Cantor "Candycorn" Acornus

Name Cantor Acornus "Candycorn"
Age ~30? Possibly younger, we don't know how long he's been out of his own magical university
Species Centauricorn, from a 'magically friendly' dimension
Post Instructor
Tenure New, 2024
Art From bought from and art by Syrcaid on Oliva lines
Smarts/GM 3
Bod/Feets 9 (agility 8, strength 4)
Luck 4
Drive 1 drive, 5 ground navigate
Looks 3
Cool/Mouth 4
Bonk 3

Unicorn Magic, Modified By Thumbs

Cantor's magic stems from his horn, however his parentage is... "mixed" in that his parents come from disparate versions of one dimension. One has thumbs, shapeshifting, and the like, while the other bears their cutie marks and friendship power. As such, he has the benefits of being a spellcasting unicorn, as well as a hand-bearing mage. He's able to learn magic spells or potion making, things that require verbal and physical motion components, and has a strong reserve of innate magic use that stems from his unicorn side.

-- Healing Magic - his horn supplies a pure strength that can heal dire injuries on himself as well as those he touches, with concentration and effort. This can purify diseased flesh or stagnant liquid, and can fix near-mortal injuries as long as they're recent

-- Flight - able to lift himself and quite a bit more weight or individual items for short distances, and can cruise around just over the floor at will. Can juggle numerous small things such as baseballs or bowling pins without really expending any energy, but larger items such as humanoid or small pony types, on up to school busses and dragons, require both concentration and a depleting amount of energy based on duration

-- Decode and Encode Magic - with a bit of concentration and easy access to directly see or sense any form of magical script, such as a scroll or rune or even listening to a spoken spell, he is able to suss out the contents and intent of the spell or item. He can handle a magic item for a few minutes and grasp at least the basics of its use though he might need to study it more thoroughly in order to activate or command it properly

-- Potions and Alchemy - Candycorn's specialty is with things that life needs to live, food and drink! With his horn able to help manipulate liquids and food items, and his adept hands for chopping and pouring and otherwise putting food and snacks together, he can assemble magically-active potions, food bits, and enchanted snack items

-- Light And Color - With the use of his magic, whether it is from his horn or a little spell, he can dazzle up a location or item albeit temporarily. Not really an illusion, more like a minor glamour spell, usually lasting an hour or two depending on the complexity of visuals. He is able to semi-permanently change some pigments, such as food or plant-based dyes, usually those will dissolve or lose their magical properties once eaten or worn a few times

Clusters They're Magically Delicious +5 It's not just about magic and spells, food preparation is his passion and he is ready to pass his skill along. He loves to find ingredients and use unusual combinations of flavors, experiment with new styles, and explore food overall. That said, virtually anything he makes will be tasty and nutritious as well as presented in a fun and whimsical manner

Trot Canter Gallop +3 In addition to his magical and food-oriented goals, he's very physical and enjoys getting outside, being active, and light-hearted competition. He prefers self-improvement over rules-heavy games, and loves encouraging those who may be too shy to openly compete, and work on personal gains instead

Nimble Fingers, Agile Feets +3 For an all-around skill user, it's important to be able to type fast, dance well, and have a good spacial awareness for full body movement. Especially given that some of his spellcasting is geared more for the bipedal 5-digit hand types, rather than those with more fingers than feet... He does sometimes have to adjust his somatic movement or his height, for spells. But he also is more than able to jump and parkour up between stairwell walls, across rooftops, and through obstacle courses with a laugh and a lot of style

Splash Of Color +3 Do you need that bland cake decorated? Do you have a birthday gift you bought 10 minutes ago for the party in half an hour needing to be wrapped? Got nothing but accessories but nothing to wear to a dance? He's on it! Even using on-hand items he can spot just the perfect piece of damaged comic book pages in the discard bin or a forgotten button-down shirt in the closet, all it needs is a little loving touch!


