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Image Credits Doll Divine / David Kawena Prince (Flashpoint Used), Paragon/City of Heroes Dishonored 2 screenshots (c) Arkane

Name: Morgan Valena, Membayar offworlder on Zekira

It's not super clear whether he met Bart and Vaelan and the others that work at Carramba first, and they introduced him to this planet, or if one of the various genrehoppers from Zekira found the Void and opened Leviathan's mind to the idea of going there, but at some point all of those things have happened.

Like many who have a position at Carramba and are multidimensional, if they've got desirable traits, it's a 100% sure bet that Darkhanis Paveh will approach them for breeding rights. That certainly has happened here. A lot. More than you'd expect. Most of the family that he has there remain on Zekira full time, but some can certainly be said to move around the Nexus.

Here on this world, he can stretch his artistic muscle, and be appreciated for that work in markedly tangible and important ways. A world which values artistry, durability, and confidence in one's products? And has an incredible sense of style, plus plenty of amazing powers so he doesn't have to hide the Mark on his hand or those innate abilities?

Count him in.

Notably he does not 'live on Zekira' full time. At most he will spend a few weeks or a 'month' at a time, and sometimes summer vacations away from Carramba, here. He fills those months with work and socializing, and often has his hands full with client requests!

Zekiran Stats

Name Morgan Valena - notably in this place, quite a few people pronounce his name 'as it actually was intended', with a very faint b sound to Valena. Given that Valena is a version of baleen, balena or 'whale', he appreciates that they understand his family name origin
-- Status description
Membayar - it was instantly clear that Morgan would be best off with a chunk of a mountain, a place to put down roots and work his magic on silver mined from that mountain, but also that he was quite good with numbers and organizing things as well as people. He is not comfortable with being a slave-holder, so no Budak would ever be on his ledger. But he has paid off the debt of at least one of his employees, which brought his Holdings up to this Status. He doesn't necessarily need to keep it, he's fine with Tuantana, but at this time (10600ish) he has that level and the according political sway that goes with it
Gender / Preference
Age / Lifespan
Male / mostly Straight / appears adult / Immortal thanks to Nexus and/or Void magic
Born Year / LAZ

Arrived 10575 / Zerin / Bohata / Zu - though technically he didn't actually arrive at that location, it is where he's got his shop and home, and where he has votes in local elections


Technically 'Natural' however he is treated as NB5, or 'Natural 5th Degree', since he exhibits quite a few traits that would have certainly been selected for numerous generations before, as well as his inherent - if oddly behaved - powers

Fertility Normal, that is to say he can sire offspring with any given female that has the capability, with improved odds with those approaching Normal themselves; he is also remarkably easy to splice according to numerous Peridian
Parents Unknown names, deceased; twin brother Rolph still at World
Bred To/Offspring

Morgan has definitely been used for breeding by a couple different Peridian, though he has stronger ties with those who understand offworld needs more than locals typically would.

These offspring continue to come at intervals, and yes he is there for several hundred years right along with plenty of other odd offworlders...

Year / Peridian Bred To Offspring Descendants
10588 / Maalysah Digeh Gehdim Valena (f) 10610+Jiotio / Djhimo Valena
-- [10818+Zhyam Genevahh / Mozhy Genevahlena]
10642+Shodan Creff / Damasqus Crevalena
10691+Mo'bri Kuyulihr / Dimo'gah Kuvalihra
-- [10713+Dima the Lucent / Dimante the Host]
10748+Iqahrus Vahh / Gahdiq Vahlenah
-- [10838+Draviis / Graviiq Vahlenah]
10628 / unknown Taovih Torviga Valena (f) 10726+Tyryan Genevahh / Toryga Genevahlena
-- [10771+Varga Vasquez / Garyva Genevahlasquez]
-- [10803+Ixy'ruz / Toryx Genevahlena]
10640 / Maalysah Laa'miah Vahliq Or'niah Vahliqa (m) 10757+Maalysah / Maa'roh Valiqa
10643 / Maalysah Laa'miah Vahliq Gaa'mah Vahliqa (f) 10667+Kuutho Doni / Vahdoniqa
-- [10732+Naevas Akegata / Vahsani Donegata]
10707+Falkon / Koh'mah Vahliqa
10710+Falkon / Kaa'mah Vahliqa
10690 / unknown Ingue (Bender) Gorwin Valena (m) 10711+Fahren / Garwen Valena
10744 / Maalysah Ixy'ruz Ru'mix Valena (m) 10787+Verix Haital-Vahrlish / Re'vix Vahrlenish
Int - 90
App - 75
Edu - 65^/45
Cha - 89
Str - 84
Soc - 83^63
Hea - 81
Agg - 60
Agi - 79+
San - 65
Rea - 82
Cou - 88
Sensory Mods Metal sense 160 (silver)
Movement Mods Swims just fine
83 Manual Dexterity
Body Type: 83 tall and muscular
^ Zekira only; no mk = World value

