Name: CT-6465 "After", ARC Trooper

Age: chronologically around 50, stasis at around 7, appears around 30ish

Species: Human, cloned and engineered, also reengineered later

Family: though he is a clone trooper and his 'father' is Jango Fett, it's likely that with some of the genetic meddling that was done to him after he was in stasis has given him significant enough changes that his DNA wouldn't necessarily match; he has literally millions of brothers, for the most part deceased many decades before

Profession: A Clone Trooper's job is to fight, and fight he did. After gained his name from his penchant for heading up the rear of any travel formation, making sure that the way back or the rear flank was safe and keeping an eye out for strays

Origin: Kamino, Tipoca City

Current Whereabouts: with the Kaminoans Hu and Masui

Height/Build: just over 6' tall and strongly muscled like all his brothers, with very good torso strength but also he never skipped leg day, he can keep up with a quickly moving convoy on foot; note well that while he was in stasis he was also being given significant alterations by the Kaminoans

Appearance: as most of the Troopers, he has darkly tanned skin, prominent stubble but rarely wears facial hair, and plenty of small scars from the variety of battles that he'd been in prior to stasis. Those scars mostly healed during that stasis but some deeper ones including a burn over his right shoulder, and a deep puncture wound on his left leg from his last combat are still somewhat visible, as well as a very faint circle on his temple where his Inhibitor Chip was removed. He has richly black hair that he does keep in a very close military cut, though he's willing to start letting it grow out given the circumstances; he has lighter golden colored eyes than most of his brothers, and they are large, intelligent, and quite keen. He has a very faint accent, but is more known for his barking loud shouts which can carry very far, or his ability to direct whispers almost with a ventriloquist's skill; note that his uniform's color splash is gold, not orange - he was not part of the demolitions or bomb squad, this new coloration is purely thanks to the scientists on hand, since he wasn't going back into the field after his stay in Kamino's hidden lab

Art: Disney/Star Wars, Garry's Mod, City of Heroes

**Timeline** ((Also note that ... I did not know about 'CT-6116 aka Kiks' who has a similar backstory when I created this lol I just realized it while doing research for that armor he's in))

BBY 30 - is originally spawned in Kamino's clone tanks, and since he is among the earliest of the clone troopers, in their first 'order' of clones, he was not necessarily given the same training as those who followed, his own skills contributed to further education later on; his grown factor was also not as accelerated as the second and subsequent groups, but was still faster than a normal human by a factor of three

BBY 26 - shows distinction in his training, including speed and durability, but also a smart attitude about his own preferences

BBY 25 - is promoted to ARC Trooper and placed into a strong squad, and given specialized armor to reflect his status

BBY 24 - among the first of the showcase troopers brought fully into field training. Squad members included Scoop, Dare, Raindance, Weaver, and four others who had yet to decide their nicknames

BBY 22-20 - he and his squad, now known as the Golden Tigers, participate in numerous battles, and he continues to show innovation, strength, and skill, as well as gaining his nickname of After, more accurately 'aft-er' the one who patrols the aft of a ship or the rear flank. The number of battles that his squad participated in is unknown, but they all had quite a few stories to tell

BBY 19 - shortly before the execution of Order 66, After was injured badly enough to be shipped back to Kamino - though the reasons for sending him there were multifold. Ordinarily he would have been sent to a medical ship, but his handlers realized that he had endured far more damage and seemed to regenerate and heal quite a bit better than some of his peers. As such, it was decided to put him where the clone troops were originally created, for study. He was deposited into a more or less hidden facility deep under the surface in stasis, and there he sat, slowly healing up in a Bacta tank, until Hu and Masui left Kamino


He did feel pretty awful, when he finally woke up. He'd had dreams while he was floating in that tank, strange ones. Dark skies, turbulent battles - a mixture of memories and current sensations, more than likely. Given that he was situated deep under the ocean surface, there was always the very slight pull and tug of the currents around the small station. And it was written up in his dossier that he had been frequently able to detect such motion: whether it was due to a rumbling earthquake precursor, falling rocks, or troops marching, After was known to have a sort of sixth sense about this sort of thing. He wasn't used to it being the constant tide, churning slowly. Nor was he used to having been floating - he was a ground pounder, not airborne or a swim-team type.

