Name: Troy Skinner

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: ~26, 2021, aged during Icarus processing

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Enrichment Center, Auburn Alabama

Family: Spliced, unknown family, with the powers he's got he is only distantly or weakly related to any other Pantheon member

Other: With a number of other 'second generation' children, is a 'recreation' of one of the children that perished during the Events; his power set is quite rare, however, and Melissa wants to reinforce it somehow if she can find the right partner to splice up, or 'suggest' to him...

Height: 6'3

Weight: 145* Icarus processing has left him quite light-weight, but he's also extremely tall and would be lanky even without this, tends to slouch to keep his head down at everyone else's level... unless Wilson is around, because he can meet him eye to eye

Hair: Dark brown, full, kept cropped reasonably short

Eyes: hazel green, light color that tends to get lost when he squints, which is frequently, under strongly grumpy eyebrows

Appearance: medium fair skin, heavily stubbled face, looks considerably older than he actually is due to aging in the Icarus process, and he's not entirely comfortable with that. Tends to wear arctic camo gear and given that he does reside up in the Borealis that's just fine

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 3 Troy was put through the Icarus system which strongly enhanced his Vortal abilities, particularly the range of his communication, as well as significantly reducing his weight, and nearly tripling his durability. He isn't much stronger than normal but he can absolutely take a beating. While he was quite young going in, the need for his abilities was strong enough that Melissa aged him around 10 years, so he came out a 'teenager', which was a bit awkward for him, but he's dealt all right.

Image Credits: Garry's Mod / Crysis

Genetic Abilities: Surprisingly strong water and liquid manipulation, a form of telekinesis that specifically affects liquids. Anything from basic water, to vials of acid, toxic sludge, and blood... If it's thicker than, say, a slushie, he cannot properly move it around; and only the more liquid parts of any given machine (oil, for instance) can be affected. Also it must still be liquid, so steam or fog, while he can sense those things, can only be affected if it condenses into droplets. He can purify dirty water, though he can't remove any lingering bacteria or tiny particles he can separate obvious gunk and lift the water off of it. Adept with this, he can move large amounts of water with a decent amount of force behind it, surprsingly lifting it and able to smash it onto things. With other people helping, he can whittle away at the icebergs around the Borealis, loosening things that have a very thin sheen of liquid water around them, or allowing them to refreeze in the chill air, and even 'drying out' saturated areas. Also, expanded by his Icarus processing, Troy is an extremely good long-distance telepath, catching not only thoughts but emotions at nearly 500 meters away with ease, and very-long range (more than 500 miles) he can 'ping' other Vortal minds for emergencies. He is able to convey very quick bursts of information to such long-range minds, though they might be confused as to the exact location of his own. Close range his mind is very powerful, so he tends to keep quiet Vortally unless there's dire need. His Vortal 'voice' is smooth, like the water that he moves around. Yes, he's basically a Blood Bender in ways... He cannot heal people, but he can lift impurities away from the liquid blood, though he admits that he'd need medical training to really do anything more helpful than causing tremendous pain to anything with liquid in their body.
Skills or Profession: Given a sizeable amount of technical downloads, Troy is good with civil engineering and architecture based works. He was able to help restart the water works between the Black Mesa main structure and its hydroelectric dam, getting the water flowing again, and that's saying a lot for a 'kid'. Since he needs to know what parts of a machine should be moving and which get damaged by water, he can appraise devices, locations, and raw mechanical parts to tell whether they're good to go, or need retooling before they get put back into action. He uses a tiny amount of liquid (usually fine-grade oil) to explore machinery in this manner, and can detect flaws such as cracked casings or holes with it. Then, he gets the tools out, because he's also rather good at fixing such things. He is very much a self-sufficient mechanic.
Personality: A touch on the grumpy side, Troy does feel a little slighted that he didn't get the childhood that a lot of other Reborn kids did. But that said, he's also the guy you want to go to, in order to get anything done right. A perfectionist, he will make sure that if someone's working on a project, that they know what they're doing, and it won't have to get done again. He puts a lot of effort into his own work, be it cleaning machinery, or locating people in the Outlands, or even out on the frozen ice near the Borealis. Troy does give the visual impression of a gruff soldier, and fits in very well with some of the ex-Armacham forces, as well as the actual former-military folks.
Events or History: Though technically he was only 'four' when Paxton returned from his harrowing journey to locate Alma, Troy was already 'old enough' to be assisting the older scientists and mechanical engineers at Black Mesa, occasionally shunted back to the Enrichment Center for consultation on bigger projects. And by the time Alma was used as the horrifying weapon she was against the Combine, destroying their source, he was hardly even ten years old. But then, the real work began: rebuilding and making a new life in this Combine-free world. When the Rookery was announced, he was pretty sure it would be more 'fun' than just endlessly trekking back and forth getting pipes fixed up. He wasn't wrong!


