Name: Brandon Nobbs

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: ~16, aged, 2024

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Enrichment Center, Auburn Alabama

Family: It's absolutely possible that Melissa mixed a couple of the PHEAR team up into the existing samples to produce Brandon here... Given that very orange hair, it looks like the computer whiz and trusted friend of the Pantheon, Jay, was among his donors. Eventually in RY5 he and Violet of the Color Guard hook up and she has their daughter Vima

Other: With a number of other Pantheon, is a 'recreation' of one of the children that perished during the Events

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 140, medium build, more used to fine detail work than full body exercise

Hair: Orange-red, quite the carrot top, keeps it cut very short, facial and body hair is also this shade

Eyes: Light, clear blue, usually looks a little tired

Appearance: absolutely a red-head with the freckles over creamy pale skin they're known for. 'one for every soul'. He does prefer scientific lab coats and the traditional Black Mesa Tie, he'd have fit right in at Aperture too with his bizarre powers and ideas.

Icarus Processing: Yes, age 3, this didn't affect his physical build at all, but it made his Vortal power considerably stronger than it had been, particularly his range and sensing abilities

Image Credits: Garry's Mod / Resistance 2

Genetic Abilities: Typical psychic suite of empathy, telepathy, and Vortal aura sensing, however he can sense at a distance of over 10 miles with clarity, and communicate easily with strong minds at that distance. His empathy is much closer range, but he has a faintly controlling ability in addition to merely understanding what the mood is. However, his much stronger and more useful powers include telekinetics which he can physically sense through, he uses his fingertips as foci for this power, and when it looks like he's 'feeling the air', he is likely putting his powers somewhere they shouldn't be... The range on his manipulative TK is around 100 meters, but he can lift things considerably heavier than he could with just his muscles at close range. Because he's clearly Jay's kid, he has a sense of humor that lapses occasionaly into the bizarre and a little weird - he likes to 'animate' objects, but he can also set off alarms, trigger traps, turn lights on and off, poltergeist kind of things, at close range. He does not have to see the area to be able to do this, his power can effectively sense small items that he can work with within around 20 meters. With practice, he has been able to manipulate living things, including people, which they find to be bizarre but not painful. This is limited to 'making you hit yourself' or wave arms around, it's possible that with much more practice, or perhaps a couple shots of Antlion larval extract, he might 'make you cluck like a chicken' and do similar parlour tricks with even unwilling subjects. He... has practiced things like that on the vast array of lingering dead things in any given facility by the way. He's got a greater knowledge of the human body than you'd really want. Brandon cannot truly 'possess' a body - he merely jogs it around with his telekinetics.
Skills or Profession: With downloads standard to the era's kids, he understands the basics of survival and utilizing stealth, guns, and some amount of technology. However since Melissa didn't really know what sort of skill set he could use the most, they waited until he had a better grasp over his powers to add a decent bit of forensics, medical process, and particularly the technology behind medicine. He's adept with chemistry as well as pharmacology, but has yet to really use those skills, more in favor of the x-rays, ultrasound, and other imaging technology available. He has torn apart Combine scanners, and helped fix up detection and deflection chips for those out in the field, to avoid being scanned. Brandon is an all-around gadgeteer, not so completely focused on one type of device, but certainly given to concentrate on medicine for a while.
Personality: A bit more like a stage magician than a prankster - Brandon knows that he cannot mess with certain people or devices. He will take that seriously, but that's about it. Otherwise he wants to make people laugh, or be amazed, and he and Graciella make a surprisingly great team for performances. He does have a bit more of a darker side, that lab coat is actually serious business for him. He wants to understand the body, and particularly he wants to be able to reverse what the Combine can do to a body. He knows that's highly unlikely, but with enough work he figures at some point... maybe... Until then he'll settle for making Larry Moe and Curly skits out of wandering Armacham soldiers, and picking their technology apart when they run away.
Events or History: As he was aged only a small amount (appearing around 10, at the actual-age of 4) he still got to grow up around more kids than adults. As he was born shortly before Paxton's return, and in the Icarus treatment while the Combine Overworld was being torn apart, he has lived his entire real life outside the influence of the terrors that were the Combine. He considers himself lucky, in that regard.
Currently residing at the Borealis, helping with their medical needs and researching the equipment. Also, poking fun at other Brand, who ought to know better than to think he's anything less than hilarious when people call out for one and get the other.


Name: Dusksong
Gender: male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-large 13' s / 60' l / 112' ws
Colors: Body icy white with silvery-grey fade on belly, face, paws, wing fingers, and tail tip; face and neck armor mottled sooty ice white, back and tail armor lavender, limb armor pinkish lilac, tailspot armor pale carnation pink with white spots; neck spikes violet, back and tail spikes darker violet; wingsails a spotty mixture of medium violet to faded grey with shiny star spots mixed with snowy flecks; claws and inner ear pinkish lilac, horns black, eyes violet-blue
Features: Ice-Night hybrid; four legs with 5 and 4 sharply curved claws, smaller on hind; two leathery wings with 4 visible fingers, elbow strut, and long wrist thumb, all having more Nightwing-like shorter claws; body is scaled, with heavy smooth belly and limbs, prominent armor on both fore and hind limbs but they differ (Ice-like fore, Night-like hind), overlapping scales on head, neck, back, and tail; head is sharp and Icewing oriented, with two longer conical horns, external ears, and tuft of sharp spines on neck; rest of back spines are short and Nightwing like.
Powers: Winged Flight, preferring the cold and blustery air of a midnight storm, Dusksong loves to patrol the northern reaches and any cloudy space he can find. Though he is comfortable at almost any altitude he can survive in incredibly high places with ease, but enjoys more the foggy landscape of ruins near the rooftops. For a large dragon, he's quite maneuverable, but he does tend to leave a wake of snow or dust behind him. He can lift a staggering amount of weight, hugging it close to himself, for reasonable distances.
Communication, given his half-Nightwing bloodline he can sense Vortal minds with ease, and they seem to be able to pick up his thoughts clearly, though he doesn't have true telepathy. He and Brandon do have a tight empathic bond, however. He speaks clear Draconic, several dialects of it in fact, but also prefers Vortigese to English, and also claims to understand the rumbling undersea creatures - that may or may not be natives of Earth.
Ice Tolerance, able to withstand the breathless upper atmosphere, but also a sheer wall of stormy ice as well, Dusksong loves the chill and cold, almost as much as an Ice-Sea might. He can produce a dangerously sharp chill breath, with shards of tiny particles frozen into it. This breath will cover anything it touches with a layer of ice that numbs first, then suffocates its victims. This breath is accurate around 50 meters at most, and very deadly closer than 20 meters. He can grip icy and slick surfaces easily with his claws, but lacks the massive cutting wing thumbs that true Icewings have.
Parentage: Ice-Nightwing Flurry mother and Night-Icewing Shadowfrost father (now gone)
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire world
Other Info: Equal parts night and ice, mixed in a gorgeous fusion of features. He knows he's absolutely beautiful, people also need to remember he's incredibly deadly. He is careful and calm around most Humans, and is able to sit eerily still while taking instruction. He was quite young on arrival to the Rookery, but faintly remembers his homeworld.