Name |
Zhountiq Zuvraat |
Age |
28 |
Homeworld |
Born on Twoarth, to Zekiran parents |
Species |
Zekiran insect-splice 4th generation (naturally bred but to b6 parents) |
Gender/Pref |
Male, straight, prefers similarly arachnoid or multilimbed partners |
Post |
Instructor, alumni; graduated in 2015ish, C4 through 2023 |
Tenure |
New 2024 |
Art by Mahasu on Deviantart |
Smarts/GM |
4 |
Bod/Feets |
9 (3 Strength, 9 Dex/Agility) |
4 |
Luck |
3 |
Drive |
5 |
Looks |
3 |
Cool/Mouth |
5 |
Bonk |
4 |
Powers |
Silk Production - he has a modest ability to create silk strands, though he does use them to impressive effect. His varied hands with 3 (brown), 5 (middle), and 4 (back) fingers can manipulate the fine silk in ways that allows him to 'stick' either himself or another person, or an object, to himself or another thing. This makes his cheer-squad antics very impressive, since he can help keep teams forming pyramids intact, just long enough to wow the audience. Though the judges originally balked at this, they ran many tests to make sure that it wasn't outright cheating: the silk is sticky only for about 20 seconds at most, and when an extensive weight pulls at it, it simply comes apart - so while they're assembling the pyramid it's there, but the moment they need to leap away, everyone merely has a little bit of it left. When he was a kid he would pull some pranks using this, like sticking a dollar bill to the wall, or wedging a stall door, but it was never so much that he would get into trouble, since it would naturally degrade and fall apart within a minute anyway. He is a natural post-it note sticker!
Family Ties - as part of the extensive Yilvan family of insect-spliced people, Zhountiq is fully able and willing to help them, whether it's on Twoarth or back on Zekira. He has a different perspective of the way things are on Zekira, and is less enthused about the whole 'ownership' side of it, so eventually he might even start working with escaped Budak or Bayaran, though on the sly because he knows that damaging his own or his family's reputation would make it much harder to help those who need it in the first place. He can tap a great many people even here at Crescent City, since there is a large Zekiran contingent. His Diplomatic ties, while not 'tenuous' exactly, include a variety of people that some higher-status Zekirans might snub. He focuses on Tuantana, Kaumburuh, and Budak/Bayaran rights groups, rather than the 'big hitters' and high-status folk typical for such duties. But he figures, most people are middle and lower class there, the vast majority in fact are 'Workers', the Kaumburuh, so he wants to make sure that they get their fair share, encouraging them to vote in their local elections and tap whatever resources they can to make sure that everyone is on the level.
HYPE! - Since he was born and raised basically at Crescent City and among all the students and activity at CHS, even going through their Childcare system since his parents were both working at the Caffetorium when he was born, Zhountiq is very much on board with the school and everything it stands for. While he is usually somewhat easily startled, he is always looking for ways to help or to show off, bring people together, and make everyone have the best time! This means that any group he's working with will gain a +3 to that specific activity, swaying those who are waffling (not into the group but to make a decision), and he is actually good enough at this now that he can tell when it might 'turn ugly', so he can hold up all six hands and call a halt before it gets too rowdy
Clusters |
Showmanship +4 Since it was clear he wasn't going to be remarkably good at the family trade of catering, Zhountiq was urged to use his flashy looks and gregarious style to his advantage. Hardly pushed into it, he loves performing and flirting, and really enjoys seeing other people do the same! He has a great eye for where to dance or how to hold a seance, how many seats to fill with 'ringers' for a magic show, and all manner of other such stage and impromptu performances. He keeps track of so many different people and their activities, and it all comes very naturally to him, that 'web' of people and actions!
Physical Mastery +2 While he already has a very very high Feets score, he practices every day (since childhood!) and is markedly adept at balancing things on other things, including himself, with or without his sticky webbing. Wall crawling, perfectly executed long and high jumps with flips, dodging and weaving in crowded hallways, he's always exactly where he needs to be, and in the right posture to look absolutely casual about it when someone looks at him
Skills |
Unerring Navigation +4 For himself and those he directs, maybe he's putting down little bitty sticky markers for tactile reference, or maybe he just knows all the ways to describe 'how many footsteps for someone your height', or 'that location was demolished and we can take a shortcut but watch out for rubble'. Directing traffic would be a breeze for him, he enjoys calling out commands to the cheer squads and helping them with learning how to do the same
Get It Where It's Going +3 While he can drive very well (stick shift plz, none of that automatic crap for him) he can also use alternate forms of transportation with ease, as long as he has been trained on the basics of how to turn on, turn off, turn left and right... where to fuel up and how to do basic cleaning and repairs. This applies equally to a big rig for transporting large stage sets and equipment, down to flying carpets or even manually activated teleporters. He's not going to be the repair or fixit guy for most of those things, but he definitely can take the wheel if needed! He loves driving mom's catering RV!
