Name: Kjartan Lindberg, "KJ"

Gender: Male, pansexual

Age/DOB: ~34, unknown dob

Origin: Rookery Earth, of Icelandic parents

Family: None known, but is clearly enamored of Bastian, and likely others

Other: Though he was picked up as a ship hand it was actually after the Borealis teleported away from Aperture's dry dock, he had been working on a fishing boat at the time, and decided to board rather than continue a smelly fishing lifestyle; will definitely be tapped for splicing and encouraged to get busy ...

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 150, quite thin but very strong, narrow build

Hair: very blond, stringy and flyaway, has hefty sideburns

Eyes: Pale sky blue with a darker blue ring, large, often baffled or entranced, under expressive brows

Appearance: fair skinned with plenty of small scars from fishing and hard ship work, though he's adopted the local clothing since he no longer has to worry about wading through fish guts he still has his old hip-waders and ocean fishing gear on standby, but likes having the warm lined jacket, and slender jeans or slacks as shown; often has a knitted cap; speaks with a very heavy Icelandic accent

Genetic Abilities: Kjartan has very strong Vortal abilities which were all but wasted on his fishing boat. While he cannot actively send his thoughts to others, he actually sees Vortal communication as it's happening, and has a lot of visual input - Vortal aura sight - that he's never been able to understand until the Rookery showed up. But once he knew that he wasn't just losing his mind or his eyesight, he's been putting himself to work making sure that the Vortal landscape is clear. The practical application of his ability is that he can sense both Vortal and Psionic energies - the latter in use by Combine Advisors. If he sees something coming, he alerts others. His mind is also easily seen by both, so he actually has a dampening collar available to him when he feels like he'd be an easy target of those Advisors. His range on vision of auras is around 500 meters, while being able to sense that communication is going on is almost 4km

Image Credits: Doll Divine Niobesnuppa Huldra

Icarus Processing: None, though he actually feels like he ought to, even though he's well out of the typical age range for it. He'd hold out for something new concocted down in Rapture, if that becomes available, and it absolutely would boost his Vortal powers quite a lot, though not likely change his biology any.
Skills or Profession: Once a basic shipmate on a fishing boat, from a family that owned several of those and provided their small town with plentiful food as well as employment opportunities. If he sees another fishing net, however, he may just scream... That's not really true, he has taught everyone aboard the Borealis how to fish, as well as how to prepare it, and live with ship-based life. He is quite good at repairing mundane equipment and ship systems, though anything that Aperture added or changed from the basic idea of 'boat' is beyond him. Though he's smart, he feels like there are plenty of brainy folks on this ship, and they don't need him getting in the way of their scientific work. He is intensely curious about the teleportation devices, and 'whatever' is in the hold. He speaks Icelandic, Russian, and Swedish nearly fluently, and English with a passing familiarity now that he's been exposed to it, and can easily understand but not speak Vortigese. He's thought about actually learning how to throat-sing, because their deep voices emulate that.
Personality: Normally he is a face in the crowd, but now, with a dragon, he's become much more active and bold. The moment that he could, as above, he left his fishing boat and hopped onto the Borealis, and has become quite loyal to the crew and scientists there, even long before the Rookery arrived. He is helpful, generous, and kind, but not to a fault - he knows when someone's trying to wheedle something out of him, and is careful enough to know how to say no without letting anyone down. He is also the consummate flirt, after having seen several couples or ... groups? Wandering around the Rookery on his visit there he has certainly become more bold with his advances if he thinks someone is interested in him. He is dazzled by Vortal powers, loves watching them, but also truly enjoys the presence of dragons in his life.
Events or History: Nah that's boring why would you want to hear about that? Really? Third of five boys and not expected to buy into the family business because the others already did it... Jumped ship, yeah, that's me. *Kjartan keeps a detailed journal which he's transferred to electronic format on the Borealis. But he generally uses it to detail other people's activities, in addition to recording ship-related issues. He is responsible for doing so, anyway, and it's rote - but he also would make a good recordskeeper for the dragonry, if not a search rider... If a different dragon had come to him, it'd be likely he might do that. There's time: he knows several riders who have multiple dragons, after all.


Name: Stormwatch
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-large 11'6" s / 70' l / 70' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip icy white; body mainly cloudy cadet blue with slightly darker bits on limbs and tail, brighter foggy blue on face and chest; wingsails, horns, crest, spines, and tail spade mottled aqua-blue green, darker on neck and tail tuft, with whiter more metallic reflective horns; claws and face markings black; eyes golden alomst matching Kjartan's hair (in fact, her wings are like his eyes)
Features: Frigidwing, as shown
Powers: Winged Flight, as a young Frigidwing, Stormwatch is a powerful flier who will only get better with time. She seems able to hover in gale winds, moving elegantly into hurricanes or stormfronts with ease. She does prefer to only have her human bond as a rider, but is quite capable of lifting off and moving half a dozen more or heavy weights, very stable, across less dangerous airspace. She does like chill winds and poor visibility over hot air or brightly sunny skies, due to her vision (below). She also can swim in nearly-frozen water, though keeps to shallows for the most part.
Communication, Stormwatch was not born on Rookery Earth, but was rather young when she came, so her primary language is English, and she speaks fluent Icelandic in honor of her rider. She and Kjartan have an actual Vortal bond, unlike some Pyrrhan dragons. She doesn't speak Draconic very well, but hardly any dragons around the Borealis fault her for that. She has been known to use storm activity to 'bellow' specific words, both Draconic and Vortigese, because of the frequencies the booming thunder and pattering rain can strike.
Storm Carrier, perhaps as a side effect of travel between worlds, Stormwatch's breath weapon has evolved into a sort of trigger for storm activities, and she can lay a barrier of particles, chilled ice, or fog which will then interact with any pressure or temperature changes that cross it. Not only can she use these to sense where activity has occurred, but can trigger them into active storms, fog banks, or even lightning strikes. She senses minor pressure such as troop movements in vehicles, and can trigger these effects at up to 500 meters away. She can also generally sense storm and pressure activity up to 2km away, which gives her an edge when relaying information to others - particularly to Bastian, whose own innate weather 'sense' is similar.
Cold Adaptation and Night Vision, because her breed is highly specialized to reside only in the coldest climates, she tends to suffer in warmer areas, and will rest halfway in a slush pool on any given ice floe to cool down. She has practiced gripping things with her wing claws, inspired by Icewings around her, and likes using them to riddle an area with deep holes, that cause a spot to break away if Combine troops cross it. This only works well on thinner ice (less than a foot thick). She has extremely strong night-vision, powerful enough that she tends to like flying only in lower-lighting conditions such as full storms, evening and night time, or deep fog banks. Bright lighting and open sunlight don't actively harm her but blinds her for a time, and it takes a few minutes for her to adjust to any lighting changes.
Parentage: Unknown, not present on the Rookery.
Origin: Adopted from and fantribe by LunarSolstice981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland, wing edit by me
Other Info: She really does think that Bastian is amazing, and Kjartan should get closer. She is a little intimidated by his dragon, however, but since they're the only Frigidwings in the Rookery at the time, maybe he isn't so bad?