Aeris Wallace


Name Aeris Wallace

Female, she/her, bi

Homeworld Rookery Earth born to Repurposed/Rookery cloning
Species Pantheon Splic Clone Human; born RY 6, aged from toddler to tween at 2 years
Totem n/a we don't need totems round here
Nut Spicy Macadamia, worth tolerating the heat and spice because the inside is smooth as silk
Class Junior, to graduate in RY 12
Smarts 5
Bod/Feet 7
Luck 4
Drive 1 (fly/ride 6)
Looks 3
Cool 4
Bonk 6

Self-Sufficient - while she enjoys food and drink, and actually breathing and sleeping, she doesn't technically need any of those things. She can casually photosynthesize virtually any multi-spectrum light, be it from a heat lamp or an alien sun, revitalizing herself or reducing the impact of hunger or thirst. She does best in at least modestly humid areas, but this humidity can be in one room of an entire structure, and she'll just home in on it. She can survive below water or in liquid without needing to come up for air, and while she might need to get out to rest about once an hour, she can continually sense through and purify it for her own exploration use during that whole hour

Water Control and Manipulation - Of all the things she can put up with, she will choose to drink fresh water, rather than filtering sludge out, but she can do that easily. She won't hesitate to hand someone a drink of that now-pure sludgewater and giggle while they sip it, though all of the impurities will still be removed and the taste will accordingly be just fine, she knows what was in it before... Aeris is capable of sensing water of any level of purity within 200 meters casually, or if she needs to search, up to 1km in a focused narrow cone. Purifying any water will result in a fine grain of sludge or presence of whatever had been in it separating out into its component molecules, so if it's gaseous it'll probably rise, if solid it will be at the bottom of whatever container she's working with, and neither will continue to interact with the volume of water she's working on, no matter how hard it might try. She can purify one gallon of water a second, and keeps this up for at least a minute without tiring. Otherwise she can collect water molecules in whatever state of matter it exists, though she can only form shapes out of liquid water. Using this talent she can 'sculpt' temporary shapes that waver and wobble and fall when she stops concentrating on it, which is handy for threatening to dump water on a campfire or prank an annoying classmate (something which normally she'd get into trouble for, but she instantly cleans it up with this ability too and hardly any instructor has ever even noticed). Aeris is also able to sense through liquid water, so there's always some kind of drip or puddle that she will place on the ground or in a spare cup, unnoticed, and at up to 200 meters she can detect vibrations such as voices and movement, at 50 meters can get clarity from conversations

Limited Telepathy and Empathy - as a Vortal child she is still quite capable of communicating telepathically though only in a small radius of 20 meters, and only to other telepaths. She can easily be sensed by any Vortal or psychic type, though her aura and mindscape is quite liquid-like


Practical Uses For Impractical Places +3 Aeris is the type of person that will assess a location and decide where to best put the pit traps and defenses. Not because she's paranoid or overly warlike, but because she loves seeing what happens when they trip and slip on that puddle. She doesn't really want to harm people with her pranks, but she will never hesitate to set up an elaborate practical joke and watch from the rivulet of water in the corner or the watercooler in the hallway. The much more practical upshot of this is that she is good to send in to a new place, figure out whether it's safe or needs work, and can also then, say, remove the pooled water in the carpets, clear clogged plumbing, and reduce the feeding areas of mold and mildew, others can then come in and more formally clean without being endangered


Navigation In Odd Places +3 Since she can walk around under water or in extreme fog and rain, she uses all of her senses including Vortal water sense to suss out a good path. This extends to aerial work as well as underground, and as long as there is a bit of water or moisture somewhere she feels comfortable in any of those settings. Riding her dragon is a bit of a workout, but she's learning how to extend her sensory focus in the bow shock of the dragon's shape, feeling all but through her wings

A Natural Green Thumb +3 Even if she is away from the apartment for a week, her ferns and ficus will be just fine on their own. If she's worked with a plant, it'll thrive in the right conditions but won't die if it's left to wilt or in the dark by others. She does have to check on people's motives - she won't do someone else's work if they're on a science project or involving their biology, not cheating for ya, sorry! But if she spots a plant in need, it'll be quite a bit healthier and happier when she's done chatting with it

