Name: Katharine (Stimmer) Silvestri

Gender: Female, Bisexual

Age/DOB: ~16, aged, 2024

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC Auburn Alabama

Family: Spliced, part of the Reborn student group in the Enrichment Center; while her original designation is Silvestri, Melissa added liberal doses of Neill Stimmer's DNA; she and Tony Ashe have a son named Kain

Other: She's quite the catch, if anyone can keep up with her

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 120* Icarus lightened overall weight

Hair: Black with brown tint, heavy and thick, kept short

Eyes: Clear frosty blue-green, an unsually white-tinted reflectivity makes them seem glassy, almond shaped, quite pretty

Appearance: Fair to light tan skin, looks very 'porcelain doll', oval face with plump lips; tends to look like she's on her way somewhere and you are absolutely in her way; has discovered plenty of what she calls 'fun' clothing down in Rapture, though many of the shirts she wears are mens and um, well, she does have buttons go missing now and then

Genetic Abilities: Gifted with not only a full complement of Vortal senses, telepathy, empathy, and aura sense, Katharine is quite stunningly strong with machinery. Her abilities must be triggered by touch, as a form of controllable psychometry, and only apply to mechanical devices. However she can sense the entire history of a (complete) machine, seeing and 'feeling' through it, gleaning its use and any particular quirks that it might have. She can then activate it, stop it, and the like. She can create machines on the fly, gifted with a strong engineering savant, aided by the Pythagoras treatments that she was given in addition to Icarus. Her Vortal aura sense is very broad and well tuned, able to pick out individual minds, even non-Vortal ones, among large groups or at distances up to 200 miles with ease. She cannot necessarily communicate at that distance but people have claimed that they can 'feel' her looking at them - some use this eerie sensation to relay a Vortal 'ping'. With this power, too, she can sense where Vortal powers have been put to use, who used them, drawing lines in her vision. It's almost impossible to be invisible to her, she's one of the very few people who can easily sense Mars when she's gone dark.

Image Credits: Garry's Modder (unknown game rip)

Icarus Processing: Yes, at the age of 3 Katharine was put with several others and concurrently aged to a young teen while the processing and downloads were being done. After this point, however, for a period of around 2 years, she also took daily supplements geared toward improving centers of the brain for mathematics. They worked quite well.
Skills or Profession: With a clear mechanical engineering bent, Katharine is an inventor and tinker of high degree. She has a penchant for pocketing small items found in the ruins, and when she gets back to base she'll start making them into functional products again. Of course, she could do that just by touching them, but... she prefers to look with her eyes, and think about what to take apart or what to toss. Exceptional at appraisal of the integrity of a device, she can estimate a failure rate, and mentally run thousands of calculations right alongside a computer - sometimes completing it faster. She is on hand whenever anyone uses one of the teleporters in Rapture, as well as helping out with the Icarus and Plasmid processing. Clearly she's suited to a lot more science than she's had put in front of her, and she's looking forward to having her own lab or even manufacturing plant in Rapture when they get it more functional.
Personality: Like many of the Pythagoras students, she's a bit quiet and very intense - somewhat autistic in mood swings, but never truly angry or withdrawn. She does have a bit of a temper, and is quite abrupt when someone is preventing her from doing her work.

Events or History: Created with DNA and notes found in the Icarus lab, Katharine's original form was in transit between facilities when the Events occurred. Given a new chance to live, Melissa also decided with the similarities already present, to add a bit of Neill Stimmer to her mix: Neill didn't make it into the 2010s with the rest of the Pantheon, having fallen to one of GLADOS's cruel tricks. But his brilliant mind lives on, in this girl. Yes, that's a flux capacitor in her potato experiment. It works now.


Name: Network
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 8'9" s / 40' l / 85' ws
Colors*: Belly from chin to tail tip, face and limb armor, dorsal decoration, and commonly seen lines, graphite grey; body overall dusty pale grey-blue; wingsails, neck frill, claws and horns a gentle gradient of powder blue to faded lilac; eyes and default spot color bright yellow *All colors change
Features: Rainwing, four muscular bent legs with 5 and 4 extremely long curved claws, thumb and heel claw; two leathery wings with 4 visible fingers, elbow strut, and long wrist thumb all with long curved claws; body is scaled with even armor on belly, fronts of limbs, and face; most of body has tiny scales with brighter dot markings, body is long and sinuous with a long strongly prehensile tail; face is angular with prominent armor, short nose horn, jaw nubs, external ears, finned neck frill, and two short upturned horns; has dorsal ridge from head to tail tip
Powers: Winged Flight, a quick, adept flier who can easily maneuver in tight locations, even able to go through narrow areas normally fit for human-sized creatures; particularly good with spiralling upwards or down, while changing colors - this has led to a lot of crashing of pursuers into big walls... He is able to carry a good amount of gear or people, but prefers to do so only in emergencies or to get his little human friend where she needs to be in a hurry.
Communication, be it verbal, Vortal, or visual, Network is able to convey a lot in a short time. He has a chittery, colorful voice, and is able to speak enough English and Vort that he occasionally peppers his Draconic with them, confusing a good number of his dragon friends in the process. Vortally however he is very solidly mentally bonded to Katharine - a feat that most of his breed don't bother with. He can sense what she does, and is every bit as interested in machinery and electronics, math, and the practical side of sciences as she is. In fact with the ability he has to change his coloration at will, she can effectively use his body as a writing surface for scribbling maps, circuitry, or instructions - they don't remain, obviously, but he thinks this is just peachy. Visually he can, as stated elsewhere, change all of his scale colors under control, they don't usually remain one pattern or color for very long.
*Color Shifting, as Rainwings are adept with this ability, Network has taken it to an extreme. He is able to generate amazing patterns that can hypnotize, confuse, or even stun nearby visual inputs - that dazzling bunch of lines shown below would normally be moving like ripples over water, or criss-crossing into patterns and squares, never holding still. He does like having a black-and-white appearance otherwise, and usually will show some form of that 'whiteboard with writing' or a 'strappy' or even 'circuit board' like lines. Of all the dragons in the Rookery - well, the ones that aren't actually electronically aided - Network can say he displays emotions with emojis and text, right on his skin. He is not limited to any particular set of colors, though his belly and face are usually a darker shade than the rest.
Venom, the down side of concentrating on such weird things, is that he has completely neglected his ability to produce much potent venom. At worst, he has sort of bad-dragon-breath, and while it's enough to make people joke that they're dying from it, it really only gives a faint eye-watering smell and turns away small animals. That's fine. He can hunt perfectly well with those claws.
Parentage: Unknown, pure Rainwings who are not on the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from Furrygamer2003 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Most other dragons, not just those from his homeworld, think that Network is a bit of a nerd, as he's apt to go off about programming or technical specifications. But he does truly understand all of these things, and hopes that some day the other dragons will take him more seriously. He wants to build things, even if it's under the sea - but also he's visited the North Aperture site and has nudged Katharine in that direction on occasion. It's still just as deep below a surface there, but there's a little more flight room in the Shafts.