An Inter-Departmental Experiment: Welcome to the Tincture Kitchen!

With the variety of newly acquired and specially constructed locations bringing C4 and Carramba High into their massive sprawl, one spot has become quite the entertaining area to hang out for students, staff, visitors, and tour groups alike.

The Tincture Kitchen uses an inspired fusion of magical, technological, and traditional methods to create virtually anything 'ingested, edible, or otherwise used for health and well-being'. From alchemical concoctions designed to cure curses, a compounding pharmacy and dispensary, to unusual spices, aromatherapy goods, and food-grade dyes and pastes, if you need it to be in a form that is 'safe to eat' the Tincture Kitchen has it! It even has a special space for smaller-sized dragons to work, though they also have their own whole section of the Dragonry on campus for much of their similar needs. You would mistake the modest entrance on Beach Boulevard for something less impressive on the inside, given that it is surrounded by tall eucalyptus trees and a nicely kept hedge. But there is a visible garden for herbs and herbalist supplies outside too!

As an architectural design, the building itself is both whimsical and sturdy. The exterior is inspired by local Panama-California Exposition 1915 down south in San Diego. Crafted with ornate filigree and exterior ornamentation in both Skin- and Fur-side styling, in modern structural materials that will, unlike the original buildings, last the test of time without cracking or falling to pieces. Though it appears to be a 2-story structure, there are at least 3 large underground sections fit for machinery needed as well as the magical protective items in the alchemical labs. These structures do extend below the streets and into the campus proper, with exits and further structural connections for students and staff to easily reach their classes. Within the complex structure, there is a functional restaurant, pharmacy outlet, dispensary, and 'gift shoppe' (holding those unusual things like edible undies and color changing drink mixes); and a full sized loading dock and storage structure is tucked away in the back for all the needed deliveries and employee / staff parking.

Suited to safety and cleanliness, the 'traditional' portions of the structure include display and trial testing rooms, tasting rooms, and food or product storage areas that don't require further attention from environmental or magical concerns. The main restaurant is an offshoot of this area. On the top floor where not already taken by very high ceiling storage rooms, are most of the growing rooms, climate controlled storage, and a well guarded wine and liquor storage area, also connected to the restaurant but with a more private feel.

Below ground, the higher-tech floor plays host to genetic engineering devices that clone and spin artificially designed meats and plants, study existing materials and substances for their usefulness in applied sciences, and where many dragons might go to 'deposit their venom' for scientific research. Some 'venom' or other draconic breath or bodily weapons serve very well as antidotes, hallucinogens, and numbing agents. The tech lab hosts a large storage area with strict confidentiality and security enforced at all times, since it's not just dragons or herbalists going in there, it's engineering and trade secrets are important enough to protect.

And furthest down is the Alchemical lab and experimental section, more heavily protected due to its magical nature. Generally speaking only mages and students with proper identification can even enter it, it's not a guided-tour area, but it does serve the most herb tea and supports the thriving potion shop on campus! No live animals are held here, but they are available through heavily warded portals and stored in the Magical Campus portion of Carramba.

Any dangerous creatures or plants which are harvested are done so as humanely as possible, or as with the dragons, voluntarily donating dropped parts and spare drool...

Several associated afterschool and extracurricular activities are centered here, including the Tea Club, the Foodies Heroic group, and the Hedge Maze Appreciation group among others.

The CHS instructors that run this location include but aren't limited to:

Molly D'ouberville - Thinking to retire into a more 'shop keeper' role from her Home Ech!onomics and Telepathy classes, Molly was among the first to realize that the needs of the area have grown, and economics was still her passion. Getting things where they need to be, as well as making sure the whole neighborhood (or even city) has access to safe and healthy items, Molly was on board without hesitation. While she is technically still an instructor, she's going to be transitioning to a more administrative capacity here at the Tincture Kitchen instead of just lounging around on the beach...

Red Herring - Another retiring professor whose work in sushi and fish breeding is well known, the 'It's Safe, Really! All You Can Eat, See?' Seafood stand is his masterwork. Bringing the allergens down to a mild buzz has been an ongoing project of his, and with enough success that Ihrinnah and Virus actually paid attention to it, he knew that it was 'ready' to serve. Mostly seafood but there are also 'allergen-free nuts' and free safe allergy testing before you enter...

Dr Darnold and Potion - While the dragon Potion does have his own whole spot in the Dragonry, Darnold himself is apt to linger in any spot where liquids are being created, tasted, modified, or stored.

Virus and Ihrinnah - With both of these instructors being a bit on the dangerous side, but also both of them with extensive knowledge of plants, genetics, and poisons... They wanted in, and who's going to stop them? Ihrinnah and her Hedge Mazes class created the exterior gardens, and Virus makes sure that the stored high-tech items are 'clean'. Do we trust that is actually what he's doing? Oh, no, no we do not. But there they are.

Rich McPanda - The Tea Club is held in the garden tea house, which gives him an opportunity to use his own home for other things (as it had, in fact, been there!). He has a very large collection of teas and also weapons.

Batty - With a curry professor as adept as he, it's impossible not to have a spot here for his spices and growing area! Since he is literally a bat, he often brings four-footer or 'Kind' intelligent creatures to the Kitchen, and his Quantum Entomology class enjoys changing bugs to blueberries in the gardens!

Shy - Of course Shy is here. Usually as a 'candy and cake tester'. >_> shoo. you've got a class to teach.

Miranda Varnhagen (furside)

Cantor "Candycorn" Acornus - A newer arrival, working mainly with the potions and with cake and candy creation. The storage and creation of potions is made here in the Alchemical lab, and the dyes and flavorings up in the Traditional floor. He eagerly attends events (he does everything 'eagerly') and whenever he's out at a track meet or other gathering, he always hands out fliers and business cards, leading many to attend tours.

Brandy Racön - Though she is mainly found mixing drinks professionally at nightclubs and events, she is the curator of the purchasing department for the alcohol and wine section of the facility.

Wade Cameron - With an extensive alchemy lab on the Magical Campus, his work here is mainly in storage and protective warding for the lowest level of the facility.

Malai - A feline mage whose knowledge of potions has been helpful on his homeworld as well as in the Magical Studies campus, but now he also includes the Potion Pot sales area here at the Kitchen.

Wilson Carver - There is a portal somewhere in this building that leads directly to The Vent nightclub, and he collaborates with the other cooking professors to get spices and herbs in the well maintained garden. Everything fresh!

Zuvraat Catering - Although they don't attend specifically as instructors at this location (since they're both rather busy on campus already) the Zuvraat Catering company from Zekira is in full force here mainly providing the staff via their 'rescued at risk' program. From loading dock workers and janitorial staff, to wait staff and restaurant line cooks, their intention is to get down-and-out or at-risk folks back in the work force, and they do it here with style!

High Mistress Mita Haital - In addition to her classes and Zekiran duties, she is responsible for making sure everything gets ordered and is orderly, spotting any 'missing goods' easily, and making sure that all the measuring devices are absolutely accurate.


last updated March 6 2024
All information and artwork unless credited otherwise is (c) 2024 Lethe