CTA-9431 "Anaifor"

Name CTA-9431, "Anaifor" (she heard the phrase 'an eye for an eye' and it matches her numbers...)

Female, she/her

Homeworld Originally created at Far Galaxy Kamino but brought with the Ontogeny Dome and actually born / hatched here on Twoarth
Species Human Clone Trooper (enhanced and altered, gain +2 Bod/Feets and +2 to one other stat)
Totem Virus, the 'come on, I'm not infectious any more' totem. Highly adaptable and apparently fun, but evil to the core. +2 S/Gm, +2 Bod, -3 RWP, -1 Drive, -2 Looks, +2 Bonk, +5 extra KK's
Nut Doesn't want to admit they're a little nutty
Class Junior 30kk
Smarts 3 > 5
Bod/Feet 5 > 7
RWP 6 > 3
Luck 3
Drive 5 > 6 
Looks 3 > 1
Cool 5
Bonk 3 > 5

From A Long Line Of... - her family has a long, sometimes shameful history. I mean, when you're a trooper-clone in a world where warriors aren't really 'needed' in that capacity, she does feel a little lost. Also since she rarely takes her armor or gear off, including her helmet, no one actually knows 'her', but they do recognize that she's not necessarily just the armor. She has access to that armor and any gear appropriate to her needs, as well as a permanent home built specifically for those from the Far Galaxy in the form of a temple-like structure resembling one of the old Sith ruins (thanks Karen, you sure you want that association?) up in the hills nearby

Clone Trooper Training - because she was genetically engineered by professional Kaminoan scientists, she was grown quickly (and with some help from Melissa Larrabie and Darkhanis Paveh in the genetics lab, not stunted in lifespan) and received a baseline education via skill downloads and implanted memories. So the essences of speech and language, movement and balance, object recognition and other such things that are typically learned in the first 4 or 5 years, were all condensed into a few months. Released as a 'tween', but also with further downloaded training for equipment and weapon maintenance, she has an innate Skill Cluster ^ for those. As well, a Knack for taking orders and recognizing status and rank.


^ Equipment, Weapon, and Vehicle Maintenance +4 (3) She enjoys working with her hands, and is strong enough to do heavy lifting as well as the refined tooling needs. Can recognize what a tool is used for, and what a strange piece of equipment might be. Is able to take apart and put back together virtually any weapon in minutes. Keeps everything organized and in its place, so if you touch Her Toolbox you will be in trouble

Accuracy +4 Virtually any throw, shot, smack, or glare will hit its mark. She can throw a javelin and hit the target at 50 meters, a basketball from the 3-point line, a crumpled up piece of paper perfectly ricocheted against the back of a desk, and a piece of cheese onto a cat's face from across the kitchen... But also, her wit is well known even if she doesn't speak a ton, if she has orders to give, they go to the right ears, and insults flung will sting with effect


RTFM +3 Read it. Understand it. Read it before you do it. Read it again if you need to. Consult it if you're confused. Question it if it's too vague. Rewrite it if you have to!

Style In Addition To Function +3 She has studied a bit about the Mandalorian culture from which her genetics are derived, and likes fashioning gear that they might be proud of. She really loves the Bollywood course as it lets her show this off in ways that even the Armoring course doesn't If you've got a 'costume malfunction' or need to throw something together that isn't an atrocity right before your event, she's got you, it's okay!

Expects Everyone To Respect One Another +3 And if you don't, why not? Obviously she can be snarky if she needs to, but she doesn't start out with insults - those come when you disrespect or harm others. She's baffled about the Twoarth 'retros', humans or even furries who think 'their' side of the weird planet is clearly superior? Racism has no place here, or in her native galaxy either, right? She's up on many different cultures, but uses this information to help socialize and entertain more than lecture, helping her learn dance moves or lingo. One thing that does get under her skin is some of those weird high-ranking Zekirans just think everyone below them is a servant, how bout you earn that respect, huh??


^ Status and Rank Recognition +3 Any Clone Trooper is designed to follow or execute orders, and Anaifor does this very well. She will obey but not necessarily respect people who she perceives as authority figures, which does sometimes lead to a little heat

Excellent Navigational Sense +2 Though she's more the type to be in the repair bay helping fix vehicles and gear after the fact, you can rely on Anaifor to give good verbal or written directions, and exploration with her is quite fun

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Non-Human Culture / Zero / Excellent
2 Far Galaxy History / Cannon / Decent
3 Technical Writing / Leland / Excellent
4 Armoring and Weaponsmithy / Collins / Superb
5 Bollywood and Flash Mobs / Zhountiq / Excellent
6 It's Astronomical / Saiintenella / Excellent
7 Mechanical Engineering / Vasalo / Superb
8 Special Forces Training / G.Fettel / Superb
Pets none, wouldn't mind having something like a flitter or falcon
Parents? Is a clone of Jango Fett to a degree, but is altered heavily
Siblings? Any and all of the Clone Troopers from virtually every version of the Far Galaxy, she considers her siblings, and looks up to After, who is one of the few who experienced life as a real trooper
Image From Mando Creator
Other Info

They're a member of the Archery team, in afterschool activities such as this it's hard for her not to dominate the field




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