Brie-Callie Yvane, Sentai Instructor, Superhero

Name Brie-Callie Yvane, she/her, straight; Also known as Tempus Gardenia
Age 50? Seems both very old and much younger than middle-aged
Species Twoarth Human, though possibly from a future era
Stands 5'11" and is quite slender but don't be fooled, she's tough
Art by lethe 1988/colored 11.3.23
Post Instructor, superhero
Tenure New, 2023, seems to think she's been working at CHS for decades though?
Smarts/GM 8
Bod/Feets 5
Luck 10^
Drive 2 (temporal 5)
Looks 4
Cool/Mouth 5
Bonk 5

Temporal Seed - Brie-Callie is a time-traveller or at least a time-displaced heroine likely from the distant future. Her abilities stem (pun intended) from a mixture of genetic engineering and pseudo-mystical infusion. She also may very well be descended from Ihrinnah and Virus, as she has very strong similarities to Ihrinnah's appearance as well as powers, though where the 'time' portion came from is anyone's guess. She commands both time and plant life, at will, sometimes combining those things in interesting and strange ways. Any created plant rots and decays very quickly once its usefulness is done, and the most left behind are perhaps some crumbles of dried leaves, or withered blossoms. They all spring directly from her hands or appear in mid-air where she wants them, there is no particular physical focus for her abilities beyond herself. Also note that many of these abilities are a bit terrifying - whether it's because you're 'seeing the future of the world' or 'seeing the ground move' it may leave an impression that will stick with the victim for quite some time

-- Blossom Barrier, creates a temporary wall of flowers and vines, which can blend in with surrounding naturally occurring plants to appear as part of them. This can be hidden within for at least 15 minutes, though it can be taken down by physical means and it will naturally dissolve after that time is up. Can be up to 8' tall and 10' across as a dome or in any shape desired around that same volume, but also can be smaller overall, and can with some effort be made short (to 4' high) but very long as a hedge that must be breeched

-- Chronowood Sanctum*, this is a permanent feature of her temporal controls, though she does have to return to it for upkeep every week or so. It is a pocket dimension, reached only by her or those she sends here or takes with her. It is a beautiful gazebo-centered garden with indistinct edges, and has an underground library below the gazebo.. It has a very peaceful feel, though it's often quite eerily silent since no other active life is there (no birds, mice, etc). As it is a pocket dimension, it cannot be breeched by conventional means, save by those with similar powers

-- Spores of Confusion, she can throw a cloud of strange glittering spores into the air, which poof like a mushroom bursting, and when inhaled or in some cases either on skin touch or ingestion if your mouth is open, produces an almost immediate confusion and stun. This includes animals, though it's centered around human-sized mass for its efficacy, so things that are smaller or have faster metabolisms will suffer quickly and deeply, while larger people or creatures may take a few deep breaths before being affected to a lesser degree. This effect lasts about 5 minutes, and can cause side effects if it is done to the same victim more than a few times, though those effects may vary per person based on their metabolism and other factors like genetic abilities

-- Tempus Vine, this is an unusual combination of time and plant life, which she uses as a whip or lasso. It can temporarily pause a person while it's contacting them, and while they are in this state they will experience time in radically different ways. Some people claim that they've seen their own birth or death, while others state that they saw the birth or death of the entire galaxy... It's often forgotten later, as a dream might be, but some people may experience lasting psychological effects from whatever they've seen. Most of the time it's merely 'reliving a recent experience' or 'this might happen soon', within their own immediate lifetime. If a more powerful person is trapped by this item, other effects might occur

-- Triproot, thick and heavy root-like structures emerge or more accurately appear through matter like the ground, concrete walkways, even stone or marble, and writhe a bit underfoot. This effect lasts with concentration only, she cannot just 'turn it on and leave'. This can cover a very large area if needed, up to half a football field, but the roots would be spaced wider and possibly be quite thin. She can use these to immobilize anything that needs to be on the ground, they cannot reach higher than 1 meter up, but at ankle height they will trip nearly anything. When they fall, they will be further hampered from the movement around them, and while it's still active, they will have to try considerably harder to get back on their feet, when it will start over again...

