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Name: Sidney "MISS SANGUINE" Strange Gender: Male, physically fluid, drag overrides anything else, but they are very, very flirtatious toward everyone with a pulse Age/DOB: 34@Arrival Origin: Aperturth, Houston Texas Family: Unknown, probably deceased, estranged; it is known that Sidney as a man absolutely has offspring on Aperturth, however, and there are more likely on the way Other: Sidney does not go by his masculine name unless he's actually wearing pants and willing to prove he's got a penis, otherwise you call her Miss Sanguine, or Sanguine, or Miss Strange. Why not just call them 'Boss', it's accurate and much easier to remember. Do you know what happens to people who call Sanguine 'Sid'? You don't want to know. And no, she does not have one when she's a she, that kind of took everyone by surprise Height: 6'1", up to 6'5" in various states of shoes and hair Weight: oh you did not just ask a lady how much she weighs *earrings come out* (in fact Sidney is remarkably fit and muscular, but sleek and has a long body) Hair: though as shown Sanguine's hair is... well, a wig, Sidney's natural hair is in fact white; it's always cropped quite short, natural afro that turned white sometime in his 20s, those eyebrows are the real thing Eyes: red, also natural ... ish. This is pretty clearly the result of the Resonance Cascade's effects, along with the other... interesting appearance changes. Usually dolled up with marvelous makeup and fancy shine. Appearance: darkly brown skin, fairly typical African American features such as thick lips and a broad nose, and is also quite imposing even without heels that will kill you. When he's a he, expect t-shirts and shorts with long pockets visible; and then anything goes when Sanguine starts strutting... Sanguine has a massive number of very fancy wigs, and outfits to go with them Icarus Processing: none, the Resonance Cascade as well as some prior exposure to Aperture's weird experimental 'makeup' has done a tremendous amount; almost all abilities are physical and not Vortal |
Image Credits: Doll Divine Hipster |
Genetic Abilities: Sanguine is in fact a vampire. A vampire bat, but let's start with the basics - she sucks blood, and can pass diseases remarkably easily, unfortunately. She is really good at determining who's got fresh and clean blood, though, and after the changes started by the RC this got even more keen. She doesn't need to shy away from the sun, though, and while she can subsist on blood, it's mostly to power up a very specific method of transportation. That is that she grows bat wings and can fly. Before a big drag show, or even in private with someone willing to participate, she loads up on donated - well, okay, or stolen and sucked out - blood. This fuels a massive amount of changes in her body, and usually she'll be in a backless dress for the occasion. The wings look like a very elegant cloak or cape when they're folded down over her shoulders, and they last around 20 hours or so, reverting into the body again with sleep or exhaustion. Sidney, however, doesn't get the benefits of that whole 'thing', as a male what he can do is grow those fangs, and subsequently shrink his man parts to better suit a lovely evening gown. Actually that's not really true - Sidney is about 2x stronger than a normal man, and heals very quickly, and while he can personally resist disease and parasites, he is apt to still carry them, so he showers a lot and tries to be polite about it. Also, he can walk in 4" spike heels without faltering, his agility is exceptional. He is fully a gender shifter, a few of the mages and offworld people that the Lanes have encountered are far more interested in this fact than Melissa is, but even she admits that their DNA would make an... intriguing addition to the Pantheon's. Otherwise Sanguine/Sidney has no Vortal power, though they do stand out to anyone who can sense powers and kallah. originally rolled Offensive power: Very strong Blood/Life attacks ---7x normal power level Offensive power: Average Disease attacks---3x normal power level Defensive Power: Very strong Animal Form (permanent, average) defenses---7x normal power level Transport Power: High flight - 2x normal power level---This power is under control with difficulty *bat, not flea |
Skills or Profession: Loitering for the purpose of engaging in a prostitution offense / Promoting prostitution in the third degree / Patronizing a prostitute in the third degree (pimp/drag) They have some amount of melee skill, mostly in the form of Sanguine's cat-fight nails and occasionally taking those shoes and just beating the snot out of someone. Sid has a more practical approach to life in the new world, and knows that if you don't get the work done, you can't have the play time. He does the deals, arranges meetings, and manages the money and paperwork for the Gomorrah. And then on the other had we have Sanguine, who is the public face, the very vocal show girl, who has fashion and hair and makeup practice like you wouldn't believe. If you have questions about which girl or boi is right for you, Sanguine knows. If you want to know how much they cost, that's Sid's territory. | |
Personality: Sanguine and Sidney have slightly different functional personalities, just like they have different skill sets and powers. Sidney is somewhat reserved, almost shy, and basically takes care of the paperwork of running a strip and drag club. Sanguine on the other hand is daring, outrageous in fact. A stage presence and a performer that even the Carnies would appreciate. She loves dressing up, though it's Sidney who has the sewing skills needed to make those dresses fit. Sidney speaks in a reasonably deep and soft voice, Sanguine in a slightly false high tone that drops very, very low if she's feeling naughty. While they aren't actually a split or multiple personality, the 'act' of Sanguine is hardly interrupted by Sidney's possible needs. Sanguine will interrupt if 'she' thinks that 'he' isn't getting anywhere in a conversation. | |
Events or History: Now... you might be thinking to yourself, that's just a really big buff dude in a dress right there. And you would be nominally correct: Sidney was born male, and is for most reproductive purposes still such. However, even at an early age, Sidney ... just didn't have a dick. Not that 'he was a she', but that he became ... well, not a 'he'. The Resonance Cascade apparently accentuated this to an extreme degree, and at this point even Sidney or Sanguine don't really know or care whether they've got innies or outies. It was when they started getting really ... thirsty, at the thought of some gorgeous young thing's neck? That things got a bit more interesting. Sanguine had been the pimp and/or madam at a bondage and drag club in Houston, which was at the time patently illegal in almost all forms. When they were raided, the girls (and some few bois) brought downtown for processing, Aperture stepped in and nabbed Sidney before they could send him to a court. The makeup incident? Yeah, that would be 'it was tainted with vampire bat DNA', and apparently in that dimension, that's all it takes. Obviously, on the Rookery's world, there's a very specific and completely apt place for them: the Gomorrah nightclub in the New Vegas Strip. Sidney runs things pretty smoothly now that the Omertas have been ... removed, and Sanguine takes center stage every other evening like clockwork, and sometimes when you least expect it. |
Dragon Name: Vladina |
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