Security Forces

With the influx of offworld students onto Carramba High's campus, our security has been tightened accordingly.

We have an excellent record of safety on campus, but as always when worlds collide there are usually some incidents.

Unleaded Firm has sponsored Carramba High in many arenas: funding for the HyperCal Lab and our computer system in conjunction with Alabaster and Silverknight being significant contributions.

The Unleaded Security Tower is both attractive and functional, as it houses some on-campus constructs and our entire UF security staff.

The UFS serves Carramba efficiently and quickly, and often with a friendly smile, similar to the friendly staff at their Interplanetary Service Stations.

Richard Revier - Director of Unleaded Security

Alexander Porter - Alabaster Security Envoy (dragonrider)

Major Max Eichman - Security Unit Commander

Jack Walker - Shift Lieutenant

Edward Carter - Shift Lieutenant/Alabaster (dragonrider)

Ixoh Giger - Shift Lieutenant (dragonrider)

Cicak - Neighborhood Patrol
Nel-Tuk - Neighborhood Patrol
Below is the combined forces of Alabaster and Unleaded's Security Team
Avery, Joplin, Fitzpatrick, Hicks B, Hicks J, Regis, Juarez, Lopez, Babcock, Parcells, Zuska, Malache, Tower, Rhein, Anubis, Drake. Unleaded Firm Security not shown: Zax, DeJusus, Geffrey, Wallaz