(Back to Prime Version) (Check out his Carramba Classes) (On to Zekiran Visitation) *This page is image heavy

Image Credits Doll Divine / Sailor Senshi; below: City of Heroes

Name: Morgan Valena, Paragon Hero

Arriving to the east coast of the USA on Primal Earth (or perhaps a Twoarth variant) Morgan picked up his staff and began putting evil in its place straight away. He'd been told that his magic would work very well, and that's an understatement actually. Visually the way his magic shows up in silver and auras is much more apparent than in the World

This page will show off his fighting techniques, his costuming, and his magic powers - all of them basically available in the World as well as Zekira and Carramba, of course.

He founded the Depths of the Void 'supergroup' which is actually just a collection of portals back to the World, where he and several other heroes can store their stuff or escape into the action packed City.

His official Paragon heroics license has this descrtiption:

A metal smith marked by the Outsider and given magical abilities. Born in Karnaca with a twin brother, Rolph, they were taken from their parents at the age of 6. Rolph went on to become an Overseer for the Abbey, but Morgan ran away from their captors and discovered their parents had been killed. He hid and scrounged for several years in an abandoned silversmith shop, and taught himself how to work metal.

At 12, he dropped molten silver on his hand, and while in shock was visited by the Outsider, who granted him the Mark which gives him magical power. Morgan uses it to shape and refine silver and metals, but he must keep this all secret. His brother returned to accuse him of witchcraft, but because of his long-standing paranoia, Morgan's shop had no magic to find.

The Void is a strange thing, and on a visit, he exited to Paragon City where he can use magic without fear.

Morgan has an assortment of looks - all of these apply to the World's version as well but there's not nearly enough space for this on that page! These are his 'costume' choices, as described on his main page, all very nicely tailored! When in Paragon, he does have access to a much wider variety of materials than in the World's shops, but also has a tailor there, in the form of the Convocation's Wilson Carver, who wants everyone looking their best!
Also while in Paragon City he developed a stronger series of looks for his magically aided physical traits. Not just 'costume parts' or clothing, these changes affect his entire body, particularly his skin and musculature, allowing the force of the Void to flow directly into his body. How he contains this? With style.

Since Paragon City's system requires more detail and granularity in their powers department, defining what a power does and how it's used is quite important - wouldn't want to have someone using your signature move to do villainous crimes and be blamed for things you didn't do! Thus, regularly, Morgan stops by the training department and gives tips and demonstrations. He's actually quite happy to do this, and has mentored several up and coming heroes in the process.

All of the physical skills and most of the magical ones are things he uses in his heroics in Paragon, but they were definitely honed back home in the World first. The fact that he's allowed to just let loose here has helped his skill level with magic tremendously, and he is considered an 'Incarnate', gifted with a variety of side-effects and added powers that young or new heroes simply don't have until they're much more experienced.

Uses this power constantly, since he enters and leaves his 'supergroup portal' - it's linked to the Void proper, and Morgan has learned how to concentrate on specific locations familiar to him in order to manifest them in the Void

When he knocks, the Outsider opens the door, at this point Levi just leaves it open or with a key beneath the doormat...

While this power is definitely useful for detection of hidden items and important traps in Paragon, mainly he uses this in Karnaca for defense

He was very briefly overwhelmed when he arrived to Paragon (and to other places beyond the World) thanks to the incredibly vast presence of machinery and technology - but he's gotten a grip and has learned how to focus for specific uses

Definitely much more used in his shop in Karnaca than here in Paragon, but he does have the occasional field trip to Nevada from Crescent City - seeing as how Nevada is known as the Silver State, he can help students and artists alike using this power

Though not all of his students could possibly do the same exact techniques, some of them have metal shaping magic themselves, and he's delighted when one of them learns a new trick in art class!

These have seen a tremendous amount of use in Paragon, and occasionally on Zekira. Since he is directly out there fighting bad guys and preventing various disasters from befalling any given world, keeping himself fit and suited to the needs of the day is paramount

He still doesn't like bloodletting weapons, but knows that sometimes an edge is better than a staff, or a thrown knife more easily controlled than a wand's magical shot

Without these, he's not exactly helpless, but Morgan certainly gets a good workout wherever he goes. He does love the high rooftops of Paragon, and the expansive cityscape it offers, for that leaping-across thing!

