Name: Dolores Santos Uribe

Gender: Female, hetero

Age/DOB: 25/1995

Origin: Armacham-Aperture Genetic Lab / Repurposed Earth

Family: Unknown donor parents; She is the mother of the first child born to the Pantheon, Fulton, her son with Ruben, has several other Pantheon children including Lacy with Leigh

Other: Fits in nearly anywhere, enjoys remaining with Pantheon

Height: 5'3

Weight: 130, curvy

Hair: black, very thick shoulder length, wavy but often in bun

Eyes: dark brown, almond shaped, very pretty according to ... well, everyone

Appearance: Red-tan skin with moles and some small scars, very curvy and attractive, prefers comfortable and pretty dresses, occasionally has a squeek to her voice

Icarus Processing: No, but she probably should have had it, it might have improved her tk ability; it's still possible that Melissa would ask her to, though she does know the process is horrific and shies away from that aspect.
** Later when the Rookery is established she like several others has decided that it was time. They braved being basically torn apart and put back together, and then having their memories erased. To her, she does still sometimes have nightmares about it, but that's the extent she recalls. Her expanded abilities are below.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Sari Maker / tektek

Genetic Abilities: Strong group empathy, useful up close so she usually sticks with people. This power can turn even dangerously angry moods into passivity, or indeed the other way around, though the stronger the Vortal energy of those around her, the less likely she is to be able to control it. Though she's had plenty of practice since the early days of the Pantheon, Dolores doesn't like using it on her friends, and has made a point to use it only when needed - and usually on normal people, who cannot possibly resist it. Generally speaking her empathic powers work well within 50 meters, best at 10, and are best with 5 to 15 people.
Also she has minor telekinetics with small objects only, close range. The total she can lift even into adulthood hasn't really changed, around 4 pounds worth or up to a dozen smaller items, and only to within about 10 meters distance. She can propel these reasonably hard, but has little expertise with it for attack purposes.
** Expanded range for almost all of her powers, her empathy and control is fully functional at over 250 meters but she still does have a little difficulty in not being carried away by exceptionally strong group emotions such as a rave or riot. But she can now also affect groups up to 30 with ease, and has taken it upon herself to filter new arrivals, and usher them into their proper places. Her telekinetics have improved marginally, she's capable of lifting up to 40 lbs, a child sized weight, though it still requires being quite close. This ability she's started using to help her carry luggage and children alike, when they find refugees who are too exhausted to walk or carry them themselves.

Skills or Profession: Quite good with observing groups of people visually and Vortally, uses a lot of psychology and social theory to create data points about them. Is exceptionally good with shuffling paperwork and keeping track of who is where. As she had been groomed to be essentially the 'perfect office worker', she is also good with communications both verbal and technological, basic math, and trends. She helps the medical staff as well as Melissa and others in charge, to make sure that everyones needs are met.
Personality: Coy and flirtatious, Dolores tries to keep her empathic powers under control but can easily tell what's going through anyone's mind when she bats her big brown eyes. She prefers to remain mysterious to non-Vortal people, and that's not difficult because most of them become rather dumbfounded by her appearance. She's not afraid to use that to her advantage. The fact that she's the first mother in the Pantheon should not be a surprise - but her being an exceptionally good mother might be. She makes sure that those around her are happy - because when they are, she is. There's no hidden agenda here, she really is a good person and wants the best for people.

Events or History: Among the eldest of the Pantheon when the Events occurred, she helped to keep emotions stable while everything was in ruins. She truly enjoyed it when she was able to start using her implanted skills again, aiding Melissa and the Black Mesa teams with organization and keeping paperwork that even in a ruined world needed to be done. Currently she is extremely happy to help shuffle people back and forth as needed between worlds, and between normal facilities. Not everyone should know about dragons and alternate dimensions, after all, and she knows best just by taking a Vortal glance, who is whom. Once the moving between worlds is effectively 'everyone who wants to is there', Dolores continues her steady upkeep of the refugees in the Rookery.


Name: Aglogita Nightspark (like 'igloo geeta')
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 8'4 s / 45' l / 60' ws
Colors: Emerald green, two-tone, with small decorative colors on crest
Features: Clawed feet, bare tail, puffy webbed crest with spines along neck and butt, pseudo-feathered wings (segmented leather/gem), tufted ears, eye gems, hide is almost crystalline; carries jewel crest, carries belly gems
Powers: Telepathy (all), Teleportation, Fire and Electric breath weapons, Glitter (shatter items?)
Parentage: Ganitagonag / Ahdrez
Origin: Healing Den Red and Green Winter
Other Info: Surprisingly colorful and definitely shiny, Aglogita thrills to be able to assist his rider with her duties. He enjoys carrying people as well as their supplies, but even more so he loves it when they need him to help power up large generators with his electrical breath, or start bonfires. Though he doesn't have the 'cheer' power that some others in his hatching did, he seems quite happy and that feeling is somewhat infectious - people see him, compliment how shiny he is, and he just loves that.