Name |
Sami Simati |
Gender |
Male, he/him, dragon/shifter preferences
Homeworld |
Triptych Earth, however this seems to be a 'not dominated by humanity' version, as their bipedal form is basically a large murrlet shaped humanoid |
Species |
Triptych - Scripps Murrlet / Orca / Water Dragon, see Powers below
Prime 1 - Murrlet, ~9" beak to tail tip, 15" ws / Humanoid version 5'6" at head, has hands not wings
Prime 2 - Orca, adult will be ~22' l
Prime 3 - Water Dragon, adult will be 50' l
Triptych Form - shown above, will be up to 16' s / 66' l / 90' ws but can be bipedal even at that size
Totem |
Medium Sized Dragon; +3 Bod; 0 Drive; +5 Bonk, +5kks |
Nut |
Sea nut. Ehhh, that is to say not much of a nut and more a kind of urchin, they're crunchy and a bit spicy with their venom! |
Class |
Junior, 30kks |
Smarts |
4 |
Bod/Feet |
6 > 9 |
1 |
Luck |
2 |
Drive |
0 / Air/Sea Navigate 5 |
Looks |
3 |
Cool |
4 |
Bonk |
5 > 10 (0/8/10/12 at adulthood shapes bird orca dragon trip) |
Powers |
Triptych Shapeshifting - their universe has 'spirits' that are attracted to certain family lines, that allow the person to begin shapeshifting in first one, but then up to four shapes (including their birth-form, but this one's universe is different, see above). Usually their first is small, then medium, then large. However practice can improve or change their order of importance. In Sami's case, their orca and water dragon shapes are of much more use, but he can still use the wings and other features of his little one! (the fact that his first Prime is smaller than a tooth of his second...)
- Murrlet, this small sea bird can still fly and has elegant wings, which lend themselves to his Triptych shape above! He can fly even as his largest combined shape, but prefers to use those wings to propel him through the stiffest currents and difficult areas
- Orca, he loves being a whale, as people easily recognize them and he likes being seen! They're fast, sleek, dangerous, and powerful, though often enough misunderstood; he has an intimidation factor with this form that can't be denied. He has echolocation and can use this to sound out the undersea areas he swims in, but this power cannot function above water very well
- Water Dragon, his ancestry is from Polynesia and the West Pacific oceans, though his family has lived effectively in Crescent City's 'area' of their Earth for at least two full generations. This form has magical control over water, its currents, breathability, and a modest amount of temperature control or tolerance. See below!
- Triptych Shape, with these forms combined he is an absolute master of air and sea. Not so much on land, obviously, with those flipper feets, but he can and does walk upright and yes, he can rival smaller kaiju!
Water Magic - As he matures, his power over water has become strong! He senses water and its purity as well as its direction and currents at up to 500 meters, and has had to learn to filter out the sense from plumbing (unless someone's shapeshifted into something small and gotten lost in it!) He can filter impurities out of both sea and fresh water, shape it into large wobbly balls in the air and move a volume of about a tanker truck worth telekinetically for about 5 minutes with concentration (he can help 'drain' a small pool in this manner). He can allow others to breathe in even murky water for up to 30 minutes as long as he's nearby. He suffers no ill effects of being under deep water, with pressure and temperature being hardly noticed! He cannot take others on those very deep dives yet, but plans on attempting to help with adjusting pressure for humanoids or others not suited to it as they explore. He can manipulate currents around himself by about 20 meters, mitigating dangerous conditions of riptide and heavy waterfalls, or push himself through open areas at up to 150 mph! He loves shooting up from the depths into the skies, shifting around, and flying back to shore! He can also utilize on-site water at will within about 50 meters, that same volume of a 'tanker truck' can be spread or jetted with cleansing power (no he does not 'spit water'!) in perfect line-of-sight ribbons around himself. While he might be able to summon water out of nothing as a matured dragon, he cannot do this yet
Clusters 12 |
Professional Pool Boy +4 Everything about his abilities is geared toward water, and what does he do with it? Helps clean pools. Well it was originally 'just' a summer gig to help the neighbors clean their truly gross long-ignored backyard pool, but he honestly enjoys doing it, and it gives his powers a workout! From purifying it and lifting the gunk out of it with his very strong flipper arms, to wholly replacing a large amount of water very quickly - sometimes reaching an urgent drowning victim long before they would be saved by a crew! He feels that the gentle repetition of cleaning a lagoon pool or even a big water park ride with his innate powers is a better use than just faffing around under the ocean surface, and he'll definitely be a lifeguard during the summertime!