The lighting was dim in his recovery chamber, which was nice. He'd been in several hospital rooms that had unduly bright lighting, causing him to squint or wince on waking. He sensed motion in the room with him, but it was the light-footed and gentle stride of a Kaminoan - he knew that walk, not the individual medical engineer's patterns, but from years of exposure to the Kaminoan presence before... He did notice that there was more than one of them nearby.

"Wh..." he started to say, the words slurred, speech was more difficult than he realized it might be. How long had he been out? Or worse: was he brain damaged? His head did hurt more than typical.

"You should not attempt to rise, yet," one of the Kaminoans said, his voice slender and wispy like their necks. "Your awakening is... surprising," he said with a bit more interest than After was used to. "Given the ... duration of your slumber."

But with that said, After's golden eyes opened and blinked away any hint of sleep. He could move, just not very well. Everything seemed to be ... sloshing. Or - he realized with a bit of amusement, he was no longer sloshing. It must have been pretty bad. To be in the tank long enough to get sea-legs? He felt the long fingers of his physician keeper, and as always he just let them seek out whatever they needed. He had never offered any resistance to their care, they were his creators, and though he knew that the Kaminoan people were apt to send their work to the highest bidder, he also knew that the Clone army was their current - only - work.

At last, with his eyes able to focus on the sleek dark ceiling, he noted that the lighting was off purposefully, there was a large ring of them in the examination room. He'd been in this position before, of course; the thick cushion of the slab he was on had been similar to all the others. More comfortable, in fact, it was no emergency table, this was a recovery room with the tank he'd been in open nearby.

He wasn't sure whether he could trust his senses fully yet, because the coloration of the Kaminoan who had attended him was ... quite a lot brighter in color than he was used to seeing. He'd heard long ago that the Kaminoans could see in a spectrum considerably higher in frequency than Humans, all their walls and structures were apparently-featureless white to most troopers' eyes. Was After now able to see that spectrum? Or was this scientist just. Super blue?

He also wasn't sure what he was smelling. Though almost all of the facilities back on Kamino had a distinct sea smell to them, because - well, they were literally surrounded by ocean at all times, and sometimes that ocean attempted to break through the walls... This one's scent was not as intensely musty as he recalled, and more like that of a closed-system ship...

"Where am I?" He finally managed to ask, voice seeming as unfamiliar as the smell around him. He sensed a hesitation in the being nearby.

Finally, the reply, "the Ontogeny department," seemed as good as he was going to get. He'd never heard of such a department, nor even the definition of the word, but then again he was hardly a scientist. He was a soldier. His head ached, like the rest of him.

Rather than question further, however, After collected his wits and rolled his head around a little, getting used to whatever it was that was bothering his body. He wasn't cold, or hot - he knew the feeling of his bodysuit quite well, but on looking downwards (mostly to see if his feet were covered too, as they were a little on the chilly side) he saw not just the black suit, but a brilliant patch of gold across his muscular chest. Confounded, this was confusing to him at best; he finally just sat up to examine the rest of himself more properly. He was still a touch dizzy but that passed quickly enough as he ran his hands over the new suit. The gold mesh was material, but it seemed also a little stiffer than the surrounding black. "What is this about? This is new," he said, not demanding, but definitely not quietly.

"We... wished to show that you are... a little different," the scientist said, his bright aqua colored head doing that tilt that was quite common for Kaminoans. "And you certainly are, at that."

After furrowed his brows. "Different? How? What's happened to me?" He knew he'd been chosen for ARC training and placement of course, but this felt special.