It's definitely better to dodge than to get hit and have to deflect something, but his skill at this is superb

Combining his love of artistry, and his skill with magic, many of these charms, runes, and spells are of use on multiple worlds. Notably they don't really function on Zekira, but virtually anywhere else, if he's assembled a bone charm, anyone will be able to benefit from its use

Given that Levi actually sits there watching him make some of these, no pressure, no pressure, Morgan's skill and patience has paid off to help others learn both magical and mundane styles

Morgan's staff use is well practiced, and actually a joy to watch according to plenty of team-mates. Time was he would hide this skill, since most of the people he had to defend against in Karnaca were less than savory and it was generally 'personal'. But here in Paragon, Crescent, and even on Zekira, he can let himself perform a stunning dance of balance, counterplay, and angles.

He prefers blunt or non-lethal weaponry, which on Paragon is sort of important since he is 'arresting' most villains... Specifically uses a silver staff there, though he does also have a set of silver nunchucks or hand staves which sees more use in Karnaca. Capable of fighting numerous opponents at once, he has a good grasp of where to stand and how to arrange his enemies - yes, he arranges them, and given some of his magical powers below, they stay where he's put them.

Morgan's Paragon dossier contains more than this, but his basic heroic identity can be encompassed by "Staff Fighting" and "Bio-Armor defense". He uses several 'temporary' powers, things which Paragon City suggests 'if you find it on an enemy you're okay to use it too' obviously as long as it's against another enemy! The Blackwand he's noticed channels power straight from the Void, and he is able to punch in rapid succession using a technique that some local Mu mages practice as well. He has an enchanted axe, useful much more here in Paragon since there are a lot of ghostly or spectral enemies needing to be put down

All of the attacks as well as tweaks offered by 'Forms' (mind, body, soul) allow him to stun, disable, or or knock down opponents in rapid succession. One thing notably missing, which a lot of 'scrapper' types seem to think is unusual, is that he does not 'Confront' enemies, taunting them is not his style at all

His defensive abilities are all as listed elsewhere, with the power to heal himself by drawing on the forces around him, using small metal particles in the air to coat his body in armor, and even to continually damage nearby enemies with an aura of those particles! He can choose to 'Adapt' himself to conserve his endurance, to bolster his defense, or to enhance his attack power, all by shuffling around that silver and the energy from the Void

Beyond those, he has a limited set of abilities that draw from the Void itself: both 'Sorcery' and 'Darkness' are his to command if briefly. He uses similar powers to get around Karnaca, teleporting from one spot to another using planted silver, but here in Paragon he actively flies. The Void itself aids in tying down enemies to root them into place with thick, strangely screaming tentacles or shards of humming dark matter, putting fear into their minds and distracting them while he can swing his staff around cleanly.

As an 'Incarnate', he has mastered numerous facets of his body and spirit, and when he's fighting he can attract all the attention he needs from the enemy, keeping them focused on him without the use of that confrontational taunting. At times, he can inspire terror in those enemies, rooting them even deeper into place when he's got them stuck with darkness - and then delivering a massive burst of cold, Void energy to a large number of nearby enemies with a Final Judgement ... He's not all about the damage given, though, sometimes he can let his team share in protective energies while he's filled with his own healthy glow.

And as he's been doing this 'hero' thing for several years, he's collected quite a few methods of getting around town, moving directly to hot spots, bringing his team along, and aiding fallen companions. He also has a very, very extensive set of mementos from his adventures, he leaves those in the group's base - that is to say the Void - since he can't safely put them all in his home or on display in Karnaca. Maybe on Zekira, certainly in Crescent City, but not on his home World. Explaining how he has a vial of demon's blood, or a strangely-scripted magical tome, or even a piece of trembling regenerating flesh, yeah that's not going to happen in Karnaca.



Other Info:

Void Travelers and Repurposed, Individual characters and information (c) 2022 and beyond, Lethe/Droppin the Fork | Dishonored (c) Bethesda; Half Life, Portal (c) Valve; Fear (c) Warner Brothers || Art assets (c) Bethesda / Arkane unless otherwise specified | Doll assets linked where possible | Any other images credited and/or linked where possible | No use off this site (kshau-protectorate.com) is permitted nor will be allowed without specific written request, and will never be available for No Fucking Thanks purposes