Name: Marissa Farsight "Mari"

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: mid-20s

Origin: Repurposed Earth, South Dakota

Family: now deceased. She is the great-grand-child of a Chinese immigrant who worked on the railroad at the turn of the 20th century, and at least half blooded (though not in only one parent) Native American

Other: It's possible that she will settle down and have kids, at some point. She's been flirty but busy for her whole life, having lived in the shadow of the Combine, now that it's gone she doesn't quite know what to do with herself, or how to really do more than work.

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 110, slender verging on skinny, but quite muscular and wiry, reasonably flat-chested and built for climbing and lifting

Hair: charcoal brown, straight, usually kept in a loose messy bun or a braid, with bangs as shown

Eyes: warm grey, possibly a greyish hazel gold but completely desaturized, large, happy, somehow sees from under the bangs

Appearance: medium yellowish tan skin, plentiful freckles and scrapes, small scars, and one larger scar on her right leg from a herding accident; uses whatever she can to keep herself protected, including old clothing underneath the ones shown, bandaged hands, and the like, to prevent splinters or bites. Has a twang to her voice, sounds much more like she is from the deeper south.

Genetic Abilities: None known, though she does have an affinity to the 'dogs' that show up, they clearly like her and respond to her verbal commands with or without Vortal power

Icarus Processing: none, may benefit from it but it's unclear whether she'd allow it to be done

Image Credits: DollDivine / Inkscribble Dragon Rider

Skills or Profession: Mari is a good herder, rancher, and gardener, though she does like tracking and building more than the gory or boring work of slaughter or harvest. She has all the skills needed to build adequate shelters and raise barns, knows her way around tools of any kind if they're found on a ranch or shop. She is a competent leader and manages a group like those found here with ease and a smile. She is also very talented at training animals, even without Jamie's influence. She captured and tamed the first of the 'hounds' that live with the more normal ones, and has had them beside her almost day and night for more than a decade. Mari is among the few people who the Vorts would trust to go into the Nectarium without their overt aid, she is extremely quick on her feet, silent, and can climb like nobody's business. It's possible that if she had been in a world without the disasters, she would have become a professional mountaineer or free-climber.
Personality: Mari is quite cheerful and sensible, but does have a no-nonsense approach to anything that might endanger the Ranch. Before anyone is allowed to remain at the Ranch permanently, she will consult with them personally to make sure they're a good fit. That said, she tries to make everyone welcome and work with their own needs and skills, before turning anyone away.

Events or History: Mari has always been working on the ranch, as long as she can remember. She and her family, in her infancy, had lived in the area of Rapid City SD, but with the Synchronicity and the Cities being built they relocated to City 83, what had been Colorado Springs. However, she was barely a toddler when the Combine arrived, and her family for whatever reason decided to vacate: a good decision, since they were among the few who didn't get sterilized in the City. They drifted south along the freeways and townships, and Mari picked up a lot of background skills and memories on the journey. She and her friends and family arrived to the approximate area of the Ranch, and by that virtue have been the ones 'in charge' for the most part.

Lassie, a 'dog'...


Name: Jarulik
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 7'9" shoulder / 26' l (plus spade) / 45' ws
Colors: Cream, overall slightly dappled medium yellowish tan with faintly white spots, and V shaped markings in richer khaki tan along head, neck, spine, and tail, plus on all digits near claws; wingsails are darker speckled khaki dappled with tan, and undersides are very pale beige; horns are golden; claws are all beige; eyes greens
Features: Alskyran / Paniyan dragon, four legs, with thick claws on all digits, 4 total each paw, with thumb on fore and heel claw on hind feet; leathery wings with 3 visible fingers, all having heavy curved claws, and a wrist claw (not a thumb); skin is heavy hide that occasionally sheds or must be scratched free; head is long and slender with pointed lips and narrow eyes, a pair of spiraled horns that can grow very long, neck has sharp tall crest; tail has broad leaf-shaped stability fin, tail is very long and thin
Powers: Winged Flight, Jarulik is as strong as Mari needs her to be, able to lift heavy weights in a very stable way, though her wing-beats do draw up a lot of dust. She can fly very quickly but only for short distances before reorienting herself, as she's not all that nimble in the air. (Get her going in a straight line, let her rip, just don't expect her to turn...) For this reason she tends to climb quite high and survey the area before deciding on a direct line course to her destination. She can carry up to three heavy people, so around 650 lbs of conscious folk, or 800 if it's bound up goods that she doesn't need to worry about rattling.
Communication; Jarulik is capable of both telepathic and verbal speech, though she's extraordinarily good at telepathy and rather weak with sounding out things in English. She has discovered that she likes listening to Hellfire's 'draconic' speech, and wonders if maybe he'll teach her that... She can think to her partner at virtually any distance, strongly, and to groups of Humans or Vorts if they're all gathered nearby (say, on her back). Her voice is quite mellow, but leaves a strangely gritty after-texture, like dust.
T-Power; Jaru's telekinetic powers come in the form of elemental control over rocks, stone, dirt, and dust. That dust she kicks up is controlled (if distractedly) by her power so she can see through it. In fact she can move small particles if they're already in the air, so a tactic she's developed for distracting Combine Scanners or other small creatures is to beat her wings hard over the packed dirt, and let the dust fill the air, then aim it around her target so it becomes completely enveloped by the grit. She could likely learn to compress this, but so far she's mainly concerned with moving it at all.
Parentage: dam Cream Cytajhik, sire Blue Istzhok (Paniya both, councilwoman Eowelia and Caerlord Qalam), related to several Paniyan dragons here at the Rookery
Origin: Caer Paniya random
Other Info: Barring a 'true queen' arriving to the Ranch, Jarulik seems to be the 'ranking female' and she relishes this spot. She's proud, but also a hard worker, like her human bond, and expects much of those around them. She has sometimes needed a little taking-down, that often comes in the form of a much larger Rookery dragon just opening their wings and making her remember she's far from the biggest dragon around...