He heard the sigh of the Kaminoan, which was a touch odd - normally they were all but silent with those flat noses and distant lungs. Was it that the male had voiced his breath? Or that After heard it? In his slight confusion, After had clearly looked at himself more critically, raising his arms (also black-clad in the soft but durable bodysuit, but with that added gold mesh) and turning to look around to his own 'aft'. Thankfully there were no bright gold markings on the suit on his own rear end...

"We have taken some of the traits... known to your spawn group, and accentuated them. A bit." It seemed like the scientist wasn't going to expound on this either, so After let that drop for the time being.

He ran his hand through his short, thick hair, and felt a very slight ache in his temple as he did so. "My squad - where are they? Did they make it? I... I don't think I even remember what happened on Mygeeto, myself."

"That would follow," Masui said calmly, poking at a data pad and causing one of the wall monitors to spring to life with a blue-tinted article. It was more of interest to After that this article was from a strange date and time stamp, than the contents: they had won a battle, the article recounted it on the ... tenth anniversary of that battle. After squinted, hard - not because he couldn't focus on it, but because he wanted to make extra sure of what he was seeing, and staggered off the table and over to that monitor.

His golden eyes matched that bright accent on his bodysuit, but he didn't know that. They scanned quickly and thoroughly over those words scrolling on the monitor. Masui behind him made notes, seemed to be pleased, as was the other in the room, the peach shaded female.

The clone trooper assessed the information he was reading, putting a lot of those numbers together. It wasn't just an anniversary edition of the news. It was an archive of the news. "How long have I been here?" After demanded, and the force of his question actually surprised him more than the Kaminoan. He had spun around to face that odd colored alien, but all of his instincts told him not to accost the scientist. They were his creators - all of them due a considerable amount of respect.

"You were brought to Kamino's main facilities after that battle," Masui said calmly, "but it was determined that they would instead place you here, in this laboratory, for further studies. You exhibited a long list of desirable features," once more the long fingers tapped onto a pad, and the article on that monitor swapped out to a biological record. Images - of himself, unconscious, or enduring some kind of surgical procedure - passed over the screen. Unconsiously, After's hand gently reached up to his right temple and brushed over the slight scar that was there. At that motion, the Kaminoan turned to face his patient more fully. "You will find yourself more... consciously aware of your behaviors, with the lack of the Inhibitor chip. It was removed promptly on your arrival." He seemed curious about that, "it seemed to be an unusual decision."

"You didn't - you weren't there, were you?" After said, abruptly connecting dots.

"I was not, at least not to perform any form of surgery on patients. I was, however, raised here in this facility, as was my companion." He waved his long fingers, toward the door. "If you are feeling stable enough to walk, perhaps we should talk more, with the others."

After was a soldier, so he merely nodded, though he did not salute. Saluting was reserved for other troopers, jedi, leaders. The door opened - he had always liked the tall oval doorways of the Kaminoan structures he'd been created in. You could haul quite a lot through them, without having to shoulder your way in. He'd dragged injured through them on their medical ships before, those memories seemed so dusty now.

The hall of this facility was like any other in a Kaminoan design: alternately light grey-silver with chrome trim and a darker flooring, or brilliantly white and overly-lit to human eyes. But he did notice, in those bright corridors he spotted patterns on the walls, direction markers perhaps? He only barely recognized the Kaminoan script, and had never been able to read it. But he saw it. So ... he had certainly been 'enhanced' during whatever those surgeries did.

After could hear the female walking nearby and behind them, she was very faintly humming something. He had never heard a scientist doing that before. Though silent himself, After pondered what might have happened in the time since he was injured. He also started to recall more clearly his last battle on Mygeeto, phantom pain creeping through his leg. There had been a massive explosion that shot crystal shards everywhere and one of them had pierced his leg. He was positive that had a medic transport not been as nearby as it had been he would have bled out from that wound. His left hand faintly brushed that spot on his leg, it didn't hurt, it... almost even tingled.

