Dragon |
Name: Velvet Ant
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 11' s / 40' l / 62' and 50' ws
*Colors: Belly armor from chin to under tail, backs of legs blood red; face and fringe armor medium crimson with white insets*; fin spikes, main body/neck/tail armor, wing arms deep crimson, body with black and white insets; limb armor brilliant yellow; wingsails and neck fins blood red to yellow-orange grade with dragonfly cells; horns, claws, spikes very black; face inset white; eyes copper orange
Features: Hive-Rainwing Hybrid, almost entirely Hivewing in features, has Rainwing neck frill and venom, lacks Hivewing tail stinger
Powers: Winged Flight, Velvet is not quite like her namesake in that she has wings and knows how to use them. Speedy, though only for bursts, and strong, though again only in fits and starts. She isn't known for her lengthy flights, because she doesn't do them. Prefers to quickly get from one spot to another she can see, and rests while watching for anything interesting. Licorice could ride between her horns, but he chooses to live dangerously while she's flying and ride right on her back with those sharp spikes... She doesn't carry other people. And she doesn't lift stuff for anyone but him.
Communication, using a scary sounding voice, she has a strong English vocabulary including a lot of the technical language that her rider uses. She can speak Draconic and understands Vort and some Latin. She does also have the ability to shriek in warning, though sometimes she just does it to watch people jump. Her mind is keenly aware of Licorice and his siblings.
Venom Like Crazy, Velvet's name comes from her likeness to an Earth-born wasp species, and takes that to an art. She looks beautiful, but those colors are there to warn enemies. Her venom cannot be spit, but does come out in drool sometimes so if she licks a thing it's definitely going to be coated in it for a time (about 24 hours) before it becomes inert. That venom if injected will kill anything smaller than a horse within hours, and in those hours it will be in incredible pain, well aware of its own demise, and still ambulatory: which she loves. Because that way it'll pump through their body even better. The lab guys at the Rookery handle this material with extreme care - but they do handle it, in fact they wait for Licorice to alter it into something slightly more safe to move around, and then let it revert to its 'normal' state after being tucked away behind layers of glass and rubber gloves. They can and do use this stuff, weaponizing it even more than it already is, for use with some sniper weapons. A bullet can pierce heavy Combine armor, but possibly not kill its target: but this can kill it with ease. Notably Velvet Ant can not produce this if she wants to just bite something or just lick it, but no one's come up and asked her how she does this, if it's a gland or what.
*Warning Signs, while all of her red shows up as the important part, those small dot insets on her neck can flare into a brilliant yellow from their normal bright white. Those can be used as signals, warning lights, or indicator of her mood, and she only lets that happen when she's really scared or really angry.
Parentage: Unknown, likely Hive mother and Hive-Rain sire? Unrelated to any others in the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: She is absolutely as cruel and scary as her rider, and his 'father', Virus is quite happy with this one and she likes impressing him. Honestly she's a lot like Ihrinnah. |