Kai and Zenqee Zuvraat
Cafetorium Food Prep and Catering

Name Kai Zuvraat Name Zenqee Zuvraat
Age 40s Age 40s
Gender Male Gender Female
Species Zekiran, heavily Arachnoid spliced Species Zekiran, heavily Arachnoid spliced
Post Cafetorium chef, food prep instructor Post Cafetorium food prep, instructor
Tenure ~15 years Tenure ~14 years

Totem: Spider, the Itsy-Bitsy totem, lots of limbs +2, +3, -1, +1, +2, -2, -1, -1
Art By Mahasu, on Deviantart!

Smarts/GM 3 Smarts/GM 5
Bod/Feets 9 Bod/Feets 9
Luck 2 Luck 2
Drive 3 Drive 7
Looks 1 Looks 4
Cool/Mouth 4 Cool/Mouth 5
Bonk 4 Bonk 4
Powers Natural Born Talent: skill Cluster at +3 (Food), other skills half cost
Silk Production: can (privately) make webbing and uses this to preserve or wrap items, usually for a big reveal
Connections: locally has a wide web of contacts and groups that are tapped for student use
Powers Family Ties: as a Zekiran offworld it's rare, but she has kept in touch with their Yilden group and they offer aid for good causes
Silk Production: her silk is able to preserve hunted items without refrigeration, or restrain things needing to be 'alive' while presented
Wall Crawler: as a spider morph she can and does scale walls, ceilings, caverns, and classrooms to deliver!
Clusters Food Is So Good! +4 if it can be tasted and digested, he knows how to make it; even if his mouth looks weird his stomach and taste buds act just fine, and you won't believe how well these flavors and textures go together! Clusters It's All In The Wrist +4 adept with balance, lifting, aim, and other physical performances, Zenqee can use all those hands to perform different acts, stirring or balancing, pouring and mixing, she can juggle like nobody's business!
Skills Par For The Main Course +6 menu creation and multi-staged meals are a specialty
Hold This, It's Hot +3 tries out new things frequently, they're rarely less than great, and even might become a new fad
Lessons Learned +3 He remembers his school days and how hard it is to balance work and classes, and isn't afraid of using older techniques to teach the young
Skills Stick-To-It-iveness +4 not just because she can cling to walls, she is diligent and won't give up easily
You And What Army +4 even if you need an entire battalion fed, she knows the math, and has the potatoes, no worries
Team Player +3 Able to include as many different ideas and experiences as possible in her classes, she does make sure teams are balanced, friendly, and get along
Knacks Makes It Work +3 You have a jar of Peanut Butter and two limp slices of lettuce, now you have a feast voila!
You Want Fries With That? +3 Excellent sides, even bog-standard ones, always appropriate for any event
Could Be Meat, Could Be Cake +3 Maybe it's meat cake! Maybe that's how it was meant to be!
Knacks Gets There On Time +4 The catering business is cutthroat, and her skill in driving the RV they run their portable services from is legendary
Multitask +2 It almost seems like she's in two places at once, never forgetting which hands are working on what project
Swinging Around Town +2 Has impeccable navigation skills not just at ground level
Class Teaching
Class Teaching
Food Prep and Serving
(Breakfast Shift)
(Breakfast Shift)
Food Prep and Serving
Food Prep and Serving
(Lunch Shift)
(Lunch Shift)
Food Prep and Serving
(Afternoon Shift)
Careers: Catering
Careers: Catering
(Afternoon Shift)
(Afterschool Shift)
Careers: Catering
Careers: Catering
(Afterschool Shift)
Dragon A Dragon  
Hatched   Hatched  
Pets?   Pets?  
Partners? Zenqee Partners? Kai
Children? Zhountiq


The Cafetorium has been served by a number of catering systems or on-site food preparation companies for decades, but at a certain point there were some newly arrived students from Zekira, a pair of them have made a home on Twoarth rather than going back to Zekira after their graduation. Both of them are stunningly talented with food! Both are also genetically engineered by the same 'family', the Yilden family, though they themselves are unrelated and have a long history of being highschool-sweethearts-turned-married-couple.

They employ not only local students and graduates, but at times have picked up groups of 'at risk' people - those who have been convicted of crimes that aren't dangerous but definitely need guidance in their future, or homeless groups, even refugees that have made it across dangerous locations only to find themselves stranded without hope. There is nothing that this pair hates to see more than people without hope, after all, and a full belly and work to be done to keep hands and minds focused are how they fix this issue.

It's true that their appearances are a bit... unconventional, even for Fur Siders, but at Carramba it's expected, even welcomed, so a pair of spiders serving breakfast, lunch, dinner, and the occasional big holiday feast? That's absolutely fine!

After going abroad to learn many different techniques, both of them have returned to Carramba, with a long-term plan for the Cafetorium's workforce, class schedules, and post-graduation placement. Since they do actively manage the Cafetorium and all its food services at the same time, they trade off activities tending classes and their food services so there's never really any break in either side of their jobs. Since Carramba's classes are taught in 2-hour blocks, every other day except Friday in 1-hour segments, folks have gotten used to seeing one or the other behind the scenes or the counter, at any given time.

Their classes of Food Prep and Serving, and the follow-up Careers in Catering, have on the job training that has helped hundreds of students, staff, and professors rolling, healthy and happy, with great meals. Any student that takes their courses are eligible for job training credit of course, but they also make sure that if a student wants to be placed at a restaurant or kiosk, they get their choice as long as they can keep up their class load along with the demands of a food service job. On Twoarth, food service is much more complicated and often quite a bit more rewarding than other Earths, since there are so many different breeds, allergies, intolerances, and preferences that must be accounted for! They work in tandem with the other food instructors and classes, primarily the Exotic Diets and Cooking classes, and the Party Planning group. While the specialty Cake! and Curry! (and Mixology to a degree) also often get tapped, they've had use for the Advanced Sushi Tech as well as the Big Game Hunting classes participating for 'really getting to know' the food being served.

They also work with safety and Home Ech! sides, to be sure that the conditions in their kitchen and service areas are spotless. Never has the Cafetorium been this A+ grade (not that it has ever been lower than an A...).

So if you have need for a quick bite before classes start, a modest lunch or a big afternoon snack, or that post-class homework boost... this is the place, now is the time! The Zuvraats have you covered!


Kai is a flashy, fun chef, who likes to get a lot of variety into the meals he makes. He is interested in getting the basics out of the way quickly - often enough the Home Ech! or Exotic Diets classes will feed into his courses later in their year, they have a good idea of what to expect out of a kitchen, so he gives them a fun style to look over. How to prepare a fancy and delicious meal that might be considered plain in another dimension but now it's definitely way better; service with a chipper and helpful suggestion, always keeping in mind the needs of a fancy group or family event, weddings, and the like.

Zenqee has a more modest approach but the hard work and big catering events are her domain. The students from the hunting and fishing courses, as well as those wanting to make sure their big family or squad are fed on time every time, often come into her class roster. The foods she focuses on can be made in large amounts, though prep and presentation are clean and neat, maybe not as frilly as her husband's. If you have an army, family reunion, or offworld adventure planned that requires pre-made and stored units, she's your best bet.

They both get the 'chef's kiss' mwah from everyone that takes a moment at the Cafetorium. Even just because that little extra packet of mustard you forgot to order, it's there; they're detail oriented and with smashingly good memories for everyone that passes through, and kindly to a degree that is worthy of the awards that the City has given.