They finally passed a length of wall that had an observation deck, and After was somewhat stunned. There was indeed water all around this facility, but it was shallow, he could easily see thanks to sunlight filtering from the surface, and not just due to whatever enhanced vision he now had. Down in the Kaminoan sea you would be hard pressed to see even a few meters with strong lighting from the facility walls, but here there was a lot visible. Fish and creatures he had never seen before moved fearlessly around those windows.

"They are aware of our arrival," the female Kaminoan said, quietly but with a lilt to her voice. "I think they will be impressed and pleased to see you are awake."

Though he didn't dare get his hopes up, After truly wanted this room they were heading into to be filled with his squad-mates. Realistically however... he knew that was not going to be possible. The article had stated that the Golden Tigers were rewarded with numerous accolades, but sent on to further duties - without him. Surely they had been involved in many more battles, and likely had died one by one - always fighting, always working toward the Republic's victory.

Those thoughts were hollowed when the room did not contain even one other clone soldier. However, what it did almost surpassed his imagination.

It was a large, mostly rounded room, with half of its walls containing very tall windows looking out into that water. There were seats and a large semi-circle of a table, not in a Kaminoan style, but still vibrantly white with a very faintly visible tint of silvery green or blue to it depending on how the light hit it. Even the seats weren't similar to the ones in other facilities, they were more suited to human-sized legs, though several of those floating blindingly white egg-seats they used were also present, and the pair of scientists took their places in them around the table.

Most of the other inhabitants of the room were humans, but none like himself: no clones, at least not troopers, and he did carefully examine each and every one of them as his gold eyes passed over them. It was difficult to draw his attention away from the stand-outs: tall, not quite as tall as the other Kaminoan in the room, but two of the group were discussing something about the Force. One was green skinned with blue hair, draped in a very traditional Jedi Knight's tan and brown clothing. His conversation partner had almost the opposite in dark brown and brighter tan, her pants light, and a dark cloak - but she was clearly Zabrak, though didn't the women lack those little horns, and weren't they supposed to be pale? They both towered over the others who stood casually or leaned against the large table, no one was yet in any seat.

The other Kaminoan stood with his back to the rest, looking out at the sea, but even from the back After could tell he was quite bright aqua colored blue, dressed in a black and green robe-like outfit where his female companion was in white and black with pink trim, and had no added cloth or adornment. At their arrival, after the first moment when After noticed the Jedi at the table, he realized he'd taken all that in before anyone had even noticed them enter. The first to do so was a middle-aged woman, also wearing Jedi robes, but darker overall, human features seemingly more familiar than either of the others. He could see her give a very faint flickering smile.

"Welcome," she said, and her voice seemed to be the catalyst for the rest of the room's inhabitants to take note. A tan skinned girl who had a strange faintly-glowing shadow, a tall and slender 'rich kid' looking young man, an extremely attractive and curvy brown-skinned human woman with improbably green hair and high-fashion clothing, and a blond man in a dark blue trenchcoat bearing an eye patch... A strange crew indeed. They all let their conversations dwindle and turned to bring their full attention to After.

He wasn't exactly used to this kind of attention, but he took it in style. The older Jedi woman approached, he noticed she had a very faint limp but didn't seem to be hindered much by it. "I'm Karen, Karen Kenobi," she stated, and it seemed like she was waiting for his response. He gave it in the form of a stiff salute, almost automatically, from the sound of that name.

"I - I didn't realize that --" After stammered.

She shook her head, brown hair falling over her bright blue eyes. "Neither did he, but that's... in the past. And far, far away." She gave a weak, wry grin. "But come, sit. We all... have things to discuss."

With that said, the rest of the group similarly perked up, found a seat nearest, and tried to figure out what was actually going on.

** The meeting **

Dragon Name: (meaning, pron, inheritances)
Gender: (+preference as desired)
Size: s/l/ws
Physical Features:
Stats: Strength, Speed, Endurance, Agility, Health, Intelligence
Meeting Notes: