Ebony Price

Name Ebony Price
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut A Spicy Peanut (little nutty, but watch out for the fire)
Totem none
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 3
Luck 4
Drive 2
Looks 6
Cool 6
Bonk 3
Powers Telepathy/Empathy (weak, close only), In a room full of people she can sense the strong versus the weak, identify mood swings, and make sure that anyone with a bad intention is taken care of. Her mind is smoky like a jazz bar, but smells of jasmine.
Darkness Magic, like her father, she is extremely adept at manipulating the forces of death and darkness. She can immobilize or hold in place a few enemies at closer than 20 meters, stun the minds of intelligent creatures, and send them into fits of terror from seeing Things That Should Not Be Seen. She can also effectively drain health and power briefly out of a person, leaving them shaken and weak.
Binding and Summoning, along with the darkness of the void or netherworld, come demons, undead, and less savory imps or devils. She knows that this is a dangerous thing to do, but sometimes a deal with a little devil will save a lot of lives in the long run.
Spirit Sense and Control, she senses the dead in a 100 meter sphere, and yes she's done enough cave wandering to need to know whether a dead thing is above or below... Weak spirits may briefly follow her around, stronger ones might fight a bit but she knows just how to apply her magical force to get them to cooperate. The Combine will not know how to deal with this. Some of her favorite pets are actually long dead wolves, big cats, even some snakes and is that a dinosaur?!
Clusters Auras and Spirits Oh My +3
Skills Identify Demons/Undead +2
I Don't Do Readings +2 (she does do readings, and they're scary accurate)
Fearless +2
Knacks Fashionista +2
Is That Brimstone I Smell? +1
1 Heroic Ethics / Peacemongrel
2 Optimism Under Duress / C'thain
3 Way Off Base 10 / Saiintenlla
4 Electronics for the Future / TBD
5 Decoding Magic Texts / Liaxeri
6 Naming and the Power of True Names / Akarist
7 Necromantic Manipulation / Price (dad!)
8 Modeling / Urd


do trapped spirits count?
Dragon Revenant, Nightwing
Donor parent Randolf Price
Siblings None known, everyone wants to know why there aren't...
Partner Cyrus Valena (son of Cybil Qeats and Morgan Valena)
Children Twin daughters Corona and Eclipse in RY 6



Name: Revenant
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large Build 12' s / 50' l / 70' ws
: belly from face to tail tip is deep crimson-burgundy red, only sides have white markings; limbs including wing fingers, sides of tail and neck medium crimson with skeletal markings; back from head to tail tip lighter red-crimson all with white skeletal marks, neck and eyebrow ridge brighter red; along sides of neck and tail also have bright red dots on scales; wingsails red from deep black-crimson to dark salmonish red nebula, with tiny white star markings, both back and undersides; horns, claws, teeth, and back spines all brilliant white; tongue black, eyes intense green
Features: Nightwing, burly build with strong large wings; four sturdy legs, 5 and 4 short curved claws and heel-claw on hind; wings have 4 visible fingers, leathery, with prominent wrist thumb and elbow strut all with curved claws; body is scaled, with smooth hide on face, neck, belly, and under tail, large segmented scales over neck, back, sides, and back of tail, armor on fronts of all limbs; face is boxy with hooked beak, prominent eye ridge, external ears, and two short conical back-pointing horns; from head to mid-back medium spikes, back to tail shorter spikes
Powers: Winged Flight, Oh how Revenant flies. She is completely silent on the air, even to the point of being right behind an enemy and they simply do not notice her. She kicks up a bit of wind when taking off and landing, but that's all. Otherwise she doesn't disturb a speck of dust while soaring quite closely to the ground or surfaces. When she walks, however, the ground literally trembles, and sounds a lot like the rattling of bones... She can lift a tremendous amount of weight but only for short distances, and is more trusted to carry only her human friend around, occasionally bringing back Combine technology in a harness. Unlike some Nightwings, however, she doesn't much care for going remarkably high into the sky, tending to keep to around 300 meters above ground or less.
Verbal, Vortal, and Draconic Communication, Revenant can speak very clearly in Draconic of at least three or four different worlds' worth of breeds, and in English, French, and Spanish with a good amount of fluency. She understands but cannot properly speak Vortigese. But she seems to be able to speak with the dead and any Vortal mind with great ease, thanks to her Nightwing blood.
Flame Breath, the breath weapon that Revenant produces is far from flames, in the truest sense. However cold they are to the touch, that's because they are literally the ashes of the dead, swept up around her breath. This ash can seep into airways and cause what might be called 'crypt rot', coughing and wheezing, and eventually death from asphyxiation. Whether the ashes are summoned from the surroundings, or brought by her human friend, no one knows, and no one really wants to know either. This power is accurate to around 100 meters, but is a cone, so the best results are done closer up, as the widest part of the cone merely sprinkles some bits of ash around while the closest can completely cover a person in moments.
Bone Shards, this dragon is somehow able to lose and regrow the spines on her back and tail, which can be flung off during combat, to a pretty deadly accuracy at around 30 meters. They shatter and become quite sharp, bursting on impact, with needles embedding into cloth, flesh, or soft materials like wood. Each spine can grow around 4 inches a month, so the longest would take about a year to fully regrow. She tends to shatter those on her tail, and rely on Ebony to gather them - they're actually pretty useful for hand held weapons, but only single use.
Parentage: Unknown, purebred Nightwings; this dragon bears a striking resemblance in wing and overall color to Hellfire, it's entirely possible they are siblings or cousins; has produced Vladina with hivewing Mesquite
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: It's unclear whether Revenant was born under some auspicious type of moon on her homeworld, but she feels quite at home here with just the one - and her abilities to produce the distinct ashy breath weapon seem to increase during the full moon. She has been tapped for the Hallowed Silk flight, and will eagerly produce eggs for this purpose.