Land - 246, all in one Zone; votes in local Zu elections only; Karnaca holdings equate to about 48 units but don't count here obviously

Amount, Use
Zerin / Bohata / Zu
6 / Apartments for workers - he wants his people to be at their best, and you can't hike up a mountainside to get to work and be expected to do that; these apartments are simple but for some they're the first taste of what living on their own will be like once they make enough from commissions!

10 / Home - his own home is considerably more expansive than the apartments, as he's used to his homes in Karnaca, this one is a multi-level and somewhat more upright design than many in the area. But he likes that it can exploit both the rugged stones as well as the locally-sourced huge trees, somewhat similar to those found in his home city as well. He took inspiration from Karnaca and showed the architect some silvergraphs of those houses and structures, and they just nailed it. With beautiful but not over-done filigree in the wood trim, elegant and airy courtyard in the center framed by balconies, tile flooring and matching walls with pleasant geometric designs, this home was on the short-list of 'places to visit in the 580s' after it was finished. It manages to be both 'quaintly rustic' and 'remarkably pretty' at the same time. The home can house a dozen guests in plaster-walled rooms, and has a large art display featuring quite a few things that were not made, mined, nor bought from Zekiran sources...

36 / Display and Sales Shop - in the busy downtown area of Zu (in as much as this rugged little scientific outpost on the battered coastline can have 'busy') there is a large shop with plenty of items created by Morgan as well as many students that he encourages to sell here. Not just local kids or hobbyists, but students from Carramba also sell stuff here. Mostly metalwork but there is a lot of glass both blown and cut, pottery, marble, scrimshaw ivory carvings, twisted wood creations, and even a few 'found item' pieces washed up on the dangerous shores and turned into new things
60 / Silver Smithy Workshop - directly behind the sales shop is the more broad, flat, and noisy artists workshop. Hammering and metal pounding can be heard pretty much all during the daylight hours, though there aren't all that many neighbors to complain. All the smelting, foundry, tooling, and heavy equipment here is why the place is worth as much as it is, not just the pure silver, zinc, and other metals that come from it: they do have to narrow the copper, lead, zinc and other ores into 'functional' and 'beautiful', and sell the 'functional' stuff off mainly to Vahh for their ... whatever they do with it... He has around a dozen Zekiran students here that work while he's on-site, and a pair or maybe three that remain full time when he's not on Zekira, doing more of the instruction and heavy work while he's away, and concentraing their efforts on art when he is present
134 / Silver Mine - and then there's the mine, which while outside looks quite modest, literally just a nook carved into a small rise beween the many trees, but it's been hollowed over the last few decades carefully and slowly, to avoid any hint of collapse or running dry. (Zekiran planetary silver deposits within other metal lines seem to be considerably larger and more plentiful than on Earth, though nothing like that which Karnaca saw in its most dusty mining days.) He employs specialized workers and attendants to make sure that there is adequate airflow, solid walls and flooring, light, and other safety measures, as well as numerous mutants who can shape stone, ore, or crystal. Since Morgan himself can extract pure silver from dust or loose material, he likes having others around to help with that task - and can show off how well he does it (which he could never, ever do in Karnaca).
Bayaran - 1, a man who had an unusual and extremely bad fall just outside the mine: everyone was too concerned with the mine itself, but the road until this accident was hardly there and not particularly well maintained. That changed with him in the hospital, and Morgan picked up the bill without a moment's hesitation. Once he was healthy he has been working again, and will likely be done with that payment plan within 10 or so years at most
Budak - none, Morgan doesn't believe in holding Slaves; his parents families were both originally slaves from Pandyssia and he has no interest in starting that trend back up

