Born to the dashing Cyrus Valena and talented Ebony Price, this pair of twins proves that magic and technology can get along famously if you just let them. After all, both their 'grandfathers' have strong magic as well as a good background in engineering and tech. Price and Morgan seem to both want to dote upon these girls, and the twins learn a lot every time they're around either of them. Of course, they also know how to leverage this, they're devilishly smart, in addition to having supernatural powers and deft fingers... 'If you bought us that old radio we could fix it up and you could use it to listen in on the local heroic support channel!', 'we could put up wards to make sure that no water gets in to the server room but we don't know that advanced one about the metal walls yet!' Oh they definitely know what they're up to.

Cybil and Ebony love this about the girls. While Ebony isn't necessarily as sneaky as her 'inlaw' Cybil they can agree that whatever works, works. And their grandfathers know too, let's not mince words - both Morgan and Price are extremely proud that the girls are this smart and canny! After all it's a difficult world, numerous worlds in fact, and they're well suited to all of them that they might reach.

Through the Void, where Morgan's World can be reached, their magic flows strongest and can affect quite a bit of the existing technology there. Silver, gold, steel, it's all the same to their powers. Across the country and on a slightly-different dimension from Carramba, at Paragon City, the shadows and nightmares obey their whim, creeping around the ankles of villains and protecting secrets even as they pry open their own. But also at the Rookery - a world which doesn't necessarily have 'magic' so much as 'Vortessence', their technological skills and smart minds work endlessly to help the refugees and scientists there make life better once more. While the fight against the Combine there still rages, they are still able to coax information from the Vortessence, swirling shadows with images beyond, or picking up radio communication - it's all the same to them. In fact sometimes it's both at once, since they have a strange fusion of shadow-born electronic interference at their fingertips too.

They are however still most at home right here at Carramba for the time being, where magic and science, research and faith all blend easily together. They're the children of superheroes and blessed ones, inheriting not only genetic power, but that granted by the Outsider or from the Nether-realm, and with the added bonus of Xen thanks to their Rookery origin. Connected to magic deeply and inherently, even Levi and Keenan love to see what will come next for these two.


Name Corona Valena Price
Gender Female, she/her, straight
Homeworld Mixed offworld parents (Rookery, Dawnlight Earth, Twoarth, World, Paragon's Shadow Shard...)
Mother: Ebony Price (Color Guard + Randolf Price)
Father: Cyrus Valena (Cybil Qeats + Morgan Valena)
Class Junior in RY 12 (born RY 7, aged)
Nut Yogurt Covered Brazil Nut
Totem Magic Mutt | Image Meiker Schmessup
Appearance Very dark brown skin; black hair with a faint red-brown tint kept in thick cord braids, to lower back; nearly-black eyes with a faintly red tint when using powers or in bright light
Smarts 8
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 4
Drive 2 (Ride 4, Teleport/Nexus Navigation 6)
Looks 6
Cool 5
Bonk 4

Genrehop - As the multidimensional child she is, Corona is brilliantly able to move through the multiverse and does so with a shiny burst of bright yellow energy. She can move locally as well as through times, given that she hits numerous 'side dimensions' to get wherever she's needed such as the Void, Xen, the Shadow Shard, and Outside too because they're all friends around those parts now... She can take several people or a truck load of gear with her, but needs practice to get more than that through her portals

Spirit Shaper and Electromage - The varied psionic and magical energies of several generations are present in Corona, she can sense and distinguish spirits and minds at close range (under 50 meters) and communicate with intelligent minds at 10 meters. Her focus is moving the minds of dead things, or the animus of unliving things, until she likes the results. She's the kind of kid who can instigate a 'body swap', even if the body is a simple brass marionette or a fully alive being - doesn't matter to her magic. A shape's a shape. She has been known to give the 'spark of life' to things that her sister creates, which lasts for a short period (around 2 days, 3 if she's really working at it) and in that time whatever nearby mental energy from Shadow to Echo to Vortal is put into it. She can also make electronic signals from any source change and allows the dead to speak through radios, she's had a lot of fun at seances...

