
Name Nasir
Gender Male
Homeworld Twoarth to demigod/human+ parents
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Parents Orchid and Nergal
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 3
Drive 1 (drive) / 5 (dragon)
Looks 4
Cool 5
Bonk 8
Powers Telepathy (moderate)
Teleportation (quick, also dimension hop)
Plant Command / Genetics (harvest/death)
Flesh Shape / Genetics (death god)
Clusters Plant Matter +1
Health Issues +2
Skills Cooking +3
Studly Appearance +3
Consort With Other Godlings +2
Knacks Is Actually Quite Terrifying For A Farmer +3
Grief Crops/Black Thumb +2
Enjoys Sacrificial Fires +2
1 Necromantic Manipulartions / Akegata / Decent
2 Exotic Diets and Cooking / Carver / Superb
3 Betting and Odds / Haital / Passing
4 Living Mythology / Ninhursag / Superb
5 Royalty and Regular Folks / Wolf Queen / Excellent
6 Ancient Scrolls / Alorel / Decent
7 Genetic Engineering / Mason / Decent
8 Dungeon Crawl Team / Mehta / Excellent
Dragon Azqamu
Doll From Doll Divine / Ammotu Warrior, City of Heroes (below)
Pets Cats, vultures, scavengers that hunt pests


When Orchid came back to Carramba with her little copper dragoness and a shopping list of genetic traits, it pretty much floored everyone involved that the one 'perfect match' to her abilities... was an ancient Sumerian death god. But there they were, the hugely muscled Nergal with his well-oiled bronze skin and - if one manages to get him to throw the hood back - surprisingly gorgeous hair. As a fire-god, Nergal played second-fiddle to Shamash the sun god. But as the lord of harvest sun and bonfires, this gave him preferential treatment regarding plant matter and seasonal changes. In some versions of his varied mythology, he was equitable to Persephone, alternately ruling by the underworld god's side, and being above for the harvest and growth. It is that aspect that usually habits Carramba, and that aspect which Orchid chose to make her own little farmer with.

Nasir is terrifying.

He is remarkably durable, physically adept, and certainly no slouch in the brains department. But he definitely harkens back to that age-old ideal of a god ruling his element, and Nasir's element is crop maintenance and you'd better fucking believe he is also a pest exterminator.

Never let it be said that everyone in the Aperture family is all goodie-two-shoes nice. Nasir is fierce to an extent, but mostly he likes to talk shop or hang with his peeps. Those peeps are often other demi-gods, or even outright deities, who take him seriously even if 'he's a farmer' doesn't exactly put the fear of gawd into most mortals. He actually has a stunning amount in common with 'Uncle Wilson', in that he is huge, strong, deadly, and loves to cook... In fact they have teamed up down in North Aperture to host a competitive cooking event or two, where everyone is a winner because food is excellent when they're around.

Nasir and his dragon do move from site to site, visiting the Ranch and Grounds at least as frequently as North Aperture's top side areas.


Name: Azqamu, meaning 'little burn'
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large 16' s / 70' l / 110' ws
Colors: *muted golden brown on almost all parts, slightly redder armor; narrow beige strips and markings on wings, face, feet and tail; eyes, claws, horns and neck webs paler peach
Features: Icewing-Rainwing hybrid with possible others in his line
Powers: Winged Flight, Az is remarkably strong and his primary duty is lifting and carrying large objects or weights. He isn't terribly fast, but that's never mattered. He enjoys flying low over fields just before harvest time, as their golden shades look just like him. Durable to a fault, this dragon is able to fly in stiff winds, turbulence, and low-visibility conditions, even while carrying a tanker filled with corn syrup... And he can keep carrying it for a day or more before setting down again. He is careful, and can spot good landing places from quite far away, but also deliberate in his motion to get to that point. He won't jostle things in the air, and his gait on the ground is at least as precise.
Communication, Azqamu speaks English, Draconic, and ancient Sumerian with equal grace, deeply and smoothly. He and Nasir do share a mental bond, but he has no further Vortal connectivity and cannot understand fully-fluxed Vortigese.
*Color Shifting and Camouflage, though shown in brown, these colors can mute into a pale off-white, or sparkle into millions of tiny points of gold and brown (like a wheat field), and while he concentrates on it, he can emulate wood textures or stone quite well. He does have to concentrate to activate this ability, and it's not his forte, but he does enjoy doing it. Of note, when he's around any of the Rookery locations requiring both crop gathering and stealth from the Combine, he can spread his big wings and mantle a view with 'more of the same' and since he also is able to glide quite slowly he can almost match the ground as seen from above as workers gather crops. He does need to rest up after doing this, and it definitely affects his flight speed, he must be going very slowly, it works best immobile.
Ice and Rain Wing Traits, though he's got plenty of Icewing spikes and those incredibly sharp wing claws, he also sports Rainwing features in addition to the color shifting. He cannot wait to get his claws into a rock or tree, or even chunk of ice - though his limb claws aren't as long and sharp as a Rain's they're certainly strong. Also he cannot use a full ice-blast breath weapon, but he can reduce the temperature around himself dramatically should the need arise. Often, this means that while he's got his wings up and protecting workers from either Combine observation or the sun, he can also chill the area and gives them a much-needed respite in the Autumn heat. His fangs contain potent venom, though it vanishes completely from a large beast within an hour of its death from nerve damage, and he can hunt meals for humans as well as dragons safely.
Parentage: Unknown Icewing and Rainwings, likely hybrids themselves, unrelated to any on the Rookery
Origin: adopted from VelenieAdopts with lines by BronzeHalo on Deviantart
Other Info: Though it seems he's much more of a guardian than fighter, he will eagerly join Nasir on the battlefield should the need arise. They make a good team, though both admit that it's more important to protect than to rush out to battlefields.