Name: Lacy Santos

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: ~18, 2014

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC

Family: Mother Dolores, father Leigh, half siblings Fulton, Trouble, others

Other: ELLs really like her, for whatever reason

Height: 5'6", shorter than she looks

Weight: around 110 soaking wet * Icarus has lightened her overall weight, her joints are remarkably flexible, and she is basically a noodle with pouty lips

Hair: medium reddish brown, heavy, slightly wavy, normally kept loose, but sometimes gets styled up by folks bored and wanting to play dress up

Eyes: hazel green with a darker brown rim, large, with strong lashes, under elegant brows

Appearance: reddish tan skin with blush most of the time, a slightly down-turned nose, and full lips with large teeth; she is very slender and long, and loves wearing the combination of Icarus under-suit and white Aperture branded jumpsuit. She added the red disco boots the moment they found a retro-shop in the ruins. Is a reasonably squeaky and giggly young woman, and tends to use words like 'gasp!' and 'alas!' in common speech.

Icarus Processing: yes, at age 3. Leigh had Icarus but at that time Dolores had not, and in order to flesh out whatever Vortal abilities she would show, she was processed. Unlike some in the Pantheon's second generation, she was not artificially aged, because Melissa didn't really know what to expect from her powers, and wanted to allow her to grow into them. It significantly improved her physical side, she is light and lithe, and extremely precise, having better balance than nearly anyone in the entire Rookery at this point. It did slightly boost her Vortal powers. She did receive skill downloads for basics while in processing.

Image Credits: GroovyRetro

Genetic Abilities: She has a close range but strong Empathic power, within around 50 meters she can detect and to a certain degree sway emotions of both individuals and groups. She is the type to grab someone's hand, and stare into their eyes for a moment, relieving them of whatever stress or worries they have, and moving on to the next. Group hugs abound. She can speak telepathically to those with Vortal minds, best at 50 meters but she can stretch her 'ping' to a known person over 2 miles away. She also has Vortal Sight, though it's somewhat weak, she can tell if specific powers have been used nearby, and if she attempts to manipulate an object that someone else has Vortally touched, it works 'better'. However, she is also a very talented telekinetic, though not as swift and sure in the air as her slightly older brother Fulton, she can dance on tiptoe on a hair-width filament with ease. She's rarely standing straight up, and will often 'float over' to someone with her chin on her fists ready for gossip. She hardly even notices gravity, apparently. But generally she must be within a few feet of a surface to do this, however 'dust' is a surface for her, so in a ruined or actively smoky room she can 'walk' on smoke and plumes of dust. For the most part she lifts herself, but Lacy definitely can heft weights with this power. About one hundred pounds worth, either in one big lump, or dozens of smaller items at a time, and she can juggle like mad. If within very close range, less than 20 meters, anything she throws can be guided with this power, and she's fond of playing ricochet tricks with it. This also keeps her from getting shot, because even very quickly moving items like bullets simply miss her - almost as though their pressure pushes her out of their way. She isn't remarkably fast, however she's certainly at least twice as fast for any motion including hand or finger movement, than normal. She can sense detail through objects if they're within 5 meters of herself, using this telekinesis, but at longer range it's more weight and balance rather than composition, warmth or functionality.
Skills or Profession: Adept telekinetics like herself are often given tasks like sorting through rubble for parts that may be useful, and though she does this with ease, she'd rather never touch most of it herself. She can sit cross-legged hovering over a pile of junk, and look through it with her tk 'hands', watching her play with a ball-pit in a restaurant would be hilarious. She was expected to understand 'junk from stuff', and definitely collects 'stuff'. Quite good with identifying component parts in electronics, but much more interested in cloth, porcelain, ceramics, and such, she's far more likely to gently dump the electronics into a bin for someone else to work on, while she patches together plates, dresses, and shoes. Essentially she likes playing dressup dolls - only it's full size, and she is the seamstress, tailor, and even the house maker. They did find a craft store, where she first got the idea that people could ... just make things that were cute, and not merely functional. Even as a very young child she knew that her role was more than those downloads gave. Knitting, sewing, embroidery (she has used those electronics skills to fix an embroidery machine), papercraft, even glass works and beading, she is happy to dig through endless piles of someone else's useful crap just to find one long-sought-after teardrop-jewel or unicorn figurine.
Personality: Though she is very much the chatty 'teen gossip' type, she's also ferocious when it comes to 'her stuff' as opposed to 'anyone else's stuff'. Do not use her crafting scissors for cutting hair, and do not try and use her thread for sewing wounds. Just no. She strongly separates her 'duties' from her 'self' - any of the things that the Rookery or Pantheon require of her are enjoyable if a bit dull in her eyes, and even if Mel and the rest think she's supposed to be working some assembly-line getting computer parts all fixed up, that's certainly not where her heart is. Lacy enjoys sharing, but will defend her privacy with a door-slam or a rushed 'see-ya-later'.
Events or History: Kept mainly safe and sound, she lived the first portion of her life at the EC, and then moved into Black Mesa when the refugees were getting settled. Her dad still works more or less with the danger-zone folks, so she is often on hand with mother Dolores to aid with keeping the new Rookery refugees spirits up. She'll easily entertain folks with her juggling - she and Dolores should hook up with the Grounds carnies! In fact... After those Carnies arrive, she helps fix a number of their outfits and gear. She does spend from around RY3 to RY9 in the Mesa, but then moves into the North Aperture site, residing in Shaft 9, Sphere 2. There is a lot of stuff to sort through down there, and though she doesn't completely feel comfortable with the aggressive Color Guard that she often deals with, the settlers and families brought into the Shafts really appreciate her efforts to keep them happy and their quarters very customized. She did not bond to Clutterbug until RY6.


Name: Clutterbug
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 9' s / 47' l / 60' and 26' ws
Colors: face, ears, underside from chin to mid-tail, lower backs of legs brilliant white; face inset, limb sides, mid-neck armor from head to tail tip bright fuschia pink; frame armor on neck, antennae, limbs, and wing arms bright cyan; insets on dorsal scales, horns, dorsal spines, claws bright yellow; face armor and dorsal insets, limb fronts including wing armor rich black; wingsails dark pink to brilliant red-pink, fade to nearly-white at body, with vibrant black insets; eyes violet-red
Features: Pure Silkwing
Powers: Winged Flight, Clutterbug isn't all that great in the air, as his bulk is pretty sizeable and his wings are not that big. He will wear himself out fluttering around down in the Shafts, though he can lift a pretty decent amount of weight if he's well rested and doesn't have to maneuver very much: so, straight up. Unreliably wobbly, while he would love to give rides to the kids that Lacy helps out, he knows better than to think he's right for that job. However, he has turned it into a bit of a game: he acts like a bobbing piñata while holding on to silk baggies filled with trinkets and crafting supplies. Since his wings don't really give off much wind, and he himself is able to remember not to step on things (like kids) parents know that when he flutters by with bags, their kids will be occupied for hours on end with the stuff he's bringing them.
Communication, Clutterbug is chatty, like his human friend, and has a very cheeful demeanor. No one really knows whether he was a fledgling when he left his homeworld, but he does seem both older and younger than he could be - he's not stunted or stupid in any way, but he also just adores the simple glee that he can bring to people around him, and plays on that. He doesn't tend to use big words in English, but he does understand a lot of the talk from scientists and engineers alike. While he has been known to speak Draconic, some dragons have actually remarked that he's not very well versed in it, and they don't mind keeping it simple for him in that regard. He and Lacy have a profoundly strong Vortal connection, which definitely indicates he was quite young on arrival.
Senses, his antennae can pick up vibrations and sounds as easily as his ears, in low and high frequency ranges alike. He can hear shifting weights, and acts accordingly if he notices a pile of rubble or a wall about to crumble nearby, he'll either warn someone, or stick silk to it to temporarily resolve the issue. This works best at ranges less than 50 meters, though he has said that he's heard 'weird voices' sometimes on their travels... It might be nothing, it might be dragons deep below, it may even be Combine, but he claims those sounds are so brief that he really can't identify nor convey them quickly enough to be analyzed.
Silk Production, like most of his kind, he's able to produce volumes of silk from glands in his forelimbs. Most of it can be used by humans, as it's durable and can be customized to suit their needs. What doesn't get used by them, is often found stuck to walls - after he's found lunch in the form of a leaping Antlion, or the remnants of a landslide of junk that's being kept back with a sploot of it. He can produce a very wide range of textures with this silk, from what equates to nylon and can be used to make waterproof goods, to fine soft threads, thick yarn-like stuff, and even elastic-like coils. The natural silk is slightly ivory in shade, and tends to take colors only after treatment, although yellows and brown coloration are apparently easier to manage than brights like his scales. He has produced pockets and sacks for supplies, which line Lacy's work room walls, and she's tacked on labels for each one. His 'happy gift bags' are thin and slightly dry, so they're easier to break by children's hands, and those are the only ones which actively dissolve after a day or so. Otherwise these threads last as long as any typical cotton fibers might, and can be destroyed in the same manners (by rotting in water, burning, etc). So he's not the one to call on to make hazardous environment gear, but certainly will be on hand to make wall hangings and clothing.
Parentage: Unknown pure Silkwings, unrelated to any in the Rookery at this time
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with lines by PeregrineCella on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Since he was very young on arrival, he has basically no idea what life is like anywhere but the Rookery. That suits him fine, it seems like that homeworld of his was just as hard on itself as the Combine is to Earth. If pressed for a serious question, he will become somber and explain that he would much rather be here in a protective role, these little humans are endangered, and dragons are obviously suited to keeping the peace and making sure that those enemies don't destroy them entirely.