Name: Spencer Jankowski

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: ~20* artificially aged, 2024

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC, Auburn Alabama

Family: Full brother Redd Jankowski, may have other spliced relatives among the members of the Pantheon, but none directly

Other: Is part of the 'Reborn' group of children once lost to the original Synchronicity Events, respliced by Melissa

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 150* Icarus process did lighten him a bit but not as significantly as Redd

Hair: dusty brown, kept shaved

Eyes: Light blue, small, squinty; also of note his brother's are brown

Appearance: Fair skinned, a bit pasty with moles, very heavy facial hair so he does struggle to keep it shaved, tries to have a nice beard; a little chunkier in build than Redd but maybe that's just the body armor, he's evenly built and has strong legs

Genetic Abilities: unlike his brother, Spencer has considerably more specific Vortal abilities, which include strong Vortal vision and precognition, as well as being quite empathic up close. His most powerful ability is to let his lih leave his body, drifting on its own. He has had to practice with some other Pantheon members, to get his out-of-body excusions under control, otherwise he will fall asleep and 'drift' away from his body. At first glance, anyone can see him in this form, and only those with stronger Vortal senses even know that he's not 'right here in front of you'. In fact he himself didn't realize he wasn't 'right there' until someone walked through him. Spencer might even learn how to teleport, though he has yet to be brave enough to try it, and really doesn't much care for the idea of asking Paxton to help him learn. Also like his brother, Spencer is remarkably 'vivid' to Alma (and her various genetic descendants among the Pantheon) so they were harried by her spirit until she got used as ammo against the Combine.

Icarus Processing: Yes, at the age of 3 he and his brother both had it done along with both typical skill downloads and specific aging to bring them into their pre-teens along with others of that era. Spencer's radically improved his Vortal powers, but less so his physical build or strength. He is a little lighter weight and a bit more flexible than normal, but otherwise is physically unenhanced.

Image Credits: Fear-Monolith / xCrofty ripped / tektek

Skills or Profession: Along with Redd, he got a normal bunch of downloaded educational and survival skills, and he does enjoy using the stealth and tactics, gun knowledge, and even a bit of mech suit driving. Because he's good with flashes of inspiration and warnings, he has been placed in Lane Mansion where his visions can be broadcast to the other locations quickly. He likes riding Sugar and thinks that they ought to be a bit more proactive, but he also understands that those plants and potential farming areas around the Mansion are still thick with alien life forms needing to be culled. He's actually a pretty decent cook, also.
Personality: Though doubtful about some duties, eventually Spencer admits that being put 'out here in the middle of nowhere' is kind of a good gig. He does not hesitate to size people up, and give snap judgements, though they're not always entirely accurate. He and his 'little' brother trade annoying tirades, and honestly remind some in the Pantheon of Geoff and Paxton in their childhood and teen years. When things get rough, though, Spencer is reliable - a self-starter, or at least he wants to be, but often enough is reigned in by whoever might be in charge, to keep his mind on duties.

Events or History: In some dimensions, Spencer and his little brother Redd are part of the original and secondary FEAR squads. In Repurposed Earth, they were almost ready to be moved into the Icarus facility for their processing, but the Events interrupted it and it took some years before Melissa actually found those children that had been in transit or in progress. Once more, though, they'd barely come out of the facility the second time when Alma reappeared and everything went to shit. Their entire conscious lives, however, has been spent in a world where the Combine no longer plague their planet. Coming to this version of Earth has been exactly what the brothers needed. Currently residing at Lane Mansion, with a number of the Coffee dragons.

After the Carnies and Hippies arrival, things started changing, and their role has been much more active. Protecting the food production areas of the Grounds is a much more appropriate duty than just wandering around the wilderness. He and Sugar are stationed at the north-eastern Dragon Tower 3, with Redd nearby at 4.


Name: Sugar
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (bulky) 11'4" s / 48' l / 100' ws
Colors: deep, dusky brown over most of body, with charcoal black armor along face, neck, sides, fronts of limbs, and tail; dorsal armor slightly warmer grey-brown, face armor and neck ridge scales lighter brown; mid armor has nearly indistinguishable grey-brown spots; wingsails are lighter (still pretty dark) brown with medium-small star markings in bright sugary shimmering white, giving her the name; all horns and claws are dark charcoal brown, eyes are pale brown, tongue charcoal black
Features: Nightwing, four heavy legs with 5 and 4 short curved claws, two leathery wings with 4 visible fingers, elbow strut, and prominent wrist thumb, all with curved claws; body is scaled with heavy, supple armor on belly from chin to tail tip, overlapping armor on sides, fronts of limbs, and down tail, face has strongly hooked beak, prominent eye ridge, external ears, and two short thick conical back pointing horns, dorsal spikes are longer on neck, shortening to triangular ridges on tail
Powers: Winged Flight, Sugar is a pro at short bursts of massive speed, whether it be in the air, or on the ground. Her rumbling gait and ground shaking will cause even deeply buried headcrabs and antlions to flee, whereupon she'll take to the air and Spencer will get to shoot his guns with gusto. She isn't terribly durable in the air, but often enough she'll take flight just long enough to confuse a grounded enemy, then land hard behind them. Short, energetic flights are her forte.
Verbal and Vortal Communication, like many Nightwings, Sugar is able to communicate telepathically with not only other dragons, but with any Vortally active mind nearby. Her range is decent, almost 15 miles, but strongest with her bond and closer family members to her own. She can speak English and Draconic, and is still learning Vortigese, seemingly apologetic for her not-quite-sister's behavior toward them.
Dark Fire, a Nightwing like this certainly has strong fire breath, hers is as deeply colored as her hide. Though it's not liquid, it might as well be considered 'hot coffee' since it tends to linger and do damage over time, to anything that it hits. It's only accurate to 50 meters or less, but it is very hot and ignites stray materials if she's not careful where she aims it. She did in fact accidentally set fire to an entire acre of the wilderness near the Mansion, but thankfully it got put out quickly, and she learned from this. It's why she generally doesn't use it, if she is in combat with an actual enemy, she does figure 'time to put out the fires after the Combine are dead'.
Parentage: Unknown Nightwings, part of the Coffee group at Lane Mansion.
Origin: Adopted from Furrygamer2003 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Sugar isn't quite as sweet as all that, but she's hardly the spiteful wicked-tongued Coco.