Name: Drake "Titanium" Robinson

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: 30 / September 30, 19XX

Origin: Aperturth, Detroit, MI

Family: Deceased before he was 12, raised by a local gang, who are also quite likely all dead now

Other: taken in by authorities, and handed off to Aperture because their system pinged him as a potential test subject

Height: 6'2"

Weight: flesh/around 190, all muscle, torso and forearm strength is obvious; metallic/from 100 to 300 depending on substance used, with the same build for any metal

Hair: dark brown, stiff, kept shaved quite short

Eyes: bright blue, changes to metallic cobalt, close set, a bit droopy

Appearance: fair skinned with plenty of small scars, burns, and tattoos on shoulderblades (gang related); currently also is often 'grey' or metallic, as shown. Doesn't mind wearing the Aperture-issued prison garb, as it's basically the same as any other mechanic jumpsuit he's ever worn, plus he likes the color; also has prominent stubble, and might clean up decently well, doesn't care to; has a gruff voice, used to smoking and talking over mechanical devices or auto shop noise so he's rather loud

Icarus Processing: Not as such, but obvoiusly treated with whatever Aperture's test team was using that day, and aggrivated or triggered by the Resonance Cascade there; the testing clearly opened up his innate Vortal power, but also caused it to be remarkably strong, and thus he has had to work fairly hard on getting his newfound abilities under control

Image Credits: Valve / APNG by EZGif

Genetic Abilities: self-shifting molecular alteration, centered on metallic substances. This ability can be used to change his entire body and anything inside him (be it food in his digestive tract or hidden drug stashes... wherever) into a metal that is 'alive'. He suffers no ill effects in this way, and if Aperture (or Armacham for that matter) had been in charge of his learning curve he'd have discovered that his limbs will regrow if cut off, though that process leaves his overall biomass 'low'. Severed bits will revert to flesh almost immediately and are of no use as such. Well, obviously they are edible. Stop picking at his finger and just fucking eat it already you fucking weirdo. His control over this power is tenuous, he will often suddenly go metallic for no apparent reason, or when he touches something he hasn't before made of metals. He can emulate nearly any metal though it will be solid when he does so - even extremely low melting point metals like Mercury will be 'solid' and not sloshy when he is in this elemental form. Alloys, amalgams, and all forms of processed metals are included. His personal level of ability with his own shifting is growing stronger, but he will likely never achieve the ability to turn only parts to metal. But what he does with his body when he is in this form is pretty astounding. He can shape his hands into sharp points, bounce bullets off a hard shell or allow them to just slip right through him (though he does have to be prepared for either of those things, otherwise they ding and chip, and then he bleeds and hurts), he's trying to learn how to move into a more liquid shape, and while he can't do it with most metals, that aforementioned mercury is mighty slippery even in its solid form. He can move and exist just fine in any of these shapes, and depending on the strength of the metal in its most solid format he can be quite difficult to harm. He doesn't bother with bullshit like silver and gold, because they're soft as hell. Titanium, however... Titanium and solid steel, those are fantastic and he loves them. He is working with diligent practice, among the few who are able to concentrate long enough on one task to do this, to allow him to transfer metallic properties of one thing to another, and has been able to work on anything from metals (easiest) and alloys (still quite easy), stone (pretty swift), glass and crystals (average), to plastics (moderately hard, depends on its consistency) and to wood and paper (difficult, best on dead wood and paper), and has yet to try other living tissues. He's smart enough to recognize that his power works much better on inorganic substances than anything that's got 'cell structure'. He can however 'fix' metal parts that are in bad shape or bent, rusted, or otherwise useless, with a touch. He doesn't have to change their physical makeup, but if he knows what that part is supposed to be like he can revert it to it's 'factory' condition. His tools are spotless, every single screw and spring in his shop are perfect and functional. Do not touch them. He will fuck your shit up.