Name: Stash
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large (broad) 13'3" s / 55' l / 95' ws
Colors: mostly black and white and shades of grey; belly from nose to under tail tip and backs of legs is chalky white; legs, wing fingers, mostly dark grey, legs end in patchy pale grey; middle neck, body and tail armor darker grey; back, tail, face and limb armor graphite black; wingsails are spectacularly mixed scale pattern of blue-grey, black, and brilliant snowy white 'flames'; armor spots, claws, spikes, and horns lighter blue-grey; eyes shining snowy white
Features: Night-Icewing Hybrid, Night dominant; Bulky body with 4 strong legs, 5 and 4 short claws; two leathery wings with 4 visible fingers, elbow strut, and long wrist thumb all having short curved claws; body is scaled with soft underbelly, heavy overlapping armor on neck, back, tail with round spots; head is boxy and angular with beak, external ears, two thick conical back-pointing horns, and short slender spikes behind head and on neck, spine has longer spikes ending in very short ones on tail, and tail tip has collected spikes; forked tongue
Powers: Winged Flight, very strong flier, particularly in tight quarters; Though he can lift quite a bit he can't really carry people unless they're in a harness under his neck because of those nasty long spikes, which are very, very sharp. When ridden, Troy must sit behind his horns. He is heavy in the air, though, and requires a bit of space to get going, and landings are often rather noisy. So he tends to be already in-flight when maneuvers get rolling, since he is otherwise silent save for takeoffs and landings.
Verbal and Vortal Speech, Stash is gifted with a Nightwing's mental power, able to sense and communicate silently and telepathically with dragons, Vorts, and humans alike. He can also speak Draconic, English, and a decent amount of Vortigese with a heavy sort of rumbling drawl.
Ice Manipulation, though physically Stash is a Night-dominant dragon, his powers are quite centered around his Icewing side. The flurries that he can cause are able to blind and cover enemies, and he loves messing with Scanners and Hunters alike by creating humanoid-shaped ice sculptures here and there. They don't show up in heat scans but then again nothing really does out here in the snowy north. Though his wings lack the gigantic ice-gripping claws that his sister has, it doesn't even matter: he can touch ice and it softens to his presence, he can climb sheer walls almost by virtue of the ice moving him along it magically. While he cannot create ice or water, he can move it in huge amounts, even at a very long distance: he can shuffle a sheet of ice in its frozen form overland, or toss a building-sized amount of snow into the sky, and fly above it nearly 2 kilometers without losing a single snowflake. With this in mind, he can drop that sheet of ice onto a distant Combine vehicle, or completely encase an outpost in a meter thick coating of frost. As long as he can 'see' the location, he can move ice and snow to it. This includes being able to see through his human friend's eyes, Vortally, and they work together to pin down enemies. Also he can use a frosty cone of super-chilled air to convey some of this ice and snow, but only at close ranges (less than 30 meters).
Parentage: Unknown Nightwing sire and Icewing mother, brother to Smirch
Origin: adopted from Furrygamer2003 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire (c) Tui Sutherland art Joi Ang
Other Info: Yup, that's a mustache. Well, it's a marking, but everyone commented about it, so... there it is. Stash doesn't mind, he likes the attention that his markings and abilities give him. He's much more outgoing and friendly than his human companion, honestly, but he also wants to impress Troy and goes to great lengths to understand and fulfil any duties that he has. He actually enjoys going out to Combine-held areas and sneaking around, his upper coloration being dark overall, he can blend in pretty well. His wings allow him some amount of camouflage, since they look rather like snow drifts curling over blue-black metal walls, and he can hide people, objects, or even himself, behind them if need be. That completes his naming, too: he can 'stash' things!