Cyrus Valena

Name Cyrus Valena
Gender Male, bi
Homeworld Twoarth, of mixed off-dimension parentage / Note that though he was born and raised here on Twoarth, he has a clear penchant for the World, and is avilable to Void Travel
Class Junior
Nut Honey Roasted
Totem none (cybermage) images: meiker shidabeeda Modern Mage, Doll Divine Prince maker, lethe
Smarts 8
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 5
Drive 2
Looks 6
Cool 5
Bonk 5

Cybermage - Cyrus is gifted with multidimensionality and thus has a mixture of his parents' abilities. Since his father Morgan is a silversmith Marked by the Outsider, and his mother is a skilled Cyberdecker, this comes in the form of technomagic that lets him tap into computers, security systems, read data off disks or catch transmissions without a wireless dongle. He can also manipulate circuit boards and wiring, though the computer or system must actually have metals in it (so he cannot work on highly advanced light-based computers, but he could easily manipulate ferrous disks and magnetic storage devices). He can control or manipulate cyberdecks that are in use - which means he can interrupt or overtake a brain jack, alter the input before it hits someone's brain, or even exert some amount of control over the person using the 'deck, if they have significant amounts of implants or augmentations

Metal Sense/Manipulation - to a minor extent, Cyrus can sense through metals via touching them, and detects things like whether there are weak points, hollows, or if a mage/psionicist has altered them recently. He can sense through wires up to 500 meters if they're uninterrupted, and very fine wiring can be 'fixed' if it's broken, 'changed' if there are other connections possible nearby - this is particularly important if he needs to fix computer parts

Genrehop - because both his parents are from somewhere other than Twoarth themselves, and at least one of them is outright 'blessed' by a godlike being, Cyrus can move between a few dimensions via the Void. Though he is not Marked like his dad, the Outsider does occasionally visit him in dreams, and encourages him to check out the other locations that might be connected to the Void itself. Be they Dawnlight (in the 2440s), Dawnlight Hold (on Alskyr), the World (free of the Abbey's influence), Xen (take your pick), or even the Rookery world some of his instructors protect - all of these can be reached thanks to the fractured nature of the Void

Clusters Technology +4 (he just cannot help but touch items to learn their secrets, and those items cannot help but divulge them. Cyrus is able to work with virtually any form of machinery or computer provided at least some of it is made of metals. This does extend to people, robots, even individual augmentations on people with replacement parts.)
Skills Information Processing +3 (Cyrus's mind seems to be remarkably clear and organized, he is smart enough to comprehend code, re-write it on the fly, parse written statements and symbols at a glance and make sense of the overall contents, can look for typos and errors if he knows what might be wrong, and organize spreadsheets like nobody's business)
Metalurgy +3 (though he doesn't deal with basic geology, his knowledge of refined metals, crystals, gemstones, and alloys is tremendous, and he can recognize them even by smell if need be)
Navigation +3 (virtually any location, be it physical, dream, Void, Nexus, or just the halls between classes, is easily plotted out; whether he can move through those spaces is up to how he's got to do it...)
Knacks Hot as hell +2 (he knows he's pretty. you know it too. is able to use those lips, hips, and his incredibly sultry voice to get what he wants, or get out of things he doesn't)
Period Class / Instructor / Grade
1 Netiquette / Charybdis / Decent
2 Advanced Technical Languages / Charybdis / Excellent
3 Cartography / Lari / Excellent
4 Armory and Weaponsmithy / Collins / Decent
5 Martial Arts for the Fashion Conscious / Carver / Excellent
6 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau / Decent
7 Advanced Computer Coding / G0rd-OS / Excellent
8 Dimensional Travel and Pocket Universes / Lethe / Excellent
Pets rats like him, though he doesn't really have any emotional connection to them
Parents? mother Cybil Qeats, father Morgan Valena, both currently professors / staff at Carramba but also holding positions in other dimensions
Siblings? none here yet, but keyword: yet
Partner Ebony Price (daughter of Randolf Price and the Color Guard) in RY 6
Children Twin daughters Corona and Eclipse




Name: Brachypelma
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small (narrow build) 8'10" s / 45' l / 54' and 40' ws
Colors: belly from face to tail tip and behind legs creamy yellow; neck, body, limbs, tail sides bright yellow; face and limb armor, dorsal insets faded red; wingsails faded red, pink, and white marked as jagged lightning, which does seem to move just a little; claws strong cyan, eyes pale cyan blue
Features: Hivewing, possibly with Rainwing ancestry but only a drop for those colors
Powers: Winged Flight, Brachy is speedy and strong in the air, not the very fastest but confident and bold; she is capable of carrying quite a bit more weight than a Hivewing might seem to, and she's been known to rip out installed machinery or bolted-down items without even blinking, and carry them off to her 'nest'. Her flight is silent, not even clicking or whirring from her rapid wings can be heard, and she seems to not disturb the air around her when taking off or landing. (The weights she drops on the other hand...)
Communication, able to speak her own draconic tongue and highly technical English, Brachy does have a minor Vortal bond to Cyrus but cannot use other forms of telepathy; her voice is sharp and strong like the rest of her; also she can read and write code (by dictation) in a speedy manner, somehow able to rattle off even machine code as if it were her native tongue; this ability does seem to take the place of any offensive power or 'breath weapon', and she has absolutely weaponized it - she can interrupt noises and produces a white-noise screech that deafens - or silences - a room easily; Brachy can sound like an old modem, and 'read' incoming internet sounds if it's actually a real modem
Barbed Tail, though lacking venom or any real injection, her tail ends in a sharp, viciously barbed pair of points, and she whips her tail quickly in order to lash at prey or enemies
Parentage: Unknown, possibly related to Apache Wasp (living in New Vegas)
Origin: adopted from SynthwaveTerror with Biohazardia lines on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Named for a brightly colored tarantula species, she lives up to that name in surprise attacks and unexpectedly showing up among much larger groups and just taking charge like a pro