Name: Bastian Bordel

Gender: Male, bisexual?

Age/DOB: ~40, unknown dob

Origin: Rookery Earth, of French Canadian family, Borealis scientist

Family: Unknown relatives, likely all deceased, but is likely quite attracted to Kjartan

Other: has claimed he's 'too busy with science for a family' but in truth he would dearly love to have kids, provided the Combine can be defeated

Height: 5'7"

Weight: a stout 170, with a broad torso, though he's not wimpy he's definitely not as in shape as he'd like to be

Hair: balding caramel brown, curly in a Jew-Fro style, bushy eyebrows and thick sideburns, as well as a well trimmed beard

Eyes: brightly green, round and wide, worried looking

Appearance: though tanned from working under the sun in the arctic ice, he's usually a bit pasty, with a reddened nose, however he doesn't have much in the way of scars or even freckles, and also seems to not have wrinkles or age lines forming somehow; speaks with a lightly French accent; though he bundles longjohns under his outfits he likes the Aperture white and grey color scheme, adding his own red tie, he'd prefer to have heavier gloves but since he needs fingers for working, he often goes without

Genetic Abilities: Unknown, but Melissa assures people that his recovery from cold and lack of visible aging is genetic and strong enough that she'd like to pair him up with some sturdy others even including herself

Icarus Processing: none, he's old enough that he does not want to entertain thoughts of going under the knife in another facility, and wouldn't likely directly benefit any more than he has right now

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls Snow King

Skills or Profession: an Aperture scientist working on their ice-breaking ship Borealis, he was responsible for technology to deploy and retract parts of the ship, both internally and externally; his skills are strongest in civil and specific engineering, ship making, metal analysis, and weather prediction. He's exceptionally good at math and estimation, and his ability to look up into the sky and just guess correctly what the upcoming few days worth of weather will be like, is invaluable to the crew. He knows how to read charts and dials like a pro, having installed most of them in the ship himself. He speaks English and French fluently, but also has a very strong ability to look at code, engineering terms, and scientific notation in order to translate or utilize it.
Personality: quiet and determined, he isn't easily shaken by things going wrong, and has always been there when things get rough in order to see them through with his friends intact. His personality is stable and even a bit dull, but though he's never the one to start the party he will always attend and make sure everyone has what they want or need. That said, he's hardly a pushover, and recognizes when any one person is hogging attention or trying to troll another.

Events or History: A very competent engineering student, he went straight into Aperture's engineering department right out of his Master's degree. He spent quite a few years working on the ship he still resides in, and was part of the group that 'vanished, with all hands on deck' when the Borealis was swept away by ... well, even he's not sure what it was that teleported the ship from its deep-earth dry dock into the Arctic where it actually belonged, though he is rather glad that it is finally out there, because why was it made a mile down a shaft in the first place?!

As the Resonance Cascade and then the Combine invasions struck his world, he and his companions ... dwindled in number over time, until it was just him, Kjartan, and a scant few others. He was so relieved when something else caught his eye on his daily vigil looking into the sky: a dragon, well that just... was so bizarre yet wasn't the weirdest thing he'd ever seen working for Aperture, now was it. He's traveled back and forth between numerous locations, but after Noctilucent found him, they have remained at the Borealis and very rarely flying over to the Aerie island above Rapture since it's not all that far away. He also thinks he'd like to visit that big man's house in Norway, but that will just have to wait until after the Combine have been pushed comfortably farther away.


Name: Noctilucent
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-large 12'4" s / 51' l / 100' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip lavender-grey slightly mottled lighter; main scales dusty grey-blue cloudy lighter and darker; wingsails heavily cloudy denim blue with light and darker areas; claws, horns, crest, tail spikes and tuft darker denim to navy blue; eyes aqua, white face markings
Features: Frigidwing as shown, with heavy layers of insulated armor scales and somewhat ragged wings
Powers: Winged Flight, Noctilucent has massive wings and soars more than flaps, however he can power through even extreme winds. Because his wings are somewhat tattered he makes unusual sounds while flying, and uses this to his advantage, because not too many things even look up these days, even Combine. He can carry quite a lot of weight, and is responsible for moving whole chunks of ice around with the Icewings.
Swimming, though most Frigidwings do swim he tends to remain on land or in the air, claiming that the water loses him a lot of heat through his wings, and he's not wrong - the scar tissue that frames his wingsails doesn't really help him insulate against the freezing waters. In warmer water, however, he enjoys himself and can dive for hours without coming up.
Communication, speaking Draconic and a decent amount of English with a creaking, ice-breaking sort of voice, Nocti knows how to listen for key words and even if he doesn't grasp an entire conversation he gets the point. He has a weak but present Vortal bond with his human friend, and will eagerly help him because Bastian tends to give straightforward, easy to understand commands.
Cold Adaptation, like Icewings, this Frigidwing is suited to life in an extreme environment, but is even more so than most. Mentioned above is 'warm water', but frankly that would still mean 'barely not frozen', and he is completely comfortable in high atmosphere ice as well as sleet storms, or even just sitting around at midnight on an ice shelf. Though his horns and claws look as dangerous and serrated as an Icewing, they are actually less able to penetrate ice or substances, so he tends not to use them for that purpose. However, his scales are insulated well enough that they're good for both extreme cold, as well as direct heat, though not from fire.
Night Vision, because his breed tends to live in the very far poles, he is used to dim light at least half the year. He has incredibly good vision in low and star-light, but also can seemingly see in near-complete darkness if it's indoors or under ground. His eyes seem to glow a bit, but it's just reflecting what little light there is.
Frost Breath, a super-cold blast of air is produced as his breath weapon, but Nocti uses it as more camouflage than an attack. He lives up to his name, creating a fine icy mist in the air that catches light and scatters it, and if there are 'ice mirages' around the Borealis or other locations it's likely because of him.
Parentage: Unknown Frostwings
Origin: adopted from and fantribe by LunarSolstice981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: He's a quiet type like his rider, but is equally perceptive of the local dragons. There might be romance in his future, maybe, with all these icy types!