Teala Terrell

Name Teala Terrell (-Lane) (technically pronounced 'teel-ah' rather than tee ah lah, answers to both)
Gender Female, bi
Homeworld Born on Twoarth to Repurposed / Rookery parents
Class Junior in Class of 2030
Nut Very, very nutty
Totem Convocation Hybrid
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 3
Drive 2
Looks 5
Cool 4
Bonk 5
Powers Strong Psychic Suite
-- Invasive Telepathy that she can use up to 100 meters away, able to communicate with thoughts, and sensing both passive and active thoughts of anyone that has a mind including non-organic life (quite easy with constructs and crystaline forms in fact)
-- Empathy, best within 20 meters, can detect strong emotions, and to a very limited extent exert some control over them
-- Living Aura Sense, creatures, people, or Vortal energies which have a life force can be detected within 50 meters, but no further information than 'there is a life force here' can be discerned
Electric / Wavelength Mastery - ths is where Teala truly shines. She can sense and manipulate virtually all forms of energy from microwave to radio waves, electrical power, and even stronger radiation. She's able to identify creatures like the Convocation by their distinct frequency and wave form, and has been known to 'summon' those she knows of by casting a Vortal 'shout' at that range. She can alter and block, even create signals to change audio or video feed on security or televisions. Who needs to type when you can alter data on even 'dead' hard drives? However, she can also deliver a powerful electrical shock on touch, which can stun large creatures or disable powered items.
Teleportation / Electric - Teala is able to teleport short distances as long as there is sufficient electrical energy nearby. Within 100 meters, through any form of conduit available, she can vanish and reappear provided there is space for her. This leaves a strange scent in the air of ozone and a bit of a pop-sound both where she leaves and arrives. She can take a small amount of mass with her, but not all that much beyond her clothing or backpack. Teala can perform this three or four times in a row before needing to rest for a few hours. It's possible that she will eventually expand this power, but she generally keeps it to a localized move (like between classrooms without fussing around in the locker halls).
Vortal Construct and Travel - Having grown up in one, Teala is able to access any Vortally created pocket-space regardless of who created it. That means her dad's, granddad's, other granddad's, even Paxton's Sanctuary if Melissa is nearby. When she visits them, the creator of them does know it, if they're not already present. It's as easy as opening a portal for her, she always turns off the place when she leaves, no sense in wasting Vortal energy... She will likely be able to produce her own, making it out of her unique lime-cyan wavelength, but so far she's got plenty of places to visit instead and hasn't concentrated on learning this skill.
Clusters Electronic Genius +3 it's hard to avoid knowing everything you can about electricity and what it is used for, from circuit boards to power plants, she can take apart and put together anything with a power supply in moments
Code Writer Extraordinaire +2 she enjoys taking databases apart, repurposing old code to new uses, and reading data off running hard drives without needing a screen, she can write to live drives, and has been known to hold a 'dead' drive in her hands and sweet-talk it into running long enough to read important data off of it
Skills Visual Distinction +3 though she can see and sense a wide variety of wavelengths, she can still distinguish them and understands what things 'look' like when others describe them, not getting lost among her weird senses
Navigate +3 she easily discovers routes that others might miss, not just because she can remember streets and landmarks, but the power lines around them, even difficult urban locations are easy. When there are no electronic or electric signals on the other hand...
Tinker +2 even without power, she likes fiddling with tools and items, and is devious when playing games that involve 3 dimensional items or objects
Knacks Quite Fashionable +2 she enjoys looking good! She does need dryer sheets to keep static at bay
Period Class / Instructor / Grade ^shared with sibling
1 Nexus Geohistory / T. Kshau / Decent ^
2 Dimensional Travel and Pocket Universes / Lane (grandpa!) / Superb
3 Netiquette / Charybdis / Excellent
4 Advanced Technical Languages / Charybdis / Excellent
5 Cartography / Lari / Excellent ^
6 Website Creation / Silverfawn / Excellent
7 Advanced Computer Coding / G0rd-OS / Superb
8 Improvisational Weaponry / Freeman / Decent
Pets none right now

mother Lexie Terrell ('reborn' Pantheon sharing DNA with Damon, Nigel, Ruben)
father Turquoise (Color Guard spliced from Repurporsed Lane+Rookery's original Lane base DNA and 'bring your daughter to work' adds)