-- Verdant Lance, a deadly spear of fresh plant growth with thorns optional. This comes either out of her hand and she holds it there, or from the ground or even existing plant material nearby. It's a 6' long spear that can also jump to around 10' long, or become knife-sized at will. (In fact, it is very much like the Circle of Thorns knives common in Paragon's villain group!) It can cut through flesh and even light armor easily, but is otherwise a normal physical weapon. It cannot break, but it may revert to a weaker version as used on enemies that resist it. Overall it can do up to 5 Bonk before it effectively vanishes and must be re-cast


Technomage +5 Her powers are liberally sprinkled between genetic spliced innate ability and spellcasting or wild magic. As such she has extensive notes on both of those natures - she is a researcher and librarian as well as writer, but almost all of her focus is on casting spells for combat or defensive use. She has learned numerous magical scripts, and has spellbooks in her Sanctum, as well as long term research on the practical effects of many of those spells, done in highly technical jargon. Equally at home in a spaceship or a tiki hut, she can offer information or at least help examine things from either extreme. She has been hanging out with Rita and Akarist a lot, and it might be because they too may be her ancestors...

Green Thumb +4 She is very, very keen on plant life. While Ihrinnah is an actual plant person, Brie-Callie is not clearly so. But she definitely has never killed a plant from overwatering or putting it into the wrong sun patch. She can affect plant-based life forms with some spare powers, so growing a hedge out of a couple plant-people is entirely possible whoops


Research Research Research +4 She'll take notes on everything, usually while they're going on. They are quite complete and detailed, though if she wants to prevent someone from prying or noticing what she's writing about, she'll swap to her personal glyph shorthand, and sacrifice a little speed to do that. Mainly though she can figure out where to look in a library or specific tome for information, and at a glance will know whether that specific spell or equation is right for a situation

^Temporal Tactics +3 It's not that she knows exactly what's going to happen when, but she knows a fair bit about predicting which outcome of many will be more likely, and hedge her bet (pun intended) on that outcome. That's not saying she won't have many more alternate ideas in the wings, she is if anything overprepared for virtually any fight; this is where her Luck stat comes into play, this skill and that stat are intimately tied

Protects But Also Loves To Fight +3 Brie-Callie is energetic and likes exploring as much as she does holding on to what she's found. She likes encouraging students to broaden their horizons and expand their possible uses of their powers, to find new skills to master. Then again she also will definitely state for the record, once you do find something that you're good at, do that to your best ability! It's not really a dichotomy, more both sides of a coin for her. If there's a good fight going on, she'll make sure that she can tell who the good guys are, who the underdog is, and if the situation is under control. If it's not? She may provide added firepower, or she'll shore up defenses where needed


Resting Bitch Face Because She's A Bitch +3 While she respects and treats most kids and adults with care, you will absolutely know when you're not on her good side. Because her face isn't hard to read once you know her. While you don't know her, it's a good idea to just assume that she does in fact hate you, it's a pleasant surprise when she tells you what a good job you've done, then!

Future Style +2 Maybe it's just a chosen costume, maybe it's because some time in the future everyone's wearing sparkly spandex with massive shoulder pieces. Some folks love it, some think it's kinda silly

Smells Lovely +2 She does give off the scent of a delicate flower, a rose mostly, but sometimes can go full Night Blooming Jasmine on you, intoxicating but also cloying...

Period Class Teaching
2 Sentai and Magical Team Tactics
3 Hedge Mazes: Alibi and Art!
4 Hedge Mazes: Alibi and Art!
5 Sentai and Magical Team Tactics
8 Basic Plant Magic
Song: ?
Dragon A
Pets? You probably don't want her with pets, unless they're plants
Partners? She has to be careful who she sleeps around with. And you need to keep your hands to yourself please.
Children? Are you fucking kidding me?


Some moments seem to overlap for her, she is positive that she's a tenured professor here at CHS, but was actually hired less than a year ago for the Sentai Training program. This may be due to her having already experienced it, or the time-overlap of having existed in the future. She was born on Twoarth, that much is known, but where and when, and to whom, is specifically a mystery as she does not have memories of her family.

*Her Chronowood Sanctum oddly bears a striking resemblance to another safe-haven in a dimension only reached by a few, that is Paxton's Sanctuary, via Melissa Larrabie's Vortal power, the only tangible difference being the books which are stored in the library. Paxton's are all 'read by him' and remembered by Melissa's steel trap of an eidetic memory, while Brie's are mainly ones she has written herself, mostly notes and journals, but some theoretical and scientific books, research papers, and a fair few raunchy slash fiction things with drawings in the margins.





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