Name |
Pulao Huaxing (family/given; loud glider; poo lao wah zhing 'pull out the washing') |
Gender |
Flexibly Gendershifts, more often presenting 'masculine' but with dragons who even knows, he/they
Homeworld |
Unknown name, but is definitely from the Misty Moon Mountains 'herd' |
Species |
Eastern Long Dragon +4 Bod (+strength), +2 Bonk; currently around 9 feet from nose to tail, so around the same size as a typical bipedal dragon if a little on the short side |
Totem |
Jackalope, the 'mythological roadkill' totem, fast and probably faking it.
+1 S/GM, +3 Bod, -1 RWP, +2 Luck, -1 Drive, -1 Bonk, +5 extra KK's. |
Nut |
Doesn't want to admit they're a little nutty, but in truth they know full well they're a Nut |
Class |
Junior, 30kk |
Smarts |
4 > 5 |
Bod/Feet |
4 > 8 > 11 (10 strength, 8 agility) |
2 > 1 |
Luck |
1 > 3 |
Drive |
0 / 5 Flying Navigation |
Looks |
5 |
Cool |
6 |
Bonk |
7 > 6 > 8 |
Powers |
Reality And Shape Shifting - can transform into an appropriate being in addition to moving to another universe or dimension (they do not have to shapeshift, they can just travel too). This does require a lot of knowledge and openmindedness, since they've been known to show up as a spider, a turtle, a space station, or a lounge chair... Their normal form is as shown above. They can have different coloration but typically will appear in the same black-spotted blue with red color scheme
Spoilsport - negates any power being used by another character or npc, including out of control powers, but NOT including their own. He knows when to shut it down, whether that's because someone's powers are out of control or just annoying, or something important is going on. Due to his own 'hype' power, at times this has become a 'and then I fire off Spoilsport' sequence of events
HYPE! - can whip their friends, gang, students, and even staff into an absolute frenzy; but be careful it doesn't end up a dangerous mob (all related team skills +2 for duration). Huaxing is always excited about something, vibrating (one might even say 'ringing') with energy. So if you have a project needing to be advertised or a crowd to whip up a little, contact Huaxing!
Eastern Dragon Elementalisms - It's the year of the Dragon, of course they can do plenty of things!
-- Wingless Flight, though they could easily appear to grow wings of almost any sort, they can still just fly and float around like a ribbon or a kite, preferring a light breeze and crisp winter to spring air
-- Size Shifting, in addition to shapeshifting, Huaxing can alter their size and mass at will, though remaining in a size that's not their normal can take a toll and exhaust them, particularly larger sized versions; can go from around 8" long to 50' long, and can also maintain their mass or increase / decrease it accordingly, so he could be a foot long and weigh 200 pounds, or 20 feet long and weigh 60 pounds. It's not always consistent, and he likes it that way
-- Roaring, his particular family line is adept at drawing attention to themselves with loud noises, hence their artistic use as bell toppers! Huaxing has a voice that can shatter glass and eardrums as easily as break through brick walls if he really concentrates. He can concentrate it on a very narrow area to broadcast quite far away (up to 2km) to a specific set of ears... or broadly cover an entire dragon stadium event, which is decidedly his favorite!
-- Supernatural Strength (above), incorporated into the Pulao family's line is a stunning amount of grip strength, able to heft massive stones or hold huge bells, still while flying effortlessly. Sometimes Huaxing's strength does get the better of him, and sometimes it fails - he's a noisy dragon not a luck-bringer...
Clusters 12 |
Is A People Person (well, a dragon!) +4 Wherever there are 'people', Huaxing has an interest. Bringing them together, settling differences, amicably parting, you name it, they're on it. Whether it's a four-footer versus their two legged nemesis, rival street gangs, shapeshifters and their over-zealous hunters, whoever it is, Huaxing wants to observe and calculate the best results of interacting with them
Skills 20 |
New Shape Discoveries Are Fun! +4 There is a dimension where everyone is a lawn chair. Another that they discovered the Banana Overlords running the world. Pick your weirdness, Huaxing has been there and done that. And come back from those dimensional jaunts wearing a 'local' outfit, though usually (as above) in their normal colorations. In order to become something weird, he's got to visit the dimension where it's found first. Thus if you haven't found Huaxing in the dorm, it's highly likely they're either offworld, or the chair you're trying to sit in...
Pick-Me-Up, Put-Em-Down +3 When you need a debate or rap battle to heat up, Huaxing doesn't need to breathe fire to do it. Spinning yarns to bolster or enhance a real event, or picking apart a specific moment of failure, any of it is open game - though he will always remember that words can hurt, and doesn't want anyone to be too devistated by the results
Excellent Judge Of Proportion And Size +3 Though not quite in the form of 'writing it down in Algebra class'. Visually can judge the dimensions of any given doorway, hall, art frame, person, or volume of liquid. It's been said that Huaxing might be able to 'eyeball' down to the micrometer, and can also be very precise when altering their weight and mass in a size shift. So if you need to have a specifically-weighted counterbalance for that see-saw routine, you got it!
Knacks 3 |
Afraid Of And Antagonized By Whales -4/+1 It's a long standing issue between their breeds, nothing more nothing less... But it does mean that Huaxing will go out of their way to avoid them, in any form, from huge Perrgil floating in the Far Away space, to the Killer Wave intergalactic softball team's members, and to avoid them means identifying them among other similar species. So Huaxing knows whales, all right. Dolphins too but they're more... playful about their antagonism. The real whales? They simply have a mad-on for Huaxing and nothing anyone does can stop it ^note that this generally applies to mystical types and non-sapient animals, but there are some around that will go out of their way to pick on him for no apparent reason
Courteous and Curious +3 Because of their loud power, Huaxing has always needed to be sure of himself before jumping into a conversation - everyone would hear something stupid, right? So he'll let others speak first, only adding his own commentary once everyone's done (unless it's for an advertisement shout, then he has free reign). But he's always listening, too, and is a good sport about conversations the drift away from his interests even if he's started them. He's also found a good number of new interests this way!
Period |
Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb) |
1 |
Careers: Diplomatic Envoy (Draconic-Shapeshifting) / Mirlande / Superb |
2 |
Algebra Basics / California / Passing |
3 |
Draconic Shapeshifting / Brianola / Superb |
4 |
Ancient Fur-Side Cultures / Trickster / Decent |
5 |
Fur-Side Ritual and Mythos / Kirabo / Excellent * had been fur-side lit in the Dome but the whales.... |
6 |
Debate Tactics / Oryx / Excellent |
7 |
Draconic Track and Field / Kazkegu / Excellent |
8 |
Explosions! / Walsh / Excellent |
Pets |
Considers themself to be a pet... |
Parents? |
Unknown, but they're not on Twoarth |
Siblings? |
Probably, they have large families |
Image From |
Ilovedragons1 on Deviantart (adopted in 2011...) |
Other Info |
They can live wherever they like, but choose to be in with a batch of transfer students near the campus, in the Alabaster Apartments
** Note that they have a nemesis on campus, Sami Simati the sea dragon. now look they aren't going to fight or anything right? But between the two of them they definitely get a bit... heated. Particulalry in their Debate class.