Ritual Magic - With a deep understanding of how various magic systems work, relying on words, motion, and tapping existing lines of force around her, Corona is able to make longer lasting or very impressive spells that act on cue, or trigger other events. She specializes in wards and reactive traps, allowing in one creature but forbidding another, keeping enemies at bay with anything from mind-born terrors to literal spikes erupting from the ground. She knows how to research what she'll need for such spells, and has access to a tremendously wide range of components for them

Combined Power Shadowed Communion - with her sister's aid, she brings information to where it's needed, or prevents it from going to where they don't want. Able to overtake broadcasts of any kind, if there's an antenna for Eclipse to jolt, Corona can boost the signal or even send Shadow creatures out to deliver information
Clusters Magical Lexicon +3 If it looks like magic, Corona will easily be able to determine whether it actually is or is just 'really advanced science'. She can read a wide variety of scripts, up to and including dead languages (and the language of the dead, Levi's name for instance on her grandfather's marked hand...) as well as being adept at most code and technical jargon. She knows better than to speak these words out loud, too, until she knows what they do

Careful Planning +3 Makes lists and checks them multiple times during any spell casting or creative venture, and is highly organized; can use this to code, though that's not her forte, her magic spells are always very precise and function right the first time she casts them, but there is a lot of preparation that allows this

Cartographer's Delight +3 Corona is so good with maps it's scary, she can draw and plot with tools or freehand equally well, and all she needs is a good glimpse at the terrain to have a solid idea of its distances, altitude, and the like; following her maps is very easy, and when she gives directions, it will definitely get you where you're going in record time

Read Spirit Signs +3 She's not one to ignore the shaking of a chandelier, or a suddenly-present rash, any of the traditional things that would alert a mage or a priest to something amiss or important - she can determine with solid accuracy whether something is going down, or if there's a need for a particular spell or ward

Knacks Sunny Side Up +3 Cheerful and delightful to be around, Corona definitely embodies things that her family line can be good at, but often lacks - a bright and sunny smile, a pep talk, uplifting the psyche and not just the Spirit; she is very much Cybil's grandchild
Period Class/Instructor/Grade
1 Nexus Geohistory / T.Kshau / Superb
2 Vortal Communication / Bethoi / Excellent
3 Cartography / Lari / Superb
4 Time Travel Machinery and Mapping / Q.Pepper / Excellent
5 Decoding Magical Texts / Liaxeri / Superb
6 Spirit Management / Shout! / Excellent
7 Geocaching and Treasure Hunting / Vasquez / Excellent
8 Proper Pronunciation Techniques / Teremteni / Excellent
Dragon Hanshi Sheva
Bonded At Checkerboard Ball
Name Eclipse Valena Price
Gender Female, she/her, bi
Homeworld Mixed offworld parents (Rookery, Dawnlight Earth, Twoarth, World, Super Prime...)
Mother: Ebony Price (Color Guard + Randolf Price)
Father: Cyrus Valena (Cybil Qeats + Morgan Valena)
Class Junior in RY 12 (born RY 7, aged)
Nut Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Bean
Totem Magic Mutt | Image Meiker Schmessup
Appearance Very dark brown skin; black hair with a faint brown tint in tighter braids, to lower back; silver eyes that seem almost molten when using powers
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 4
Drive 3 (Ride 3, Teleport/Nexus Navigation 6)
Looks 6
Cool 5
Bonk 4

Portal Leaping - Regardless of how it's made, including by her own magic, Eclipse knows how to use portals of any kind. Her sister's, father's, even Keenan's and Aperture's, Portal Corp or that weird one at the top of Alabaster Tower in Talon City? Yeah, she's been there. They attract Eclipse like a moth to a flame, sometimes, and while she is definitely able to navigate properly, sometimes she likes to just let the portal choose her destination. Of course that means she needs to be prepared for anything - which she always is

Cybermage and Metalshaper - Much of the technological side of her line has shown up in Eclipse, and she can manipulate radio and video signals, wires and circuits, even vacuum tubes and clockwork gears as easily as stirring a bowl of soup. The 'mind' of a machine often 'speaks' to Eclipse, she has an intimate understanding of and the ability to fix, alter, stop and start, or rearrange the machinery around her. Virtually any sort of device, be it a simple gear box or a highly refined crystal-based computing system, she's on it. If it's got metal, particularly silver, or crystals in it, she can shape that portion into whatever she likes, changing circuit connections or sparking electrical impulses at will. Artistically speaking she's capable of manipulating a fist-sized ball of pure ore or an alloy that's been made normally, for about half an hour at at time, into fanciful shapes - that her sister then can animate

Quick and Dirty Magic - The shadows and elements are Eclipse's to command, a 'hedge mage' of sorts, she's always doing little things with her fingers to magnify what she's looking at, to deflect incoming bullets, to silence a noisy pet (at least to her ears). Eclipse's shadow sometimes moves on its own, and serves as her guardian when she's concentrating on things, though it cannot act on its own. She does have the ability to telepathically connect with other similar minds, she can tap her ear and suddenly 'hear' thoughts or 'talk' through an invisible headset up to 500 meters

