Dragon |
Name: Chloroplast
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 9' s / 58' l / 82' ws
Colors: body faded light green mottled with brighter and dark greens, head, feet, wingfingers and tail tip approach deepest greens; wing sails and spinal fins green-tinted yellow at tips to brightly mint at body, speckled with white/pale green; horns match face, claws black-charcoal; eyes bright cyan
Features: Leafwing (purebred), four slender, muscular legs with 5 and 4 short curved claws, thumb fore and heel-claw hind, two leaf-veined leather wings with 4 visible fingers, wrist thumb and elbow strut all with short slender curved claws; scaled skin with larger 'cell' shaped armor scales mainly on head and fronts of limbs, tail, and back, belly armored; from head to top of tail spined fins, split fins on tail, leaf-shaped spade at tail tip; head is angular with sharp nose hook, rounded jaw nubs, external ears, prominent eye ridges, and two elegant long upcurved back-swept horns
Powers: Winged Flight, a strong, durable flier, 'Plast is able to move through dense overhangs, tree limbs, or ruins with ease, and can nearly vanish into a canopy of trees with hardly a leaf out of place. He is not swift, but careful when he flies, so he can remain unseen if there are enemies, but he still prefers to let others fight rather than confront them directly.*
Verbal Speech, able to speak very clearly in English, Vort, Draconic, and several other languages to a certain extent. He's not very verbose, but can use the 'big words' correctly, and enjoys listening to speeches and poetry from any given species. His voice is high, hissing, he does have some trouble pronouncing Vort but can still get his point across.
Photosynthesis, Chloroplast loves hitting the beach or going to the rooftops to bask for hours on end, soaking up glorious sunlight. When he is at 'full' capacity, his wingsails and webbing almost glow a toxic-looking yellow-green. When he's 'empty' of extra power, they dull down into a greyish-green shade. While he can eat, he usually doesn't have to, provided there's a nice clear sun patch somewhere.
Algae Control, *when he flies, he can choose to land and produce small plant spores below his feet, or with breath, that will rapidly grow wherever he's touched, to the point of overtaking small structures within a day or so given enough light and moisture. He can also kill off plants, small and simple ones anyway, with a thought. Generally anywhere he passes will get a boost of power, and soon be hung heavy with drapes of brightly green algae and scum over the water. The water-covering is not dangerous for humans, in fact he likes to do this in order to help purify water sources for them. He can however also cause these plants to exude whatever toxins he's encountered, rapidly releasing them and dying.
Parentage: unknown, arrived to Rookery as a youth with others; Mated with Fancy, and is the father of Parsnip
Origin: adopted from Moonshimmer981, Joi Ang, Tui Sutherland et al
Other Info: Even though many from his homeworld are rather competitive and danger-seeking, perhaps because he can just soak in the sunlight around him, he doesn't really fell all that competitive, at least with other dragons. There's enough to go around! But where it concerns those nasty aliens and other invasive creatures at the Rookery, watch out. Because that's not their patch of light! |