Hallowed Silk 2023 - Pumpkin Patch Party

Name: Kinemorth
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-small (blue-pernese) 8'2" s
Colors: burnt orange body with slightly darker wingsails
Features: smooth Pernese, with headknobs and 3 fingered wings, paw like feet, but no other outward frills
Powers: Winged Flight; Teleportation and Nexus port; Telepathy; Assisted Firebreath; Potential added senses
Parentage: Mother Polanaeth Father Faloritoth
Origin: Meridian Weyr's Halloween clutch
Bond: 'Pal'the headcrab zombie

Name: Gozu'lath, good job connecting the dots outside the box
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 5'6" s / 25' l / 44' ws
Colors: shiny black body, wingsails slightly mottled but very slick looking; claws bright white; eyes change though not always as expected color combos, as red shown is 'happy'
Features: Blackstone-based Alskyran Old World nexus, very long and lean, sport-sized with large wings; some features may change based on partner; egg layer, hide requiring maintenance, bond required, TH or K ending to names though Vortigese otherwise
Powers: Winged Flight; Teleportation (long, local, time, nexus); Communication (telepathy+, verbal speech-); Unassisted Firebreath
Parentage: Silver Tork [gold Diamoth/brown Lilioth Alabaster clutch] and black Denhadarvahth [green Chaybeth/blue Arfeth (both Dawn sisters, gold Gillith /bronze Branth) blackstone/Victory Dance]
Origin: Healing Den Hallowed Silk
Bond: Kendrick Mercer-Lane

Though both parents reside at the Rookery, it is not very convenient for them to actually lay and hatch there at this moment, so they've gone back to Kinemorth's home sands at Meridian! They are pure Pernese (with old blood, and some slight Alskyran influence) and will require a bond. That bond can be of any type - humanoid, draconic, robotic, energy, whatever as long as it can take care of or manage to get someone else to take care of the hatchling during their infancy. There will doubtless be more dragons than bonds so adoptions will be available.

Applications should include a link to a page - whether it's a bare bones placeholder or fully fleshed out story, either is fine though stats pages are encouraged, as this is a low-effort party clutch.
-- Your Name / Contact info, the candidate name, any preferences you might have/hard nopes, and their link, send it to Zekiran on discord.
Any candidate is a good candidate, it can be a randomly generated picrew or the kid of existing characters, all are welcome. No stress about stories. They manage to get to this party because Kendrick, that's why. He makes doorways into passages to wherever he likes, and as such he'll be able to bring whoever you choose to this party right on time. Maybe even without knowing it.

Dragons will be small, between 4'9" and 7'6" at shoulder, though they might have potential to throw larger from other pairings, and they do include a much bigger granddaddy, most of their immediate relatives are not large at all
Naming will be -TH ended, with some complex or alt-language if needed
Art is by Molly modified (in some cases) by Zekiran/Shard

Features: all have paw-like feet, head knobs, 3-fingered wings; some will have claws visible, eye ridges, neck spines, tail spade, all may carry those features to other generations
Abilities: Will be good fliers; Teleportation exceptional with added time, nexus, and long distance or extra-carry capacity ability; Communication includes strong Telepathy, may include verbal speech, added ability to communicate outside of typical bounds such as 'to non-telepaths' or 'to people across dimensions'; Firebreath may be assisted or unassisted but carried either way to next generations; Potential added senses including life-based detection nearby, accurate timing, probability while teleporting (just the right moment, just the right outcome), and search sniffing capabilities


background image composed of an amazon ad, flikr image, and thespruce (on image, which is larger than space seen)