Admin and Staff

Keeping the campus running are a trained and experienced staff of administrators and office workers. Within the Administrative building this hive of helpful and well-informed folks keep our fine school running smoothly!

Everything fromi hiring Hyperspacial Technicians to fix the Tauroidal Wing, to keeping school Nurse Reisling's shelves stocked and Head Custodian Dayve's supply room up to date, our Office Staff is the best - and they deserve a big "Thank You!"

Cybil Qeats - Head Administrator

While she is young, Cybil's cyberdeck connections give her quite an advantage over prior generations of administrative assistants. She claims (and rightfully so) that there is a file on every being in the school - and she can access them with half a thought. She is also a member of a strange hair cult - the Black Bottoms. Cybil also manages, in her 'spare time' to do demonstrations for the Cyberdecks class, as well as instruct Public Relations right from her office, 2, 3, 5, 6th periods! Party Planning 7th too... shhh!


Deon Dryer - Administrative Assistant


Winnefred Kestor - Administrative Assistant


R'preme Khrael - Accounting/Finances

  Chyme Peters - Medical Finance

Pops Lestoni - Finance Officer


Victor Ross - Finance Officer


Violet Ross - Contracting Accountant

  Lea Zifft-Myu - Contractor's Assistant
Blue Deck - Computer Contractor (dragonrider)
Sabina Deck - Computer Contractor (dragonrider)
  Chelsea M'rowan - Magic Studies Supplies Acquisition
  Vaughna Price - General Supplies Acquisition
Javin Xhiang - Supplies Acquisition
Niles Cubbison - United Planets Envoy