Name: Christopher "Zonie" Nelson

Gender: Male, hetero

Age/DOB: 30, 1994ish

Origin: Repurposed Earth Arizona, Armacham-Aperture Enrichment Center

Family: Dead during Portal Storms, probably has offspring designed and built by Melissa; does have a child with Lavender of the Color Guard, Lance after the Hallowed Silk flight hooked them up

Other: Often hangs out with Leigh and Corey

Height: 5'7

Weight: 150, a bit more portly than fit, but also considerably stronger than he looks based on Icarus treatment

Hair: Light brown/dark blond, straight, kept loose and short as shown, darkened over time

Eyes: Brightly green, usually wide and happy looking

Appearance: Fair skinned but tans well and is often found in the sun, likes loose fit track pants and sometimes has food stains on his shirt, almost always looks happy

Icarus Processing: yes, at the age of 3; this process developed his internal resistance very strongly, aided his weight and size (he's much lighter than his appearance might suggest), though it did not change his strength or speed in any way; possibly increased telepathic/empathic ability, though that may also be a side effect of having been fed the kind of chemical cocktails he's ingested over the years.

Image Credits: Dolldivine/Azalea's Dolls Lord of the Rings maker / Tektek Maker
Also note that Zonie is a character created by a SPUF member online and reflects a semi-idealized version of that individual

Genetic Abilities: Strong metabolic processing, can eat anything (literally, anything as long as he can swallow it) and not suffer any particular ill effects; can distinguish specific chemical compounds and analyze toxins or poisons by taste; Strong empathic ability which includes broadcasting to groups or those connected telepathically; Moderate Mental Illusion power, which is seemingly brought on by altered mental states (projects his high, in other words).
Skills or Profession: Intended to become a kind of 'biological showcase' for Armacham, able to distinguish chemicals may have allowed him to become a human drug or explosive sniffing detection system. However, since Zonie's teenage years were spent more or less hunting for food and handing what he found over to people who actually needed it, his skills are definitely in use to keep people safe.

Personality: He is somewhat emotionally unstable, meaning that he's apt to throw himself into something fully and be swept away with whoever's emotions he can detect, but at the same time he broadcasts his own emotions subtly. Zonie is typically addled on something, an addictive personality trait that has caused a few problems with scouting parties in the past. However, even if he is stoned off his head, he's still quite smart and able to use that aspect of his 'flawed personality' to help out scared refugees or those who aren't enthusiastic. He can manipulate emotions pretty well, but he doesn't do so maliciously. Overall Zonie enjoys life too much to be mean. He's never been greedy - and he loves being 'the quirky one' among a group of normal people. He has never allowed any normal person to be harmed by his own pranks or actions, if he's going to taste a layer of rust or dip his tongue into a vat of waste he's definitely not going to let anyone else do it for fun.

He is among the few people that doesn't give a bad review to Barney's 'beer'. He's tasted much, much worse.

Events or History: Zonie was born in Arizona to mostly-normal parents (they clearly had stronger Vortal background than most normal people, as his Empathic powers are innate) and sought out by Armacham for their experiments. Successfully performing the Icarus treatment on him increased his abilities strongly, so they kept him on at the Enrichment Center. He was 12 when the Events occurred, and for the most part helped the kids survive by sniffing out food caches and keeping explosives away. He didn't have much to do until they got out of the facility, at which point he did that same task on a much wider path. He really does enjoy this work, it's suited to him.

When the Rookery was created, he was eager to see what might come of finding a dragon. And what he got ... well, a perfect match. They remain on hand at the Rookery because Black Mesa was Zonie's preferred locale post-Combine, but also visit the Ranch with an eye on starting a garden or goat farm or ... something.


Name: Anash-mai Chxalli
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium Biped, 8'6 shoulder / 29' long / 46' wingspan
Colors: Medium Grey body, red belly and wing arms, grey crest and wing feathers, purple wing sails, blue other
Features: Hide, mane, ear tufts, crest, tail tip are feathers, leather wing parts plus feathers, gems and horns on face, extra wings on butt and tail both leather and feathered, claw tips on wing fingers, feet; Bipedal primarily
Powers: Verbal Speech (well-spoken and well read, enjoys learning new languages); Telepathy (possibly the best among the entire clutch, subtle and faintly ripply/hazy when speaking [an effect of both water and fire power], is exceptional at reception at great distance); Teleportation (average plane-shift, able to return to locations seen personally or sent telepathically; tremendously good local, able to move large items or groups with ease, anywhere on the same planet though distance increases exhaustion); Full Self-Healing (better than average, can heal 2x faster and takes no damage from toxins, chemicals, or radiation); Elemental Water Summoning (exceptionally strong, though concentrates on manipulating tainted water or liquids such as mercury, can manipulate blood or ichor), Chill Self (poor, but good enough not to overheat in very hot weather, not enough to prevent burns), Fire Breath (takes the form of plasma-like poison, but only short range or in a broad steam-like spray, can cause acid burns).
Parentage: Sholoon Chxalli and Fahrlanath Mai, many siblings
Origin: Carramba High clutches/Protectorate
Other Info: Anash is quite like his brother Roola in many ways, but his powers allow him to actively ruin locations with acidic, plasma-like spit in order to break down barriers or dissolve enemies. He has been known to locate refugee groups and simply teleport them outright back to the Rookery, almost instantly able to learn their language just by listening in to their thoughts. He's a bit abrupt.