Skills 18 |
Loves Nerdy Stuff Too Please Let's Play That RPG! +3 Though he's usually the one playing 'the paladin' or 'the knight' he really enjoys sitting down with friends or being online, and has been a champion for the 'inclusion' methods - when you have access to the technology to translate and interact with your deep-water friends, why aren't you inviting them to your 'virtual table'? He's no rules lawyer but he will definitely follow them correctly, and likes hamming it up in a voice game
He Can Be That Hero On The Beach +3 with the ability to fly, run, and swim he's all about the beach and makes sure those in the water are safe from harm of all kinds. Since his senses can reach from the shore to a reasonable distance into the waters, Sami knows if there are dangerous jellies floating around, rip currents or bad conditions for humanoids to swim in, and whether there are classes just getting out down at the Dome. His inherent sense of justice means that he will always look out for small humanoids and even birds or animals that get swept out, and his ability to manipulate water allows him to perform lifeguard rescue duties without doing mouth-to-mouth (a feature which has been interestingly brought up in class what with it being Twoarth, people have beaks and muzzles and scales, not just lips, this is a complicated class!)
Understands Issues Affect Everyone Differently +3 Though he is never going to become politician-worthy level adept in legal and social skills, he knows that what one group finds distasteful might be core to another's values. He chooses his side and sticks with it, as long as it's demonstrably the 'right' side for him to be on. He knows for instance that Huaxing and he are just at odds because 'reasons', not because they have any fundamental disagreements! But equally he'll find ways to root out problems among communities or groups, and has a good rapport with guidance staff when he can't help them hash things out themselves. He's no fool when it comes to politically charged campaigns that on the surface seem 'great', because sometimes the depths are where it all starts to churn!
Knacks |
Sometimes, Instincts Kick In +2/-3 If it's a fish and its in his way, it's going to be eaten. He's never mistaken any kind of person, even shapeshifted ones, for food, however. But that doesn't mean he hasn't scared the living crap out of people as he swims around with that tall orca dorsal fin up and visible. He is scary, large, and is an obvious predator, and if you're afraid of any of the component parts, you're definitely going to want to avoid him as he will ping every single part of your fears
Zen and the Art of Power Washing +3 He gets it. Just the act of the slow and repetitive motion of the waves, or sprayer, is so relaxing and purifying! Even if he could just soak the surfaces and magically lift their gunk that way, he prefers to methodically go over each location and take his time to get every last spot perfectly clean. He also likes it when there is an audience, people actually pay for the webcams (and he does get permisison to broadcast from whatever house or business he's working on before hand!)
Lay Of The Land, Air, And Sea +3 Once he's gone through an area he'll go back again and again, particularly when swimming around the coast, so he knows the nooks and crannies, the reefs and caverns, and even the city streets by landmarks and sounds as much as with his magical senses below the waves. Though he must maintain his bird form to spot things from far up, he can easily and instantly shift to a long slender dragon to explore below. He will definitely prowl around in a mix and match shape on two legs with a long fluked tail and webbed hands, and you would get the distinct impression that if you were a fish he'd definitely eat you when he's just casing a new location!
Period |
Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb) |
1 |
Marine Biology / Hu / Excellent |
2 |
Locals Underwater History / Seagrove / Decent |
3 |
Careers: Lifeguarding / Plunge / Superb |
4 |
Cartography / Lari / Excellent |
5 |
Fur-Side (Oceanic) Literature / Seagrove / Decent |
6 |
Debate Tactics / Oryx / Excellent |
7 |
Deep Water Sports / Dean Rhein / Superb |
8 |
Shapeshifting Techniques / Arothphael / Excellent |
Pets |
none, any fish he finds are automatically considered 'food' |
Parents? |
They are technically speaking 'locals' but that's another Earth, and they're not really too happy that their son is not trying to get a 'better' degree than just... physical education... His entire income is from being a pool and location cleaner, and money talks louder than annoyed uncles with law degrees |
Siblings? |
Probably, not on this dimension |
Image From |
SplintersStudios on Deviantart |
Other Info |
Though he doesn't really do it 'on purpose' (on porpoise) Sami and Huaxing just Do Not Get Along. Something about the airy snake dragon just. Gets under his blubber. They do have to watch out for each others behavior in their Debate class, and they have come to a 'gentledragon's agreement' about agreeing to disagree even if they disagree a lot. |
Dragon |
Name: Zonaeri'kee rii Navisno
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small (big wings) 8'8" s / 33' l / 55' ws
Colors: Black-White, body is sleek silvery black with paler lightning markings along each armor segment, and silvery white under chin to tail, and on feet/wing hands; white wings and extra lightning, horns; red eyes
Features: Calamity Wyvern, as shown, long noodle body with armor, legs only, wings are arms as well
Communication: Verbal Speech, Zonaeri speaks with the crackling of a loudspeaker missing part of its power supply, sometimes verging on a high-pitched static hiss, others bottoming out with all the treble removed. While this is a bit frustrating at times, she can get her point across no matter what, eventually anyway
Physical Abilities: Manifest Wings,
those wings are due to concerted effort, and consist purely of energy! Don't put your hand through them, that will probably hurt a lot. She's rarely seen without these wings, but feels 'naked' without them. She does sleep with them off, though occasionally they'll sputter to life even then, if she's dreaming something fun about flying
Winged Flight, and really, when is this dragon not flying? Pretty much never, honestly. She loves being in the air, though obviously if she's sitting in on any class she has to tone it down. But after school? Oh, you bet, back up there in the breezes and winds over the bay!