Other Employees

8 Kaumburuh full time, working in the mine; you might not think that a team of 8 could pull out enough to be profitable but Morgan knows exactly what he's doing, he also has access to around a dozen more part time Kaumburuh to work busier seasons or while he's on site to do forge and smelting work, refining the ores or crushing crystal into easily-manipulated particles

1 Tuantana works the sales floor and manages it full time, others are hired as consultants or inspectors for the mine or other locations

Others include several Membayar and a Suzerain, all of whom have strong metal or stone psionics and are capable of helping assess or rework areas of the mine; Zone officials are often around, mostly to show others 'how it's actually supposed to work'; he has had to decline a number of offers to buy the entire place, from nosey Atasan and a Penjagan who got very, very offended when Morgan addressed his Budak before him...

Earnings - around 27kc / year
Savings - around 300kc

Genetic Purity/
Power Rank
25 / 2



Language Comprehension (all species) - Morgan is gifted with the ability to just understand things if he stares at them or listens to them long enough. Ancient runes, magic inscriptions, cuneiform tablets, Zekiran scribbly script, computerized fonts - it's all the same to him, really, and he learns these things at a staggering rate when he puts his mind to it

#Metal Sense - able to detect all forms of elemental metal nearby (within about 20 meters) but silver stands out to his mental eyes more easily

#Particulate Control - this is normally a Major power but it's very specific, able to filter or sift through a volume of dust, sand, nothing bigger than large salt particles or small grains of sand, and separate out the silver or other metals; can cause this resultant powder to move, shape it, or nudge it. All this is within his arms reach outstreched, in a sphere, if he drags his hand through a dusty or loose pile of sand, it will come out positively covered in metal hairs


*Major Human Healing - this power is extremely difficult to use here, wears him out even more than it would on the World, and he isn't legally allowed to use it anyway since he's not a Sehatan

#Shapeshift to Metal Form - a single variant form of his own normal parts, but with silver instead of basically any tissue he wants; he's quite curious because though this is definitely a 'magic' power granted to him via the Void, it has clearly inherited as a shapeshifting ability in his offspring and it's not at all magical or prevented from being used thanks to being away from the Void in them. It resembles the same things he does in Paragon or Carramba, providing armor, occasionally pointy bits to keep from being hit by things, and overall 'accessorizing' (according to Paveh because he thinks it looks marvelous); he can keep this shape up indefinitely once he settles on a look or purpose, though when he sleeps it will revert to flesh. This shape provides strong Damage Resistance (16 points) to impacts, cutting/scraping, and impale damage, but none for other elemental types, and he is particularly susceptable (3x damage) to electrical damage when in this form; he is entirely immune to damage by any silver weapon or item, not just while in silver shape, but at all times. Also note that on seeing this shape or as he's working up to it, requires a Sanity check up to four times, failure means -4 temporarily; it really is creepy to see the silver moving around as though it's liquid through him, (see his Paragon images) and that can definitely unnerve you


#Greater Metal Shaping - with touch or proximity, all elemental metals but particularly silver, are his to command. A solid block or brick of silver can be worked literally like clay or putty in his hands while he's concentrating, and though this does wear him out he has certainly gotten very good with it, and practices it daily virtually any world he's on. In some cases, he has noticed that metal that other people have shaped first is slightly easier to work with, and they have noted the same after he's done

#Teleportation to Metal Source - as his home and other locations have provided him with touch-points in the form of a simple silver beam or pole put right where he wants it, he can do this trick here too - even across a continent, but usually just up to the mine and back down to his home; he cannot take anyone with him when he moves in this manner, however he can carry nearly his own body weight with him successfully

Dimensiongate / Genrehop - He can 'knock' on the Void and it opens to him, but likewise he can also reach for a doorknob or open a window, and it can be to the places he's visited. Carramba has its own specific door in his private chambers, as does his Karnaca home, and the Void specifically allows him to return to his home World already. These portals remain open until he closes them (or until Levi closes his), so he can take students from Carramba here or likewise move some of his Zekiran students and friends to check out the lovely Karnaca sunset and ride the local carriage tracks...