Absolutely Hyperactive +3 If you hear a little tippy-tappy under a desk, or the whistling of pencils whizzing around the rafters, it's because Candycorn is a bundle of nervous energy that really needs to be released. He of all profs at Carramba understands that sometimes kids need to stim or get up and walk around with their notes in hand, or need a little time to collect their wits before going up to do a presentation. Candycorn has two speeds, vibrate and sleep mode... and even that second one is iffy

A Bit Needy +/- 3 Very social, and a bit hesitant to do things purely for himself. Candycorn loves doing everything for anyone, but gets a little stressed if he's left to his own devices. While he can certainly do research and work on his class, it takes a bit of effort to get rolling, and he'll eagerly drop whatever he's doing the moment someone needs his help

Loves Fight Games +3 The technology doesn't exist on his home dimension, so when he discovered arcade style fighting games, Candycorn was instantly enamored of the simulated brutality - he doesn't need to heal real wounds, and he gets to fidget with his fingers (and occasionally his hoof play with some of the bigger machines built for nonhumans) and really let loose some of his nervous energy in a friendly competitive manner. While he physically excels at his own tasks, he feels that this kind of thing evens the playing field for those who might not be able to lift weights or run laps

Period Class Teaching
1 Four-Legs Plus (taurs in a 2-legger world)
2 Cake! (mostly decorating and presentation)
3 -- (they make him take a period off for himself lol)
4 Decoding Magical Texts
5 Four-Legs Plus (taurs in a 2-legger world)
6 Practical Potion Making
7 Cake! (mostly decorating and presentation)
8 Practical Potion Making
Song: (none yet)
Dragon Selma
Hatched Autumn 2024 Giveaway by Trix
Partners? He's getting a little nervous about that one taur lady with the scary outfit and sparking burning shoes, but he does have to admit she's pretty hot...

Candycorn is one of the first people you'll have bring you to the new Tincture Kitchen, as his potions and cake decorating and candy-making supplies are all stored here, as well as the potions lab in the Alchemy floor below.




Name: Selma ('szellem eez' flavor ghost)
Gender: Feminine, but dead so that shouldn't matter right?
Size/Shoulder/Length: as-is, perhaps 20 feet long? Unknown size before she died
Colors: Brown, an extremely pale shade now that she's basically only-barely-visible; mane is pearly with a brown tint, horns are the darkest part of her; wears pearlescent robes over her ghostly 'body'
Features: is a ghost, only partly visible as a draconic creature with a muzzle, moon-curved horns, and 'forelimbs' draped with the cloth of a ghostie
Powers: Floats rather than flies, without wings
Incorporeal, able to move through solid objects
Teleport, you never know when or where she'll show up
Telepathy, though she does sometimes make ooOOOoooo noises like a ghost might be expected to, it's mostly in delight when she locates something new to 'taste'
Invisibility on demand, she's more often faintly visible up in the corners of the kitchens, or out by the bakery shop, as a sort of cobweb until she dives into someone's donut
Possession, Candycorn is the only person she's ever possessed (at least, after finding him), and she delights in what can be tasted when she has a 'real tongue' again!
Parentage: unknown, long gone
Origin: Keltic Spirit Glade, by Trix, unused template for Autumn 2024
Other Info: ghost dragons are the spectral remnants of deceased dragons that have a lingering attachment to life. All of them have a secret mission they need to complete before they can find peace. This particular dragon wanted to taste every single sweet in existence (it's safe to say she'll never pass on, but she will have a compulsion to try any sweet she lays eyes on). Selma can certainly scare people, but is far more interested in what they're sniffing at or why their mouths are watering. All those cakes and candies, any given syrup, drizzle, or sparkling sugar coating, she wants them all, just a taste.

At the Tincture Kitchen, she is usually offered a nibble of pretty much anyone's next batch of goodies, and she might make or break a kid's grade when she turns her ghostly snout up or gobbles the entire dish down...