Stormflight, even in the hardest and wildest conditions, a typhoon or hurricane, dust storms, or high altitude lightning, Zonaeri considers this to be her forte. While her friend is busy looking after those on the ground and in the water, she's in the skies scanning for strays in shipwrecks, making sure flight paths are clear over airports in storms, and the like. She is absolutely confident in this ability, and for good reason!
Electric Immunity, she is naturally immune to the effects of any natural or magical electrical source, and has gone so far as to test how 'natural' a power grid in the city is, by sticking the end of her tail into a socket... she claims it is a 'pleasant buzzing' but please do not be grounded if you touch her just in case. She'll take a full bolt of lightning right to the face horn, but what of it? It just makes her wings and body sparks all the brighter!
Powers: Strongest among her powers is the Lightning Breath that she weilds, which she uses mostly to break up debris or even (ew) the floating islands of trash that may wash up or clog ship engines at sea. While yes, this will definitely set things on fire or blow them up if they're of the gaseous sort, that's kind of the point innit? She has been known to hit things she can see from miles up, knowing that there's a big piece of that tanker or cargo ship that got hit by a meteor last year still apt to surface. All the rescue ops are long over, cleanup is difficult but ongoing, and what better way to point out where exactly that detritus is than lighting it up bright enough to spot from space?
Electrical Magic, of nearly equal strength, she can create, control, negate, and utilize electrical energy even outside a storm or just as raw lightning power. Have a stalled engine that needs its generator or batteries charged? Oh it's done the moment she even flies overhead. She can concentrate her effort on starting up hydroelectric dam generators, offering surprise recharges to people's cellphones up in the hills (there is reception, just... no chargers sitting around, right?) and even brighten up those weird magical carnival rides (literally magical) when their own electric mage or outlets are too frazzled from the rain to work right...
Weather Magic - Rain-Based, speaking of rain, she can to a limited extent make or move rain, cause it to soften or become more potent, within about a 500 meter sphere of herself. If you were hoping for that mid-summer drizzle to cool you off, but it fizzled before even reaching your ranch, don't worry! This time it'll make it there and actually do some good for your harvest! She does have to be flying for this power to work, but ... yeah that's never been a problem!
Parentage: Naezophir and Kimek'kii rii Navisno
Mate/Offspring: none yet
Origin: Burrow generation 5 Black
Art By: Phe
Other Info: Personality is straightforward, and she is a natural guardian. This dragon will put herself between a danger and the thing being threatened. Regardless of whether this is a storm front, a masked robber, or a drizzle that makes a pool edge slippery with a toddler nearby. She'll call out first, swoop in after, and because she is both bipedal and has hands when her wings aren't manifested, she can grab said toddler, or cause that storm to pause just long enough for a jet to land safely
Period |
Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb) |
1 |
Journalism (mounted photography/video feed) / Young / Decent |
2 |
Mech Suit Piloting (acts as 'kaiju/threat') / Valarian / Excellent |
3 |
Living Mythology / Kirabo / Excellent |
4 |
Off-Beat Heroic Powers (Electrical) / Autry / Superb |
5 |
Draconic Track and Field / Kazkegu / Excellent |
6 |
Chaos Geometry / A Caroline Clone / Decent |
7 |
Interspecies Politics / Liaxeri / Decent |
8 |
EXPLOSIONS! / Walsh / Excellent |