Physical Mutations / Social Disadvantages

Minor: is Human, so he has facial and some amount of body hair which is remarkably rare here; he also has Human fertility, which is why that hair is becoming quite the fashion statement, because 'virility' (though it's not connected, but humans having hair and not being ridiculously infertile are certainly a known constant in higher-ranking Peridian circles)

Minor: Survival / Water-Drowning - Morgan knows that the choppy waters outside of his chosen Zekiran home are very, very dangerous, even more so because this world's oceans are barely saline and what little fat he has might not do much good for floating. That's fine, because he can say he won't drown while swimming around with the exotic creatures in the surf here. Whether it's because he can just hold his breath amazingly well, or he's just that strong fighting the currents or riptide, Morgan is a very good swimmer and that applies here as well as anywhere else

Special: Nexus / Magical Immortality - he won't age, and will recover from dire injuries within a short period; this is also a known thing among Peridian who seek out longevity and resistances


Minor: ^ as above, Education and Social Skills are primarily human-centric and World-centric, but they can mainly be applied to Zekira. He's had to learn some very specific things about the local customs, laws, and the like, as well as learning their script - which is fine because over in Carramba he teaches that script class...

Minor: # silver is preferred over any other metal, and no non-metal substances can be shaped or controlled; he can work with a modest amount of particulate matter connected to elemental silver, but he claims it's like trying to sing in a sand storm - you can do it, it's just really hard... All psionics dealing with silver are at 2x for distance, volume, reduction of time taken, and other such uses. Non-silver metals work at .5x for all those things

Minor: # powers which can be directly used on metal, silver specifically, by PR 2-0 users, may affect Morgan while he is in his Silver Shape (only), he will try and resist of course, because he finds it extremely unpleasant when someone just up and tries to move his metal skin around - that's connected, leave it where it is please

Special: * Note well that some specific powers cannot be used at all on Zekira, even if Levi is standing right there trying to help it happen; the Void-based powers flow but not very well, and enhancing items or enchanting bonecharms simply cannot be done here; that doesn't mean that those abilities aren't present in his skill set or in his dna, because they definitely do blend with his partners powers in unique ways

Note: Powers may add 15 points to base skills indicated ^


Literacy 15 (World only) / 5 (Zekiran specific) - he is fantastically apt with words and scripts, as his class demonstrates
Math 7 - though he doesn't really want to make a living at accounting or other math-related fields, he certainly could
Personal Upkeep 10 - Morgan is somewhat vain, but also he's been keenly aware of his appearance and how it might endanger him all his life, so he does make sure to be 'right' for the location; he does enjoy dressing well, and looking good, and it shows
Land/Area Knowledge 10 (World) / 4 (Zekira) - he did scope out numerous spots that had been hinted might work well for his needs on arrival, but he chose Zu since it also was right near the coast, and that coast is amazing for swimming in; beyond that, he doesn't much travel except to very specific places, and doesn't genuinely care about the long and slightly-boring history of Zekira (it's so many numbers and so much slavery, it's just ... not his thing, y'know?)

Law / Voter 5 - required to be a citizen, he knows how to participate in local law making and elections
Law / Holder 5 - also required, since he is a Land Holder he did start with Tuantana skills, which overlap Membayar so much that it's hardly worth mentioning

Contract Writing 10 - on the other hand, he's actually quite good with the legal system here, and makes for a devious contractor. He knows how to not get caught in legal webs, that's for sure
Debt Assessment 5 - adequately able to know how to look over the numbers, his skill in math is far more useful with this than his knowledge of social structures here on Zekira

Command 5 - a single course in 'how to control your Budak and Bayaran' was all he needed, he gets the point, but more to the point the people around him listen to him anyway since when he does speak it's with confidence and knowledge on his side

