Name: Talsa Farad

Gender: Female, genderfluid Aromantic

Age/DOB: 20 / 2266?

Origin: Vault Earth, Vault 98, Commonwealth

Family: Unknown, Alive in Vault

Other: Emerged from the Vault 3 years before Rookery as a volunteer and never went back inside

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 175, padded but extremely muscular, looks quite curvy but she is absolutely a brick shit house of a woman

Hair: dyed aqua-white, after she saw the 'fashions' in the Commonwealth she dove right in and got her longer hair chopped off at Diamond City's Kathy and John's Salon; it's silky and straight though does frizz up in moist weather and dries out in the desert; it's rare to see her with the same hair style or color more than a few months at a time

Eyes: rich brown to the point of black, large and usually covered by some amount of hair, looks surprised and pleased

Appearance: red-tan skin of a swarthy background, though she also has prominent vitiligo pale marks from her face, neck, shoulders, chest, arms, hands, and legs. These vary in size from a postage stamp to saucer-sized, and she does occasionally try covering them up but eventually gives up; she has a hooked nose and full lips, and is considered quite pretty, even by the raiders she punches when they get too close; though she's adopted mostly casual old-world garb as shown she still keeps her Vault gear as well, which did include a nice sweater

Genetic Abilities: though none overtly, she is remarkably strong, and seems to have an innate understanding of structures and physics, to the point of being able to knock down an entire wobbling building with one well-placed punch.
SPECIAL - Strength: 7 | Perception: 5 | Endurance: 4 | Charisma: 6 | Intelligence: 6 | Agility: 9 | Luck: 1

Image Credits: DD Shidabeeda Frock&Folly

Icarus Processing: none, she shows no negative markers, though, and with her skill and strength Melissa has offered to help find the right genetic partner even if she doesn't want someone permanently in her life; she's going to take them up on it because the world needs solid folks like her.
Skills or Profession: in the Vault it was all studies and testing, her down time consumed with working out and practice sparring. Outside, her skills and training were put to excellent use by Levi and the Commonwealth Wrecking Crew. She has extensive knowledge of architecture and civil engineering, but with an eye for demolition rather than planning and building. If there's a structure in the way of a new project, she will erase it from the landscape as easily as dragging an eraser over a drawing. She can identify construction materials and tools, using most of them with ease though she claims she doesn't care for routers and lathes - in her childhood she saw someone get severely injured when their clothing caught in the spin, and has avoided their use ever since. Her size and strength belies her intelligence, she's keenly smart and able to use the big words with any given technician or scientist, often surprising them. She seems to be able to know exactly the weakest spot - on a building, on a person, the ground, or weapon, and with her tremendous strength and even more impressive agility, her aim has never been known to miss. Her fight training, while less adept than her demolitions, is still quite good given her strength overall, and she tends to use boxing gloves, clubs and baseball bats (she has a great love of Moe Cronin's Swatter shop in Diamond City, and uses a Weighted Grey Rocket Powered Swatter in combat). Obviously she also enjoys changing up her hair style, and will take a break from bashing Raiders to complement a style before punching their face in.
Personality: Talkative and fun, she's truly at her best out in the ruins where she can let loose and enjoy her love of watching things fall down. From the Commonwealth to the Mojave things didn't change, except now she can spot good weak points from above on Sprinkle's back! She can be quite curt with folks who either look down on her for being a woman, having skin markings, 'being a big girl', or any number of other reasons, and equally looks down on folks who have such views. She also is a bit of a snob when it comes to Vault dwelling, she knows that civilization continued but look at it, it's a mess. Let's clean it up, shall we?

Events or History: Born to Vault dwellers from the central Boston area, her Vault, 98, seemed to be passed by for decades before outsiders noticed its entrance. Early on in the Vault's history, they realized the Vault-Tec plans were fit to destroy them like most other Vaults, and abandoned the edicts of their first Overseer, preferring to set forth with education and plans to help rebuild whatever was 'out there' when they finally left. Consummate engineers, they expanded their Vault considerably, and when Levi made contact with it, he set about putting them in charge of the renovations of the Commonwealth overall. Not everyone in the Vault wants to leave it, after all it's reasonably lavish and has quite a bit more technology in it than others of its age. But Talsa volunteered to exit and enjoys her decision, though she did find it a bit weird that so many 'not human things' are out there... She does get along very well with some SuperMutants, because they love smashing things too! And, she's among the few Humans who can physically keep up with them, hefting similar tools, and laughing while doing so.

