Carramba High School Corporate Sponsors

At Carramba High we have had opportunities to establish relations with corporations not only here on Earth but offworld and in other dimensions!

Though they are vastly divergent in their pursuits, various corporations are now working together on projects such as the Security Teams, Track and Field upgrades, Offworld Transportation, Housing, and other general funding projects.

Several large businesses can be contacted via their representatives here on campus - just look for the logos!

Synergy Haze - Synergy/Encom CEO
Pattern - Financial Envoy, Synergy/Encom

Synergy is still human, both of her. Her assistant, Pattern, is a computer-generated duplicate. Synergy/Encom is a computer resources giant here on Twoarth.

Sponsoring or co-sponsoring the Computer Labs, updating the Cybernetics and Mathmatics departments, providing additional virtual security forces, S/E funds the yearly Mechanics Award and Scholarship.

Jackie Penbardd - Penbardd Sciences

Also teaching in the music department and environmental sciences, Jackie is a personable Furry-sider with a smile for everyone. Working off-planet on gravitics and spaceworthy environmental technology, Penbardd is a leader in 'sci-fi' tech.

Penbardd sponsored the construction of the eight-story Gymnasium, designed the Special-Needs Dorms, and sponsors the Marching Band, Electronic Music club, and offers scholarships for Music, Electronics and Environmental Design.

Jeff Engle - CEO Alabaster Incorporated

Alabaster is an off-dimension corporation which has sent several of its employees through the Nexus to Carramba. Their overt operations include Entertainment legalese, Virtual Computer devices, and mostly-harmless fun like that. Their actual operations are quite different and involve deep security for both their world and ours, in the Virtual Space.

Alabaster provides additional security, computer access, and sponsors the Physical Sciences/Life Science departments. Scholarships are available in Business, Physical Sciences, Computer Aided Design and other privately added funds.

Is a dragonrider. Shhhh.

Vax Silverknight - Silverknight Enterprises

Vax of course is an instructor in the school's computer labs, but also owns and runs the unique Construct Corner - a virtual-space theme world.

Silverknight Enterprises sponsored the building of the new Administrative Building, funded research for the Tauroidal Wing, and offers awards and scholarships for Computer Design, Literature (the fantasy world of the Corner is all based upon classics!), and Architecture. Is also a dragonrider, surprisingly enough.

Maxwell Shaw - CEO, Shaw Power and Chemonautics

Having arrived recently along with a few others from a newly contacted dimension, Maxwell is about as hip as you can possibly be, and has quite the following both because he's cool as hell, and that he runs a company dedicated to forwarding Human (well, all) life in the cosmos. His company's resources have gone into many projects from mining asteroids safely, to providing power to extremely distant colonies, and have come up with unique solutions to complicated social issues.

His vision and that of his ancestry who founded the company, is as inclusive as can possibly be. He's one of the good guys in a corporate realm that is often cut-throat and dangerous if you're working for - or against - the wrong company. The renovation of the campus Clinic as well as funding for personal communication networking are his doing.

Starchaser - Astral Connectivity and Offworld Student Advocate

Had been a student at CHS in the early 00s, and came back to help acquire the right students from far and wide. Works closely with many of the other corporate entities above, to set up not only student housing for exotic biologies, but support and legal networks, employment opportunities, and protective services.

Dean Stackard - Legal Officer

Protus Killeare - Legal Officer, Offworld

Qimei Ortuna - Legal Officer, Offworld

Barbera Shaft - Corporate Contracts

Daniel Symms - Financial Envoy, Remcorp

Michael Roy - Financial Envoy, Silverknight

Temi Congers - Financial Envoy, Unleaded
Rhys Terrance - Financial Envoy, Alabaster