(Back to Prime Version) (Check out his Paragon Persona) (On to Zekiran Visitation)

Image Credits Doll Divine / David Kawena Prince (Flashpoint Used), Marvel/Disney (Agents of Shield)

Name: Morgan Valena, Carramba High Professor

From his Carramba Admin guide:

Arriving to Carramba via Paragon City, Morgan is an artist and patron of educational systems in no fewer than three dimensions. Marked by the Outsider, he has a tremendous grasp on magic as well as society. Instructing Magical Metals 1, 2; Glyphs and Script 3; Fine Art 4, 5; Metalshop 6.

Morgan is a reasonably new professor but has integrated himself easily and quickly. He is a very well-liked professor, though lots of students admit that some of his courses are harder than they expected.

Also unexpected was the sheer amount of ... well, fangirls that he has here. Or boys but he's still not all that interested in hooking up with men. This has led to at least one son born to the PR expert Cybil Qeats, their son Cyrus is already (somehow) a student.

At some point in the recent past of the World, something ... changed. Perhaps it's that several different versions of the World, thanks to the Nexus connections it has, have collided. Somehow, Aramis Stilton is alive, and taking excellent care of those miners in his employ. Somehow, the Outsider is... safe. He's been through a lot. But now, the Outsider enjoys being called Leviathan Shindaerey, and still considers Morgan to be among his true friends in any dimension.

Morgan still trusts the Outsider, Levi, so when a strange new doorway from the Void opened and Leviathan smugly floated with his hands clasped behind his back, indicating that they should go through it, Morgan Valena did so.

He wound up briefly dazzled by something other than sunlight, but let's not talk about the journey taking a very brief romp through the Outside - where Levi and Misota occasionally dally. Morgan isn't privy to the ways of that brightly static dimension, but he does remember being there more than once.

Rather, he prefers to think on the new place that it took him. A city at the edge of a continent, with a beautiful coastline, butted up against foothills and mountains beyond, and amazing sunsets over the perfect surf? Well that sounded quite familiar didn't it? Karnaca after all has all of those things! But Crescent City is just a bit different, and he relishes every little bit that he notices of those differences.

It is a more 'futuristic' place than his home World, certainly. The basics are the same - buildings and plumbing and dentistry and money. But here the buildings are made of glass and steel, and tower as tall as the ancient trees of his home. There are vehicles, not on rails as most in his home, but small and personal ... and smelly, and far more dangerous in his opinion.

What fascinates him the most, however, are the people. Because this place, Crescent City, is home to a school that boasts connections to everywhere, not like the stupidly exclusive Academy of Natural Philosophy and its two-students-a-year, no, this school is filled to the brim with children from worlds as disparate as his would be to the very moon. He has seen some interesting things, starting with the Void. He's seen the deep ocean creatures, and those that live in both the sea and the Void, those Whales he loves so much. And there are also whales here in Crescent's surf. With an open mind, he has listened to the strange chittering speech of Jawas, seen the fascinating life cycle of Xenomorphs, and made friends with superheroes ... where he also decides to lend a hand!

Arriving in the middle of 'summer vacation', he guessed it would be the Month of Earth, their months were strangely named indeed. He was actually first asked to head up a swimming class, because that's where most of the staff first saw him, diving and leaping with the dolphin pod, climbing the local pier and diving perfectly back into the surf below. But his physical pursuits paled in comparison to his academic and artistic ones, and probably Levi nudged them to ask about him instructing a silversmith or art class.

Eventually he was signed on for a duration that no one really knows, he's hardly a contract-teacher, he's tenured as of a few seasons ago now. Suddenly it's been twenty-odd years, he hasn't aged (who has?) and he has a son entering Sophomore year already. How does all of this even work? Magic. Nexus magic, more.

According to Cybil's records, these are what qualifies as 'his stats' according to their system.

Name Morgan Valena
Gender Male, straight
Homeworld The World
Species Magical Human
Tenure Yes. Just, yes, because it feels like he's been there a while now
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 8
RWStudents 5
Luck 3
Drive 1 (Void Navigation, City Navigation 8)
Looks 7
Cool 6
Bonk 6^

^Nexus Immortality - shows absolutely no signs of aging beyond the moment he passed through the Void and the Outside. He's fine with this, it's given him perspective because he returns to the World, as well as hitting other dimensions and places, without fear of just wasting away and not being able to travel any longer

Marked, As On Other Pages - Silver and Magic


Artistic +4 Remarkably talented with his metals, but also clever with mundane ideas to make them fantastic or highly functional. Though he doesn't prefer a lot of filigree or finery to his own personal works, they are well detailed and quite pretty none the less, even a 'simple' cane or staff becomes something that catches the eye with carvings, stylization, or just a simple splash of color or enamel to make it pop

Connectivity +4 Morgan enjoys seeing the bigger picture, and among the few people anywhere who has a glimpse behind the curtain and isn't afraid to ask what that lever does. He makes friends with gods and paupers alike, and enriches their lives as much as they his


Artistry +4 Always looking for the details, always confident with his hands; Morgan is skilled with not just designing on paper, but interpreting notes, collecting information, and the history of art in general. He can take a piece of metal and work it into virtually anything, but more than that he can impart this to students in meaningful ways

Metalsmithy +4 He is strong, healthy, and accurate - those things are all required for a smith to get good at their practice! Ores, alloys, stone and grinding surfaces, the proper heat or type of tools to use, all of those things are mastered for years

Void Navigation +4 If it's existed in the World, it can exist, if briefly, in the Void. Thus he knows how to manifest 'a specific door leading to a specific place', while in the Void's vast and unknowable depths. The Void itself has nothing more than shards of slate or obsidian, stone floating in a chill air along side the whales - but given the right memories to shape it, those stones turn to pillars of marble and frames around wooden doors; doors which then open to the place that those memories were formed...

Knacks People Confide In Him +3 He is unafraid to say what it is that bothers him about someone's relative, protective of the children in his classes and attending the school in general, and in fact protective at all, since he is also superheroic over at Paragon; He exudes a trustworthiness that is uncommon among imposing folk his build
Period Class Instructing
1 Magical Metals
2 Magical Metals
3 Glyphs and Script (Magical)
4 Fine Art
5 Fine Art
6 Metal Shop
7 --
8 --
Sponsor Morgan does still enjoy his time on the beach and in the waters around Crescent City, and has been known to lead jaunts to the sea floor - by both water breathers and those needing diving equipment alike - so formally he's known as an Extra-Curricular Activities Leader, for swimming, diving, and sometimes for field trips. Those trips include up and down the coast, even toward offshore platforms for marine biology, but also to art exhibits around Talon City (a much larger town just north of Crescent, with a bustling art community) as well as short trips up to Wonder, for some further magical instruction here and there
Pets None
Partners? Cybil Qeats, son Cyrus Valena; likely to have more on the way with a variety of extremely attentive ladies


Other Info:

Void Travelers and Repurposed, Individual characters and information (c) 2022 and beyond, Lethe/Droppin the Fork | Dishonored (c) Bethesda; Half Life, Portal (c) Valve; Fear (c) Warner Brothers || Art assets (c) Bethesda / Arkane unless otherwise specified | Doll assets linked where possible | Any other images credited and/or linked where possible | No use off this site (kshau-protectorate.com) is permitted nor will be allowed without specific written request, and will never be available for No Fucking Thanks purposes