With the advent of the Rookery, and contact with the western Mojave Conglomerate, she was very interested in going out to New Vegas to work on their projects. It was at that point she was met with this amazing dragon, and the rest is - or will be - history. Currently is set up in the Samson Rock Crushing Plant, having made arrangements with RepoGirl and the Fiends, to keep on a friendly basis while she works. They have welcomed Beula into their camp as a pottery maker, and even RepoGirl is happy with this because it means people are willing to spend money in the area.


Name: I Want Sprinkles, "Sprinkle", "Specs"
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Small 8' s / 54' l / 74' ws
Colors: Belly from chin to tail tip and behind legs rich black; face, neck, body, limbs, wing arms, tail, dorsal spines medium green with bright white scale armor; dorsal armor from nose to tail pale green; face armor light grey; wingsails and webbing impossible to tell whether any one color is a 'base', tiny star-shimmer patterns in black, greys, white, light and dark green (see image); eyes pale green; claws very dark graphite
Features: Pure Leafwing
Powers: Winged Flight, though small, Sprinkles is a very strong flier, and can lift much heavier weights than one might expect. He can fly through difficult conditions such as high gusts or crosswinds, and maintain a solid course. He is relied upon to pick up and transport large chunks of landscape to the Crushing plant, and also is able to drop those big chunks of concrete and rebar on enemies with accuracy. He's not very fast, preferring stability to speed.
Communication, Sprinkle is clever with words, and is almost always chatty, particularly with his human friend or those she keeps as company. He speaks English fluently and has picked up his rider's Bostonian accent, but also still knows Draconic. He and Talsa are Vortally connected, but only in that he always knows just where to find her, and not really with any deeper communications.
Spikey Like Cactus, Sprinkles is still a Leafwing and as such has some ability to exert control over plant matter. Because they're in the desert now, and succulents are plentiful, he often has a few little (... 4' tall) aloe or saguaro plants growing around his nesting areas. Also, spikes can be shot out of them, regardless of what type of plant it actually is. He can produce this effect from anything that's over 2 feet tall or barrel shaped, and direct the spike bursts in specific directions. This is a short ranged attack, obviously, though for bigger plants the range is appropriately longer, but generally less than 10 meters accurately on any of them. He's got these plants rigged as defenses, and is working with some of the Silkwings around the Mojave to get proper triggers and traps worked out. If you need a place to be defended while you're out, and don't mind some amount of prickly remnants, he's your go-to dragon plant arranger. He ... probably deserves the name Sprinkles not because of his markings, but more because these plants sprinkle enemies with deadly inch-long spines that will definitely kill small creatures, and maim or deeply injure anything bigger than a large dog particularly if they get in eyes or your mouth...
Parentage: Unknown Leafwings, no relatives known in the Rookery; not looking to pair up for any length of time, but highly likely to be flirting with just about any dragon that shows interest
Origin: Adopted from ScorpionNinjaGirl with lines by LunarSolstice981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Proud and just as aro as can be, Sprinkles has more of a love-em-and-leave-em attitude, vastly preferring to be free from the hassle of a relationship and the baggage that comes from them. His exception of course, is his human friend, because Talsa is fantastic.

<-- This is a close-up of Sprinkles wingsail, and is his namesake

Name: Twinkle
Gender: Female
Size: 1'3" s / 2'5" l / 5' ws
Color: White based; aro-flag Pride dragonet :D White body, with silver and black limbs, and two tone green wings, pale eyes
Features: Dragonet - Throwbacks to the original native species, Dragonets are heavier built than ordinary firelizards, with shorter headknobs and broader wings. Each foot has three toes in a grasping talon configuration, with two facing forward and the third towards the back in a pseudo-thumb position. The genetic mutation responsible for the re-emergence of the dragonet is a rare one.
Powers: Winged Flight, sturdy flier in the warm air of the Mojave, and enjoys doing quite a bit of loopy and entertaining stunts. Among any animal that's come close to Sprinkles' traps, she is able to actually avoid being hit by those nasty spikes. Not that Talsa actively allows Twinkle to test those traps!
Teleportation, local on-world only, Twinkle is remarkable at rapid-fire teleportation, which is how she's been able to work secretly on those explosive traps... though she can't port very far it's still nearly 100 meters per blip, and she seemingly never runs out of energy to move away
Communication, telepathic / empathic image-based, she has a close bond with both Talsa and Sprinkle, and is capable of figuring out the best way to get around both of their requests or orders, and forge her own path
Assisted Fire Breath, she's figured out how to find coal and chow down on it, but doesn't do so all the time, so she is technically still fertile
Parentage: unknown
Origin: Dragonet Flitter from Dawnwatch Weyr!
Other Info: may have small clutches twice a year, but is unlikely to find a permanent mate among any flits on this world