Notably he is extremely weak to Vortal or other mental attacks, and because he has no other Vortal power beyond this metal shaping and self-shape, he is an easy target for anyone who actually shapes metal themselves. There are such folks at the Rookery, a couple of them seem like good folk to him, and he would like to 'spar' with powers, but a few of them just do not seem to think it's wise to let a criminal gang member learn how to avoid being put in his place...

Defensive Power: Very strong Alter Substances from one to another defenses---7x normal power level---This power is under control with difficulty Offensive power: Very strong Shapeshifting (metallic) attacks ---7x normal power level---This power is easily under control with concentration Weakness: Mind Powers

Skills or Profession: Auto Thief, car stripper, mechanic. He'd only put the last one on any job application of course. His skill in identifying, driving, tuning up, and even inventing parts for cars and vehicles is in a word 'legendary'. He's having a reasonably fun time figuring out the models and functionality of those 'not his dimension' cars: they used nuclear fusion to drive are they absolutely fucking insane?! Drake is able to read manuals and technical specs with ease, though he has little experience with anything other than commercial or public-grade machinery and tools. He's no rocket scientist, but... maybe... With some time and practice. If you need something repaired, be it a toaster, tommy-gun, or trolley car... Titanium is your man.
Personality: reasonably easy-going, among the few convicts in this group to be completely okay with having some rando tell them what to do. He'd rather just be given tasks and complete them and have a smoke and a beer later, than be on the run. He's not above a drunken bar brawl, and he's killed people - both gang members and police - and he doesn't regret either of those. As long as he knows who is in charge and no one's pissed him off, no one gets a finger-shank in their eye socket.

Events or History: His Aperture dossier says, Auto Stripping in the first degree / Assault in the third degree / Unlawful fleeing a police officer in a motor vehicle in the first degree / Vehicular manslaughter in the first degree. He was used as a test subject for around 3 months before the RC on Aperturth, and he was actually having a pretty decent time learning how to control his powers.

In the Mojave Conglomerate, he works out of the Nevada Highway Patrol Station near Nipton. He figures that the irony of fixing up a bunch of black-and-whites is hilarious. Also, he may think that some of the local Jackals are kinda hot. (That's... the gang girls, not the animals.)


Name: Palladium
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small 7'8" s / 36' l / 44' and 38' ws
Colors: dramatic black, grey, silver, white* *note that while her colors do move and change, they are always shades of black through white
Features: Hive Rainwing hybrid, hive dominant
Powers: Winged Flight, very zippy in the air, and can fly at low altitude or high with equal ease; also can fly extremely slow, to a hover that is quite unnerving as she hardly disturbs the air around her even though her wings are clearly pumping hard. She can lift a decent amount of weight, though her maneuverability gets impacted the more she carries.
Communication, speaking in a screeching, tires-on-pavement sound, Palladium can understand English and a few other human languages in fits and starts, and 'speaks' Draconic, when she really feels like it. She hardly ever does. Mostly she shares a sort of machine like hum with her human companion, and can make a noise like a siren if they're in pursuit...
*Color Shifting, the light-colored parts of her armor, insets, and wingsails all can shift around quite rapidly and boldly, usually she flashes her wings in alternating black and white patterns (she wishes she could emulate those red and blue lights that Titanium shows her, but she'll settle), this can leave a human or any animal that relies on sight a bit dizzy and stunned. Then she slams into them.
Sonic Control, though not really a 'breath weapon' so much as a 'really loud voice' she can use her voice to shatter eardrums, glass, or small animals. She lacks any other offensive spit or breath weapon.
Prehensile Tail, that Rainwing tail of hers is the strong bit and she can use it while flying to loop around things or prey, carrying them around or even crushing them. She's the type who picks up a beer keg, chugs it, and crushes it against her horned forehead using her tail while belching at about 100 decibels. Titanium thinks this is a goddamn hoot.
Parentage: Unknown, Hivewing mother and Rainwing sire, unrelated to any in the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from Mooncrest-Necrozma on Devianart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: She'd probably be considered 'trailer trash' if she was a human. They DO have several vehicles up on cinderblocks out front...