Acrobatic As Needed +3 Though she is usually pretty relaxed looking, her mother's incredible flexibility definitely shows through in this generation. Climbing and jumping, doing spin kicks or flips in the air, dodging and rolling, all of these activities are super easy for her. Frustratingly these don't get reflected in her skill playing a video game, but she could do all the dodge-rolling and acrobatic fight-game moves in real life easily, and watches people playing those games to get inspiration for her next hallway crowd-weave

Knacks She'll Get You Back For That But Then You're Even +3 Aeris enjoys the friendly competitive nature of other pranksters, though she does sometimes have to remind them - maybe sternly - that she won't harm other people and they shouldn't either. She absolutely will 'start shit' with someone who is more cruel than funny, if for no other reason than to get them to stop badgering someone that needs a break from their behavior. Fully expecting someone else to play the one-upmanship game, Aeris feels that this is a great workout for her skills and powers, all in fun
Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Surfing / Dude / Excellent
2 Snappy Comebacks and Heroic Banter / Foxx / Excellent
3 Local Underwater History / Seagrove / Decent
4 Advanced Water Magic / Whisperwing / Excellent
5 Cartography / Lari / Excellent
6 Analyzing Military Tactics Through the Use of Video Simulation Modules / Synergy-Pattern / Excellent
7 Technical Writing / Wheeler / Decent
8 Make Your Own Planet / Ninhursag / Excellent
Pets lots of plants, they will grow around her anyway
Parents? Bitta and Algae
Siblings? Half-sister Martinique
Image From Meiker Wartime Hero
Other Info Has a terrific relationship with 'gramps and gramma' Virus and Ihrinnah, as well as numerous 'cousins' from their earlier batches of children. Even some, or perhaps especially, that were seen as 'boring' or 'lacking', because they're the ones who, like her, won't necessarily want to harm other people with their abilities but still want to show those powers off




Name: Zugucwuth (zoo GUK wuth)
Gender: Female, layer
Size/Shoulder/Length: small 6' s / 24' l / 40' ws
Colors: green base, celadon jade coloration on most of body and wings, darker at wing arms and wings near them, and dorsal from neck to tail tip; particularly darker portions are dotted with pale white-green starry speckle markings; very dark green-black lines on wing fingers, wing arms, on eyes, and from mid-back to tail tip only on spine; paler jade paired lines around lower legs
Features: atypical Pernese, four legs with short clawed 3-toed feet, two leather wings with four visible fingers and a prominent wrist thumb all clawed; head is rounded and bare, no frills on body, and tail tip is bare; otherwise fairly typical for a Pernese female
Powers: Winged Flight, Zugucwuth has mastered acrobatic flight in odd conditions such as deep fog, darkness, and just-barely above water. She loves dancing over the choppy waves past the surf line and doing tricks that will cause her to dive and surface quickly - she's doing so in the image! She's faster than typical but not a speed demon, and while she can fly for reasonable distances with her rider on her back but prefers short flights
Teleportation, very good at short-distance pops sometimes to bring just enough height to clear the surface of the ocean, but others to dodge windsurfers and gliders in the air. Can also concentrate on single-location targets at much greater distances up to 10 miles, as well as move between Twoarth and Rookery Earth pretty easily
Telepathy, a chipper and jumpy mind, smart enough to remember details about people or places, but not really good with technical information, so she keeps to what she knows. Aerial acrobatics and moves just like her rider, learned from watching others
Assisted Firebreath, doesn't use this power, won't bother learning, but it is carried
Telekinesis, has a stronger ability with this than typical, and uses it more often to keep her rider from slipping off her sleek neck while they fly around in fog or rain; works only at very close range but can be used almost as well as human-sized fingers at the tips of her wings or nose if she's peering closely at something smaller
Pink Flamingo Vaoth and Blue Sixth with added Tehndarinth (sparkly)
Mate/Offspring: none yet
Origin and Art By: Adopted from 8Siren with lines by Bronzehalo on deviantart
Other Info: gleefully participates in her rider's pranks, sometimes dropping into the sea and springing out with water clinging to her wings and body, to teleport over to where she's needed and drop all of it into Aeris' waiting Vortessence!