Politics / Local 5 - knows where that voter hall is, and though he's not remarkably active in politics, the local Zone committee would prefer him to actually be more involved particularly in mining safety and health issues


Silversmith - he is an adept smith and artist, and has done this for a great number of years
Shopkeeper - he's been doing this too, albeit with a slightly different client base here on Zekira, but with much bigger sales, and more prominent advertising than he could use in Karnaca

Barter 10 - if there's a deal to be made, he'll make it; he is fair and knows his work's worth, but he will certainly haggle if he spots a weak point
Appraisal (mostly Art / Metalwork) 5 - what he thinks is art might not mean as much to someone else, but at least the quality of a piece is what counts the most, and he knows quality assessment in and out

^Substance Recognition / Metals 15(+) - inherently able to sense metals, silver, and alloys particularly, so he knows if someone is trying to pass off cheaply made items as pure
^Mining / Geology 15 - it doesn't matter whether it's the World, Twoarth, or Zekira, the ground behaves a certain way, just with slighly different percentages, right?
^Mining / Safety 5 - he learned from Aramis Stilton how to keep the miners from being harmed, it's mostly his adherence to these ideas that Morgan's mine safety skill is honed
^Mining / Tools 10 - whether it's a pick axe and scraping tools, shovels and carts, sifters or full burning forges, Morgan knows how to use them in context

Artistry / Sculpture 15 - he can 'feel' the surface of a piece the same way he feels a lover's caress, understands the curves of a hip as well as the slick scallop of fish scales under his fingers; he is a master sculptor, even his lesser work is far above average

^Metalwork / Small 15 - generally things like gears, trinkets, small tools and equipment, and sculptures up to around the length of your arm, he has a skill that will keep it even and consistent across the whole piece
^Metalwork / Large 15 - and that applies if he's making a large scale artwork such as a full body piece, or practical things like metal gates or structural items; he puts less fancy into those functional works, but they're still sound and durable

*^Bonecharms and Runes 20 - though these get a huge amount of effort put into them anywhere else, with the magic of the Void flowing through them, the magic doesn't do that here on Zekira. That doesn't mean that he won't put together a scrimshaw Rune with delightfully strange symbols carved into it and frame it with silver wire and driftwood - he'll sell it here, it just won't 'do' anything but look great over someone's fireplace


Combat When Needed - Morgan's life in Karnaca had been formed in violence and framed in danger; his tenure as a hero in Paragon has had him seeking out evil to keep at bay; here on Zekira, there's not so much 'evil' but there are the occasional bouts with stags and mountain animals, the forest around Zu is filled with them

^Hand to Hand Combat / Staff 15 - he can instantly produce a staff out of the metal he carries with him, and with that staff whatever is running at him better take a detour because it will absolutely wind up on the ground with its head bashed in
^Hand to Hand Combat / Nunchuk 10 - he will spar with other adept close-quarters and non-bladed fighters, just to keep in shape here, and more often than not will win against even larger or supposedly-more-talented fighters - he can feel the weapon through his hand and his magic, they cannot...

Ranged Combat / Thrown Item 5 - from bags of sand and rocks, to small ball bearings, and the very rare silver knife or dart, Morgan is capable of keeping enemies at bay or incapacitated without having to get near enough to strike them


Teleport / Range 20 - he does tend to use specific locations a lot, but in truth anywhere he looks he can teleport to if he tries hard enough

^Throw / Accuracy 10 - if he's tossing something he has shaped (only) his accuracy for this item is much improved

^Metalshape / Duration 10 - he can shape metal for nearly an hour before really needing to take a breather
^Metalshape / Endurance 10 - that breather will be quite short, then he'll be back at it once more

Bonded at  


Other Info:

Void Travelers and Repurposed, Individual characters and information (c) 2022 and beyond, Lethe/Droppin the Fork | Dishonored (c) Bethesda; Half Life, Portal (c) Valve; Fear (c) Warner Brothers || Art assets (c) Bethesda / Arkane unless otherwise specified | Doll assets linked where possible | Any other images credited and/or linked where possible | No use off this site (kshau-protectorate.com) is permitted nor will be allowed without specific written request, and will never be available for No Fucking Thanks purposes