Combined Power Electrified Shade - With her sister boosting her power, Eclipse can alert Shadows and spirits to dangers, or use them to act as a gigantic circuit, with real electrical energy dancing around them and between, which can be structured into a communication line, a dangerous barrier, or even a thinking machine magically driven with ciruitry made out of the dead and the sparks of electricity
Clusters Shadows And Light +3 Lightbulbs dispel darkness, just like a cloak over a lantern dispells light. She knows how to manipulate visually and carefully crafts environments or items to exploit their 'essential nature' - Pythagoras eat your heart out, because there are shapes he's never heard of out there all at her whim

Improvisation +3 Where her sister is apt to plot out what to do all week, Eclipse often will take whatever is at hand and make something quite useful or fun - doesn't matter if it's a broken radio and set of nail clippers to make into a singing blender, or learning that your favorite theater just closed but now they're having outdoor shows, she'll be there to make sure it all comes together

Code Demon +3 Literally sometimes, with help from the Shadows or the existing 'memory' of a machine, she can whip up programs that run on anything from Your Watch to Crey's internal supercomputer system; they will also stop working at her whim if needed, that's the magical component...

Connect The Dots +3 When the dots are a light year apart, or if they're atomic particles being entangled, Eclipse understands how they work together to form a big picture, and she's an artist... She can solve mysteries with a tiny clue and lots of missing information, but also can leave a Shadow Breadcrumb trail to help others follow to 'get it' too

Knacks Sleekly Seductive +3 Oh she definitely got looks going for her but she also has a way with her body language, sultry voice, all the things that Morgan often shows in more subtle tones, and yes she will definitely use these to her advantage socially
Period Class/Instructor/Grade
1 Teleportation Practice / Lane / Excellent
2 Advanced Technical Languages / Charybdis / Superb
3 Netiquette / Charybdis / Excellent
4 Computational Topology / Varnhagen/H / Superb
5 Nexus Geohistory / T.Kshau / Excellent
6 Speculative Engineering / Vax / Superb
7 Haunting / Shout! / Excellent
8 Dimensional Travel and Pocket Universes / Lethe / Superb
Dragon Nightspark Nightspark
Bonded At Nidus Ryslen Mermay by Ty


Name: Hanshi Sheva (HAWN she she VAH; hanshi can be interpreted a number of ways, but her name is definitely mark of death... family a mixture of the parents names, as apparently is now tradition for the dad's line; if bred into more complicated naming, readopt mother's ' or any other changes)
Gender: Female, desires male companionship
Size: large biped 11'10" hip / 38' l / 62' ws
Build: sleek and muscular but quite smooth
Physical Features: Azon/Halloween Mutt, bipedal though often can run on all fours, with four legs and two main wings, with large claws on all; small hip-wings (nonfunctional), split-ended tail with spikes and poison stingers; angular head with external ears, sharp back swept horns, webbed head and neck spines; pupiled eyes
Colors: black body with flame line markings, belly smoke flame edge, legs and wing fingers high white flame, face flame line in silver, tail marked fmale in grey, wingsails flat black with flame line in grey, spines high white, webbing silver and high white grade, violet eyes
Stats: Strength 3, Speed 5, Endurance 3, Agility 6, Health 2, Intelligence 5
Abilities: Winged Flight (no boost) quicker than she is durable in the air, Hanshi is still just so big that it's hard to slow her down even with a massive amount of weight carried. So long as it's collected into a net or something that can be held on to with a harness, only the most insane amount of weight would give her pause. She prefers, however, to fly without such weights; she doesn't consider Corona to be more than a teensy thing and not even slightly a bother
Teleportation - on-site, nexus, and void passage 5 (all); Hanshi's ability to locate herself and a truly stunning amount of mass (anything covered by her wings) is known among her peers and family. Unerring knowledge of timespace, dimensions, and geography helps her here, it's possible that in her spare time she just teleports around a place to acclimate to a spot and remembers every little bit of it
Telepathy (5) and Verbal Speech (1) though able to speak, she vastly prefers to use her sharp and hot mind to communicate. She can reach other telepathic minds at up to 50 miles, and non-telepaths at 10, though prefers a nice conversation with a dragon that can properly ping her on their own
Spirit Magic (6, Infernal carried only 2), an intensely strong ability to discern and manipulate the spirits nearby. Anything that has died within 200 years (!!) in a 50 meter range of her can at least be nudged into awareness. There is a strange inverse bell curve regarding very-old and very-newly dead responding to her commands more eagerly. Those who are somewhere in the middle are a bit more fiddly or difficult to prod, but the ones on the edges of that range are either too weak to resist or too inexperienced to do so; with them under her control she can seek information, listen in on the living, suss out a location without having to be there in person, but also use them to frighten or distract enemies, and in some cases can simply absorb their power and use it as a weapon (see below)
Magical Breath Weapon (4), composed of the energy of the dead, Hanshi is capable of weaponizing spirit force into a blazing, blinding beam of purity. She can burn off the evil from an area or cleanse a person of their selfish thoughts basically by scaring the literal shit out of them...
Poison Sting (3) with a painful but nonlethal poison delivered by a pair of massive stingers, she can still definitely kill virtually anything the size of an elephant with just hitting them. The poison can affect even monstrously large creatures, however, and all she needs is to penetrate the skin, hide, scales, or even armor to produce the results. Generally she can easily get through skin, hide, and most scales, and avoids trying to hit things with heavy or solid armor just to spare her own tails from being injured
Chameleon (1) carried only, it's possible that any offspring with a color-shifting mate might refresh this power significantly
Parents: Sheng Stac'ver + Vassago Thain
Bond: Corona, voluntary companionship
Meeting Notes:


Name: Nightspark Nightspark
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-small 40' long
Colors: body warm grey mottled with faintly creamy belly and hightlights, back striped with soft black, light portions spotted with graphite grey, darker sripes spotted with paler grey; wingsails and webbing dark graphite; horns, spines, tail spade mottled silver; eyes cobalt
As LochNex are a sexually dimorphic breed, LochNex Mutt Males have a long spiked eel fin type crest from forehead to the spiked fan at their hips. Females have spiked crests that are separate from the spiked fan at their hips, with nothing between. This
clutch has a third form, one that has broken free of the dimorphic requirement. The third “NonBinary” form can be male, female, neither, or both sexes. The NB ones have short curved spikes like Turwur and her clutchmates. All three have a diamond-shaped tip on their tail. Their hides are not limited to blue/green/purple/grey like the LochNex, but they do tend to still be muted colors. They all have dark eyes with cobalt irises. They are supremely graceful in the water and in the air, but ungainly on land. Living Preferences: Will prefer to live in areas with large bodies of water. Can happily accept fresh, brackish or salt water. Just so long as they’re deep enough to swim in. Diet: Fish and water plants are preferred, but they are omnivorous and can eat all plants and animals generally considered edible. Bonding: About 1/4 will need to bond, but most won't.
Powers: Water Adapted Applied to Air, remarkably agile in the water, but equally adept with her flight, Nightspark is able to whip around like a ribbon or leaf even regardless of the strength of currents in both water or air. When she's moving, she is always very slightly waving or undulating as if lifted by water regardless of her location. Obviously she's not so happy to be required on the ground, so she cheats and keeps herself hovering just barely above any surface
Teleportation, like the snap of that whip she resembles, Nightspark pops between one space and another with a loud crack and sometimes a musical chittering laugh; her range is short, not much more than 200 meters, but she seems to be able to recharge her teleport ability so fast that she can pop across a city in minutes. She can carry only her bond and a modest amount of stuff with her but doesn't lose anything on the way
Communication - Telepathy Verbal Speech, and Musical vocalization; with strong words, images and emotion conveyed in all of these methods, Nightspark is quite good at getting her point across. Whether it's to a nonverbal mind, a well educated professor, or a deep sea alien visitor, she has a cheery word or a pertinent question. Her mind is keen and slightly static-sharp as is her singing voice though she can 'clear' her voice into a fascinating blur of sounds or a cascade of perfect tones. She has a very high intelligence and it shows when she wants to do something clever with her powers or a conversation
Electrical Field, the reason for her static-ridden tones, is echoed in her very-strong ability to produce a nearby field of static, or sharp electrical jolt. Generally her body produces a gentle buzz of tingling though it's still strong enough to cause magnetic displays to fritz out briefly, but she can gear up and let off a jolt that is enough to kill a large group of fish as she swims through it, or knock a villain for a loop. Creatures or data that are hit by this will at the very least be dazed or corrupted in the case of computer data, and she can coil herself around a metallic item such as a pole and magnetize it using a quick undulation of this ability
Minor Shapeshifting, while others in her clutch may have an upright bipedal shape, she cannot achieve this, but hardly worries about it - she can adjust parts of her body to be almost elastic. Turning into a parachute-shaped noodle, a lawn dart, or spring shape, though generally keeping her overall 'noodle dragon' appearance intact. She can do this almost instantly and revert to her normal form as quickly, almost cartoonish in this regard. She doesn't lose any speed or flight / swim ability doing this, and her electrical field may even be enhanced by her choice of shapes
Breath Weapon, assisted firebreath, she doesn't use, but it might carry in future pernese- or fire-breathing parented offspring
Parentage: Turwur Nightspark and Timpani Lochland
Origin: Ty's Mermay 2023 from Nidus Ryslen
Other Info: