(Will load these in order of adoption)
Name: Smuggle (CaeliM009)
Gender: Male, breedable
Breed: Wild
Coat: Orange and Black Velvet Checker Classic Tabby
Eyes: Yellow
Genetic Code:
O//BB Orange, Black
tcl//CT Classic Tabby, Velvet Checker
+//dex Carries Extreme Dilute
+//+ No Spread
+//+ Full Color Shading
+//+ Homozygous Yellow Iris
Size: 49
Domestication: 69
Friendliness: 39
Noisiness: 57
Parents: After-Rain F146 and Burny Mac M133
Siblings if known: numerous
Current Location: Barney's Barn Bar
Art By/Born-Adopted From: Phe, Nidus Caeligenus |
Name: Keys M139
Gender: male, intact
Breed: Wild
Coat: Silver Tiger Grizzle Kite Bronze Mackerel Tabby
Eyes: Yellow
Genetic Code:
BB//BB (Homozygous Black)
TMa//tcl (Mackeral Tabby, Carries Classic Tabby)
S//+ (Heterozygous Spread)
TG//+ (Heterozygous Tiger Grizzle)
K//+ (Heterozygous Kite Bronze)
ShTa//ShTa (Homozygous Silver Tabby)
+//tr (Yellow Iris, Carries Pearl Iris)
Size: 34
Domestication: 69
Friendliness: 47
Noisiness: 43
Parents: Mother: F109, Black Spread Tiger Grizzle Kite Bronze Silver Ticked Tabby, Parker
Father: M112, Black Kite Bronze Velvet Checker and White, Drunken Peach
Siblings if known: likely many
Current Location: Barney's Barn Bar
Art By/Born-Adopted From: Dray/Nidus Coronoa |
Name: Branchy StargM006
Gender: Male, intact
Breed: Wild
Coat: Blue Dark Checker Classic Tabby
Eyes: Yellow
Genetic Code:
B+//b (Blue, Carries Brown)
CD//tcl (Dark Checker, Classic Tabby)
+//e (Carries Recessive Red)
+//och (Carries Cherry)
+//+ (Homozygous Yellow Iris)
Size: 50
Domestication: 64
Friendliness: 36
Noisiness: 23
Parents: Father: Ash Red Recessive Red Dark Checker Dianthus M033
Mother: Brown Barless Classic Tabby Coreopsis CaeliF008 (Father: Burny Mac (M133), Mother: After-Rain (F146)
Siblings if known: (plenty)
Current Location:
Art By/Born-Adopted From: Kitsu / Stargleam Cattery |
Name: Boots (CaeliM017)
Gender: Male, Intact
Breed: Wild
Coat: Black Tiger Grizzle Velvet Checker with White
Eyes: Yellow
Genetic Code:
BB//B+ Black, Carries Blue
CT//C+ Velvet Checker, Carries Barred
R+//R+ No Reduced Color
GT//G+ Heterozygous Tiger Grizzle
ZB//Z+ Heterozygous Bicolor
+//+ No Baldheaded
+//+ Homozygous Yellow Iris
Size: 61
Domestication: 63
Friendliness: 9
Noisiness: 14
Parents: Father Aldebaran; Mother Frost
Siblings if known: (many)
Current Location: Barney's Barn
Art By/Born-Adopted From: Phe/Nidus Caeligenus Cattery |
Name: That Cat M122
Gender: Male, intact
Breed: Wild
Coat: Ash Red Bar
Eyes: Orange
Genetic Code:
BA//bl (Ash Red, Carries Light Brown)
C+//C+ (Homozygous Barred)
+//cs (Carries Pointed)
+//dex (Carries Extreme Dilute)
+//tr (Carries Pearl Iris)
Size: 46
Domestication: 62
Friendliness: 47
Noisiness: 36
Parents: Mother F118 Cinnamon Velvet Checker Point Mikasha
Father M121 Blue Agouti Point, Onchan
Siblings if known: (many)
Mate: (Bacardi?)
Current Location: Barney's Barn Bar
Art By/Born-Adopted From: Dray/Nidus Corona |
Name: Max M074
Gender: Male, Intact
Breed: Wild
Coat: Blue Sandy Tiger Grizzle Ticked Tabby and Velvet Checker
Eyes: Orange
Genetic Code:
B+//B+ (Homozygous Blue)
TTi//CT (Ticked Tabby, Codominant with Velvet Checker)
STsa//+ (Heterozygous Sandy)
+//e (Carries Recessive Red)
GT//+ (Heterozygous Tiger Grizzle)
+//+ (Homozygous Yellow Iris)
Size: 55
Domestication: 88
Friendliness: 75
Noisiness: 20
Parents: Mother: F066 Blue Tiger Grizzle Velvet Checker Shaunaasais
Father: M068, Blue Recessive Red Sandy Barred Ticked Tabby, Morduu
Siblings if known: (numerous)
Current Location: Barney's Barn Bar
Art By/Born-Adopted From: Dray/Nidus Corona |
Name: Nth (aka Max the Nth) M090
Gender: Male, Intact
Breed: Wild
Coat: Blue Sooty Ticked Tabby Bar
Eyes: Yellow
Genetic Code:
B+//bS (Blue, Carries Smooth Brown)
TTi//C+ (Ticked Tabby, Co-Dominant with Barred)
+//ma (Carries Mahogany)
So//+ (Heterozygous Sooty)
+//+ (Homozygous Yellow Iris)
Size: 85
Domestication: 70
Friendliness: 40
Noisiness: 18
Parents: Mother: F076, Smooth Brown Barless Ticked Tabby, Speck Father: M070, Blue Sooty White Tailed Velvet Checker, Skates
Siblings if known: (many)
Current Location: Barney's Lap
Art By/Born-Adopted From: Dray / Nidus Corona |
Name: Mitts (CaeliM018)
Gender: Male
Breed: Wild
Coat: Black Velvet Checker
Eyes: Yellow
Genetic Code:
BB//B+ Black, Carries Blue
CT//CT Homozygous Velvet Checker
R+//r Carries Reduced Color
+//+ Homozygous Yellow Iris
Size: 59
Domestication: 34
Friendliness: 30
Noisiness: 30
Parents: Father Aldebaran
Mother Frost
Siblings if known:
Current Location: Barney's Barn
Art By/Born-Adopted From: Phe / Nidus Caeligenus |
Name: Rustbucket StargM011
Gender: Male
Breed: Wild
Coat: Orange and Light Brown Classic Tabby Barred Grizzle
Eyes: Yellow
Genetic Code:
O/bl (Tortie; codominant Orange and Light Brown)
tcl//C+ (Classic Tabby and Barred)
+//cb (Carries Sepia)
G//+ (Heterozygous Grizzle)
+//zwh (Carries Recessive White)
Size: 88
Domestication: 28
Friendliness: 66
Noisiness: 51
Parents: Mother Calla Lily F105
Father: Orange and Black Ticked Tabby Sepia Grizzle Teak M163
Siblings: several
Mate: F169 Tapper
Offspring: M184 Mudslide, F190 PaAle; M182, M183, F188, F189, M185, M186
Current Location: Barney's Barn
Art By/Born-Adopted From: Kitsu / Stargleam Cattery |
Name: M184 Mudslide
Gender: Male, Intact
Breed: wild
Coat: Smooth Brown Barred Grizzle
Eyes: Yellow
Genetic Code:
bS//bl (Smooth Brown, Carries Light Brown)
C+//C+ (Homozygous Barred)
G//+ (Heterozygous Grizzle)
Go//+ (Carries Golden Shaded, if any Silver genes are present this flips them golden)
+//cb (Carries Sepia)
+//zwh (Carries Recessive White)
+//ir (Carries Iridescent)
+//+ (Heterozygous Yellow Iris)
Size: 20
Domestication: 41
Friendliness: 78
Noisiness: 52
Parents: Mother F169 Tapper
father Starg M011 Rustbucket
Siblings if known: F190 PaAle; M182, M183, F188, F189, M185, M186
Current Location: Barney's Barn
Art By/Born-Adopted From: Dray art |
Traditional Disclaimer and Copyright Statement: content by Lethe. The artwork on the main pages is mine. Any other art or world is credited where used. None of it is for use beyond this site and cannot be distributed by anyone but me, and that does include No Fucking Thanks and any collections online. If you didn't see it on my kshau-protectorate.com site it is stolen.
Barney's Barn Bar Barn Cats ... Barney is from Half Life / Valve; Map used for bar via Gmod, apparently is from the Life is Strange game? Xen from Crowbar Collective's Black Mesa.
Individual cats will be from various artists, credited on pages.
Fonts used: Airstream, Scribble, AnimalTracks |