Name: Redd Jankowski

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: ~20* artificially aged, 2024

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC, Auburn Alabama

Family: Full brother Spencer Jankowski, may have other spliced relatives among the blonde members of the Pantheon, but none directly; in RY5 he and Indigo have a daughter, Rowena

Other: Is part of the 'Reborn' group of children once lost to the original Synchronicity Events, respliced by Melissa

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 145* built far more strongly than his weight indicates, thanks to Icarus processing

Hair: Blond, kept very short, shaggy at best

Eyes: Light brown, smallish, and deep set, usually concerned; eyebrows are rather light; also of note his brother's are blue, this seems like an oddity

Appearance: Fair skinned, with heavy body hair but it's quite light in color, often frowny-faced, has a snide voice and tends not to use correct terminology (even though it's clear he knows the right words); has picked up a number of good pieces of armor and gear, and is rarely seen without at least a camo jacket and heavy boots

Genetic Abilities: A strong empath with good range, and able to see Vortal auras and remnants; this has caused some amount of trouble for him, as he keeps seeing dead people and spirits, where others cannot. Also he's a walking target, like his brother he is Vortally 'tuned' to Alma for some reason, and during the period when she was still lingering, he had to seek help to keep her away. He lacks anything specific in terms of powers, but Melissa still claims that he's good for Vortal batteries and overall potential. When he realizes this means 'for breeding' he often gets a shit-eating-grin and has to be smacked.

Icarus Processing: Yes, at the age of 3 he and his brother both had it done along with both typical skill downloads and specific aging to bring them into their pre-teens along with others of that era. It helped lighten his body weight considerably, and even though he bitches and moans about it, his durability and endurance are at least twice normal - those stairs he hates are merely an excuse.

Image Credits: Fear Online xCrofty ripped / tektek
(note that this is not Redd's model, it's actually a completely different dude who looks way better than Redd)

Skills or Profession: Given the standard educational downloads of most Pantheon, also however since he was not tagged with any specific genetic potential, Melissa offered him a suite of combat skills; knives, guns of all types, vehicles, stealth, explosives, and tactics are all well used. However he also has enjoyed learning more about the old-world, and oddly enough while he and his brother are at Lane Mansion for the duration, he's picked up quite a bit of mundane - and some say useless - trivia from the prior era.
Personality: Has issues with authority, including orders from Paxton, but that seems to stem from a deep resentment or lingering Vortal fear of Alma Wade - given that both Jankowski brothers seem quite 'attractive' to Alma when she's still around, hanging out with her terrifying son seems less than sensible. Snarky, and not particularly book-smart or bright but reasonably dedicated and somewhat clever. Hates stairs, loves having a dragon that can basically be his verticality... Generally will horse around with people including his brother, but get down to business if things start needing to be serious. He will also complain the entire time.

Events or History: In some dimensions, Spencer and his little brother Redd are part of the original and secondary FEAR squads. In Repurposed Earth, they were almost ready to be moved into the Icarus facility for their processing, but the Events interrupted it and it took some years before Melissa actually found those children that had been in transit or in progress. Once more, though, they'd barely come out of the facility the second time when Alma reappeared and everything went to shit. Their entire conscious lives, however, have been spent in a world where the Combine no longer plague their planet. Coming to this version of Earth has been exactly what the brothers needed.
Currently residing with a number of others at Lane Mansion.

With the arrival of the Carnies later, Redd and his dragon have a bigger defensive and scouting role in the north-east corner Dragon Tower number 4. He's pretty sure that the tower's other inhabitant, Anna, thinks he's hawt, though Coco is a little snippy toward her and her dragon friend.


Name: CocoSpice
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (bulky) 10'3" s / 41' l / 90' and 48' ws
Colors: Overall brown, belly from neck to tail tip and backs of legs a medium brown, all limbs a faded brown-grey, main side armor darker brown, and back armor reddish dark brown; dorsal armor is light greyish brown, spines and ridges a cocoa light brown; wingsails are medium brown speckled with both bright white star sparkles, and deeper brown-red spatter spots, sides have caramel spots, and face has red-rust accents; eyes are steel grey, all horns and claws are black
Features: Night Hivewing Hybrid, Night dominant; four strong bent limbs with 5 and 4 short curved claws, two pairs of leathery wings, larger pair are Nightwing styled with 4 visible fingers, elbow strut, and strong wrist thumb all having curved claws, smaller lower pair are Hivewing like, with two fingers, short strut, and short 'wrist' thumb, all end sharply with very small claws; body is scaled, with thick pliable armor on belly from chin to tail tip, plated armor along sides and back, to tail tip; face is angular and boxy with very sharp beak and nose horn, jaw nub, and two backswept upward pointing horns, external ears; entire spine from head to tail tip has longer spikes along neck, moving to shorter ridge scales on back and tail
Powers: Winged Flight, Coco is a good strong lifter, though not fast, and unsurprisingly not particuarly agile at her size. Her smaller hive-like wings do aid in minute maneuvering in tight spaces, and she can actually take off and land vertically. She can lift very heavy and bulky items, and has a harness built for such things. It hasn't seen a lot of use at the Mansion, but when more farming is done, it's clear she'll be on hand to move goods around too.
Verbal and Vortal Communication, like her human friend, Coco is snarky incarnate and rarely hesitates to lob gentle - and not so gentle - insults mostly to other dragons. Since most dragons know she's just fooling with them, they don't respond or come to blows - but sometimes newcomers may not get the memo, and at that point she will bow out ... less than gracefully, but without injury to anyone but their pride. She speaks with a hissing sound highly reminiscent of a foam machine in a coffee shop. Her mental voice is both sweet and spicy as well, literally causing some people to drool from the 'after taste'. She can easily communicate with her human friend, but also any nearby Vortally strong mind. Vorts tend to listen but ignore her.
Hallucination Gas, as many Hivewings have unique abilities, and Nightwings still produce flame, the breath weapon that Coco uses is a form of hot gaseous fume that can trigger hallucinations, alter moods, or just provoke outright fear in lesser animals. Though she can probably make it so that people see nice things, usually she prefers them to gasp in fear or even cower a bit. She's every bit the Hivewing in that regard...
Parentage: Unknown Nightwing mother and Hivewing sire, part of the Coffee group at Lane Mansion.
Origin: Adopted from Furrygamer2003 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Sure, that's part of a 'group'. She's soooo not a team player. But she does admit that they all look marvelous, and also those plants are fantastic, can she have some more? She'll even say please - she won't mean it, but she'll say it...