Use Unusual Anatomy +3 Because he does already have such an odd arrangement of limbs, and not all students are configured the same, Zhountiq is always willing to adjust what needs to be changed, to allow for people without hands, or with multiple sets of feet, with differently abled vision and sensory input, and the like for all his classes. He's not afraid to take that one taur guy with the burly Shire-sized horse parts and give him the lead romantic role, as long as the student playing opposite him is willing! He likes to make sure that everyone's natural abilities get used and worked out, and that no one's emotional or social toes get stepped on in the process
Knacks |
Altruistic To A Fault +3 Zhountiq sees all kinds of inequality and doesn't like it one bit. Sometimes he will interrupt his instruction to make sure that an individual isn't falling behind or having trouble outside the classroom, but will jump right back in - this is something that his students have gotten used to and even relied upon. If he had more hours in the day, he'd be a very good guidance councelor. However this also sometimes brings him at odds with his ancestral heritage, and he's not entirely convinced that that's a bad thing
Sign Language +3 He can communicate in basic terms with a great number of species, just by virtue of pantomime or signalling. His 'breed' of spider is very good at communication and he is no exception. While he can't given detailed information or understand specific speech or written language in this way, he can still convey urgent messages or physical instructions to complete strangers or different breeds just by showing up and doing a bit of a dance
Understands Physics, Ignores Them +3 Sure, he's a full sized humanoid, but he can still cling to ceiling tiles that would normall fall if a cat or raccoon jumped onto it. Maybe it's his webbing, or maybe he's just a jumping spider that happens to be 6'2"...
Period |
Class Teaching |
1 |
Cheerleading (Pep Squad) |
2 |
Careers: Diplomatic Envoy - Zekira |
3 |
Cheerleading (Team Events) |
4 |
5 |
Bollywood and Flash Mobs |
6 |
7 |
Cheerleading (Large / Advanced Squads) |
8 |
Cheerleading (Advanced / Competitive) |
Song: *?* |
Dragon |
Fame |
Hatched |
From Deviantart |
Pets? |
Parents |
Kai and Zenqee Zuvraat |
Partners? |
Children? |
Dragon |
Name: Fame
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small (floofy) 7'6" s / 30' l / 45' ws
Colors: Body / limbs blue-based from cyan and sky blue to denim and dusty grey-blue; Everything Else everywhere else. No really, though the backs of his wings are golden and goldenrod to dusty peach, virtually every color shows up somewhere on this magnificent birb dragon
Features: Birb Dragon, not a gryphon, with four legs that are obviously scaled and armored slightly, having 4-taloned paws with long claws; two large feathered wings; head is beak-shaped but he does have teeth in there too, has a large crest that can floof out and up, with mood; forward facing eyes; body is high off the ground and greyhound like with large chest and narrow waist, with lots and lots of flashy floof feathers everywhere; tail is long and slender and covered with feathers, having a peacock-styled frill at the end (only). Egg-layer, compatible with virtually any avian or scaled type of dragon, and less so with hide or mammalian specific ones; molts once in a while, unclear how often, and cannot fly nor have all that pretty floof for about 3 weeks as it all grows back; Doesn't require a bond but has an empathic connection to Zhountiq and any offspring might also have it too
Powers: Winged Flight, a super duper stylish flier, though not remarkably good with long flights or lifting very heavy things. Can still lift Zhountiq and a pack of gear or several small sized students for short flights. Is designed for mainly little hops and fancy shows, but can also glide on warm updrafts very easily for longer periods
Ground Movement and Skills, not just on the ground, but up trees and buildings, telephone poles or rocky hillsides, Fame is right there where you need him. He can pose and posture, holding a specific pose for just long enough to be noticed or even in an art class for an hour with one pose being drawn. He runs quickly and can corner magnificently well with that long tail, and his wings give him the boost needed to jump over things, or reach the middle part of a structure's wall without leaving gouge marks all the way up it
Communication Skills, Verbal speech and Display Patterns; Fame speaks virtually anything he's heard, in the same intonation and delivery, as his voice is capable of mimicry to an extreme. He doesn't necessarily understand all the technical jargon he has on occasion recited back to people, but he can reliably relay very specifically worded instructions without messing it up, provided he can get where he's needed quickly, as this is a one-shot ability. Otherwise once he knows words and their meanings, he can put them to use as any very smart person might! He can also use his flashy coloration, long tail and feathers, and his head crest to convey things at a greater distance, easily seen by those who have eyes... Though he does have to use particular signals regularly, people need some amount of training to understand the more complex dancing he might do. His bond knows all his moves!
Can Eat Anything, He has a gullet and gizzard and super-strong stomach acid, somewhere between a bird and a serpent. Will eat a large meal (meat, sometimes fruit) about once a week, and then you do not want to be near his poop. Oh how you do not want to be near that poop. Thing is he can also consume things that don't offer any nutrition provided he's actually got an empty belly, things like wood or nails, Your Homework, the plate and silverware... If he's eaten within 2 days, he cannot do this, but once something hits his stomach, it will be broken down into the same chunky pulpy mush and come out just as icky as the rest. Some folks at the Caffetorium have suggested that he try eating immature coffee plants and become 'the next civet coffee producer' but he doesn't think much of this idea
Parentage: Unknown, unrelated to any Rookery or Protectorate dragon
Origin: by SleepyHazeAdopts on Deviantart, bought from winterdragoness/noctua
Other Info: Fame lives up to his name, and loves participating in the flashmobs, even if it's just to help with long-distance direction - he helps coordinate those who aren't on-site get where they are headed, and can serve as a secondary visual aide when Zhountiq is on one side of a mall, and he's got a pack of people ready at the other