Name: Blake Hirsch

Gender: Male, bisexual

Age/DOB: ~17, 2021

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Enrichment Center, Auburn Alabama

Family: Likely related to Teddie Kim or Tina Saito, given their physical similarities and Vortal abilities; spliced together from deceased child

Other: With a number of other 'second generation' children, is a 'recreation' of one of the children that perished during the Events

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 150, even build, maybe a little chunky

Hair: medium brown, fluffy and reasonably long, always getting in his eyes, but also always looking very pretty

Eyes: Medium clear brown with a hint of red, almond-shaped and Asian lidded

Appearance: yellowish tan skin that's quite light in tone, no blemishes, and he can't grow facial hair to save his life, he will always be a 'baby face' in many ways; broad bodied, and if he didn't have to be out in the wilderness a lot, he'd probably be more overweight; has a soothing and gentle voice

Genetic Abilities: A standard Psychic suite of human empathy, telepathy, and communication, however all of those are quite strong at close range (line of sight) and remain strong for a decent distance (to 300 meters) before tapering off to 'normal' strength. Within 100 meters, however, he can also cast extremely strong illusions that are both visual and Vortal in nature - humans, animals, and otherworldly creatures will firmly believe what they see, even though there are no sounds or scents, or other means of detection. If the view isn't entirely electronic in nature, this illusion will be so firmly 'real' that it might even suffer from attacks - that is a Vortal component certainly. But even electronic sensors will be fooled visually, so he can use this power to disguise himself and others to walk right into a Combine location using stolen codes and disruptive electronics. At close range, he can strongly affect Human, Vort, and animal alike with emotional tempering abilities that are good enough to soothe Lynne when she's agitated.

Image Credits: Garry's Mod / Ghost in the Shell rip

Icarus Processing: Yes, age 3, this process improved the strength of his Vortal powers considerably, and may have increased his durability a little, no other significant changes
Skills or Profession: Though he is exceptionally good with mediating, group emotion controls, and the like, Blake prefers to be out in the thick of things. Because the Borealis is as important as it is to the grand scheme of things here on Rookery Earth, he's been tasked to keep the Combine at bay and the scientists and mechanics safe. This involves a good amount of scouting, which he enjoys, because he can 'pass his dragon off' as a troop vehicle... He's incredibly good at figuring out what to 'show' and to whom. If he'd been given a Portal gun he would probably be very good at it. Once he uses an illusion on someone or some thing, he remembers their reactions and keeps that somehow tucked away for future use. (So he could appear as one specific appearance only to one group or individual, but still look like himself - or even something else entirely - to another standing right next to them!) He can select 'weak points' in a location, be it a physical flaw in a wall, or a choke point with only one electronic sensor, and exploits those with his Vortal powers.
Personality: Though 'gentle' seems to be his middle name, Blake is also diligent and dedicated to the tasks he's given. Highly protective, and rather clever, he can think his way around a lot of sticky situations, and helps wherever he can to keep people calm and on-task.
Events or History: Though produced with the genetics of his deceased counterpart, Blake wasn't artificially aged when he was given Icarus treatments, and grew up with other children both Pantheon and normal. He looks on the younger end of these second-lived kids, for that reason. Since the Combine were defeated when he was still under 10 years old on Repurposed Earth, he didn't have much to do until now, with the Rookery. However, he did actually display most of his powers and skills before then: when the Convocation arrived to 'collect' Keenan, Lynne and several other incredibly powerful Vortal sensing people almost lost their minds with the power being thrown around. He weathered this with grace, and helped Lynne specifically keep herself calmer than she otherwise would have been.


Name: Smirch
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 11'6" s / 42' l / 90' ws
Colors: most of body is rich black with clumped speckling of incredibly small but very bright white stars, contrast starts on nose/face and neck with brilliant white, fading into medium shiny grey and darker grey under tail and is unmarked; wingsails are static-grey to silvery grey, with sparkling star patterns; claws and spikes are all bright icy white splattered with black, eyes very pale blue
Features: Ice-Nightwing Hybrid, ice dominant; strong body with 4 muscular legs, ending in 5 and 4 long curved very sharp claws; two leathery wings with four visible fingers, elbow strut and extremely strong wrist thumb claw, long straight claws; body is heavily scaled with soft underbelly; head is angular with sharp jaw edge, external ears, two long conical back-pointing horns, and cluster of long sharp spikes along neck, back, and tail tip
Powers: Winged Flight, among the quickest in the air, Smirch uses her predictive powers to dodge incoming fire, but also can sweep an area in the blink of an eye. She's not able to teleport, but it certainly seems that way if you turn away - she'll have flown around a wide area and returned before your gaze comes back to look at her. She enjoys flying at night, the chill air in the Arctic suits her very well.
Verbal and Vortal Communication
Ice Breath, perhaps because Nightwings aren't really all that 'cold', and she got a lot more of her sire's abilities than their mother's, Smirch's ice breath is weak at best, but she uses it cleverly and to good effect. She can cough out blossoms of slushy matter, which act quite a bit like spit or goo, landing and solidifying if the temperature is cold enough and holding an enemy in place for a short time. If not very cold, it turns to slippery liquid, and can cause enemies to slip and slide. Either way, she's happy with how she can use this, though it'll never come up to par with even her brother's ice breath.
Ice Walking, given that she does have the big rugged ice-clutching claws of their mother, Smirch is quite at ease on any icy surface. Her claws stop there though, she doesn't trust their strength to rip apart metals, but she knows she can claw up wood and drywall easily. (Truth be told, she simply hates the noise that ripping metal makes, it's unbelievably loud!)
Prophesy and Prediction, where Stash got their dad's looks, Smirch got his powers. She's remarkably apt at knowing just exactly where to put her foot or how loud to bellow to knock icicles loose onto enemies. She seems preternatually able to fly into and out of gunfire, has never once been hit by Combine fire. As a tactician she's hardly matched, particularly not among dragons, and she can actually win against experienced Humans and Vorts, when given the opportunity to play Chess! She does occasionally get 'lost in thought', her mind will drift into the Vortessence for a time, and she sometimes comes back to reality with stunningly clear images of a Combine location, a refugee family in need, or other such glimpses of the area. She does her best to remember details, because she isn't left with directions or a specific location in her mind's eye, just a glimpse of the final spot.
Parentage: Unknown Nightwing sire, Icewing mother, sister to Stash
Origin: adopted from Furrygamer2003 at Deviantart, Wings of Fire Tui Sutherland, art Joi Ang
Other Info: Though she isn't 'competitive' as much as 'eager', Smirch does keep track of how her tactics work or don't work, in the field as well as playing games. She isn't one to hold a grudge, far from it: she'd rather learn from a loss, to get better at the skill.

Participates in the Checkerboard Ball, and has a set of incredible offspring!