the eye, if you want to maintain any of your memories or indeed your personal space. RepoGirl has an incredibly strong set of empathic and control based powers, which can instantly give her every advantage in a personal faceoff even against powerful Pantheon. In fact she's at least as adept with her illusions and invasive mind reading as Paxton, though her abilities are short-ranged and temporary. All of the abilities shown below are best at 50 meters or less, though they work on any number of people within that area - such as a crowded stadium or music venue. She can tell the overall mood of a place, with empathy working at 100 meters, so she does know better than to enter a spot that isn't as easily controlled. All of her abilities are under her specific and conscious control, and she learned how to use them very quickly. As a tween when the RC happened, she was at the ideal age to truly exploit the changes made to her Vortal build. Her illusions cannot be resisted by normal Humans, but anyone with a Vortal background can attempt to see through them. It's quite difficult even then, because they're compellingly real and rarely offer clues that they aren't just 'what is really there'. She won't drop someone into a weird space-station or fierce jungle, she'll emulate the surroundings first and let feature creep take over until the victim is absolutely sure that 'this is all too real'. The more people that are being affected, however, the more exhausting the ability becomes, so she can and does select single or small groups of people to work on in a big crowd.
Offensive power: Strong Invasive Telepathy attacks---4x normal power level Offensive power: Strong Mental Illusions attacks---5x normal power level Defensive Power: Strong Empathy defenses ---4x normal power level
Skills or Profession: Her rap sheet on arrest in Texas - Kidnapping in the first degree / Unlawful imprisonment in the second degree / Stalking in the third degree. She was too young to really have started any compelling skill training, so her skill set is basically 'fidgety crazy-stalker teenage girl'. She does know all the best rap tunes, and has a decent grasp on how to sing, but mainly her skills overlap her Vortal abilities and that's about it. She can learn pretty quickly, however, and certainly understands that this world they're in with the dragons and stuff is absolutely serious business.
Personality: Weakness: Addicted to Substance/Thing (very common) She will smoke or drink anything. At least once. She really wanted to stay at the Grounds, because they had all that stuff in spades? They didn't particularly care for her energy - those dumb hippies thought that she was 'too intense'. But hey out here in the Mojave ... chems are so much better. She's indulged herself tremendously there, and won't likely come up for air unless someone forces her to use an Addictol to rid her of it... temporarily at best. Most people seem to realize that if she's stoned out of her mind, she isn't attempting to destroy people with her powers - and if she sobers up she might become addicted to doing that to people. Best keep her occupied with whatever's on hand. She doesn't mind shooting up.

Events or History: All around, Rianna should have been a star, and her powers would have proven it. But instead, the world went to shit and she didn't have any choice but to begin claiming her stardom the only way she knew how... By demanding pop sensation AdaMadam show her off to the world, in his 'final' performance... As she's among the youngest of the arrivals from Aperturth, and surprisingly young to have been put into the same program as the other convicts traveling to their new 'home', RepoGirl was at first a bit daunted. After all, their powers weren't working right, she was forced to sit in the same bus as these lunatics - and then they all started wigging out and becoming bugs and shit? The moment her powers were up and running, she knew that in order to survive, she had to keep a couple of the others on the bus 'placated' if not happy, and actually scored some kudos from the more sensible on board for doing so while they were moved around by one of the Lanes.

Once relocated into the Mojave, she quickly took a starring role among the Fiends, even adding some amount of logistics and sense to their chaotic behaviors. She does chew through 'consorts' in Vault 3 like crazy, but then again given how pretty she is, and how powerful, anyone that wants a taste of her can certainly offer the right gifts. They just usually don't make it out alive.


Name: Parsnip
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 8'6" s / 47' l / 78' ws
Colors: belly armor medium green; face, neck, body, limbs, wing arms, tail main scales pale faintly tinted yellow-green; all cell scales, face armor, back spikes dark green; dorsal armor from nose to tail golden yellow-green; wingsails and webbing, tail spade grade from minty pale green through yellow-green to goldenrod at wing edges, green toward head; claws white, eyes deep blue
Features: Pure Leafwing... well, maybe pure. maybe there's a teensy bit of Hivewing in there. maybe there's a lot.
Powers: Winged Flight, Parsnip loves to fly low and complicated patterns, able to scoot between trees and ruined buildings with ease, and is probably among the most highly maneuverable dragons in the Mojave. She can squish into very narrow areas, only to explode out and into the sky when her wings can spread. She's quick but not good for long flights, and can lift a decent amount for those short trips, but not gain much altitude, and loses much of her quick turn style when she's carrying anything more than her beloved rider. She can fly in difficult visibility, though not particularly well at night.
Communication, Parsnip is young, even born on the Rookery, so she's basically never bothered to learn Draconic. Out in this desert, who cares? The only thing that's really spoken is English and some amount of Spanish here and there, so that's all she knows. She speaks in a sweet but slightly snarky tone at all times, is almost always overdramatic. She does have a minor amount of empathic connection to her rider.
Extremely Toxic Plants and Scales, Parsnip lives up to her name and her family line, in that her powers are strongly suited to produce pain and death. She is keenly aware of the plant life around her, at all times, and can at will grow or wither them. But mostly she will take any existing toxins in a plant, and boost their effects strongly. She can do this to dead or processed plant matter as long as that plant had some form of toxin or poison in it. So yes, she can take a nettle that's been blown on the wind and make it super painful to encounter when it brushes up against virtually anything alive. She's responsible for creating stinging fences around the Vault, and plays with her prey: nearby in one of the fields that sat fallow too long, she's put up a very dangerous hedge maze. Fiends and others who are willing to dare it, will run this incredibly deadly gauntlet - whoever makes it out alive, can keep whatever they've picked up along the way, from all the other dead guys that made it maybe 20 meters in... She watches this not only from above on one of the nearby freeway struts, but through her power over those plants as well. And she's fair about it too - if someone enters, she won't alter the maze until they're either dead or out. But she does 'fix' parts of it, and make it that much harder for people to loot bodies, with vines and plants hugging those skeletal remains.
Bite Is Just As Bad As That Bark, don't get bit. Don't do it.
Parentage: Mother Fancy, father Chloroplast, may have siblings or cousins among the Rookery
Origin: adopted from Tropicat212, base by LunarSolstice981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Like her rider, she prefers the entertainment value of dangerous people, than outright killing them, and does like to have them linger rather than either giving up or doing too much damage to her precious maze. People have tried burning their way out, but that... just made the toxins airborne. She absolutely adores living up to dad's standards.