Siblings? Younger brother Leif; cousins aplenty


The not-space of her family home had always been a comfort, and visiting Grampas Lane through his own selection of constructed spaces filled her youth. Because her family are not only quite powerful entities, but spread among numerous dimensions, Teala has always been a well-traveled girl. Turquoise and Lexie don't seem like a typical couple, save for the fact that they enjoy quite a few pasttimes together. They'd only met after the Rookery was created, even though there was a bit of overlap when Repurposed Lane had been working at Carramba: most of the now-adult folks living on his native Earth only followed him out to the Rookery after the dragons came. Lexie spotted Turquoise easily, when he was visiting the construction site for their dragonry. A new energy signal to examine? Why don't mind if she did - Turq didn't mind, that's for sure. He was there when she was befriended by her Hivewing friend, she rooted him on when he participated in Carramba's Road Rally.

Turquoise's ability to create their own private 'home' in the Vortessence bled into their daughter, infusing her with Convocation-level energy. As granddads Keenan Lane and The Other Keenan Lane (that's how she calls them, and neither of them will stop her) noticed her sneaking around their private constructs, her powers would grow quickly... it was best that she learn how to manage them before she got lost in the multiverse. Unlike some of their errant descendants, Teala doesn't need to have a shard of a Xenian crystal to allow them to home in on her, she's bright enough as it is against the Vortal backdrop. When she enters one of their Constructs, most often they'll just watch from afar to see if she wants something in particular there, sometimes dropping in to have a conversation, or help her reach something, but usually she's in and out knowing exactly what to look for. The Bayou, Lane Mansion, a strange bunch of ruins of numerous Earth towns, the Grounds themselves, anything that one or more of the Lanes have moved from dimension to dimension, or created outright, are home to this energetic girl. She can go into one Construct and come out from another, in another dimension entirely, and even as a small child she seemed to know just where to go next.

She's one of the few kids among the Repurposed Earth group that didn't need Icarus treatments to boost her body or Vortal abilities. Given she has remarkably powerful ancestry, and her mother was treated herself, the benefits of that processing still show up in her. She's small, like her mother, and lean like her dad, she'll always be petite but don't let that fool you. The fact is she's extremely durable and hard to hurt, rebounds quickly from any real injury, and has the speed to make sure that those injuries don't occur very often. Her toddler years were spent in that loving family Construct, but still they would go to a number of locations, and typical childhood scrapes and bumps and the occasional bee sting were common. Lexie had been allowed to grow up at a normal pace, rather than being aged after her Icarus treatments, and everyone agreed that Teala would also benefit from this. All too many of her mother's peers had 'missed out' on childhood activities because they were needed as functional as possible after they were born (well, recreated, thanks to Melissa discovering their records).

With the birth of her little brother Leif, things didn't change all that much, save that now Teala had a partner in crime. Well, after he was able to stand up and rather abruptly run around. They can compete, but they'd both rather cooperate. She got to teach him how to open portals, which he took and ran with, or through - a valuable lesson learned early on was how to find her brother when he went through one of those open doorways and it closed behind him...

The much-needed break from the reality of reassembling a ruined landscape and collecting refugees wasn't over for Lexie and Turquoise, but they did on occasion have to retrieve one or both of their kids from the ruins of the Rookery. Delighted with these games of hide and seek, Teala made sure that she could see where he was thanks to her growing sense of energy. Not merely 'her brother's aura', but his Vortal shine mixed with his bioelectricity, she could more easily track him around the place based on that - where he was more apt to use his own early-blossoming aura masking ability to effectively hide.

Since there were few others their age at that time, they were home-schooled for the first few years and given some small amount of additional 'social skill' based downloads from the Rookery's databanks. They both entered Carramba High around the same time, with slightly different expectations.

Teala obviously concentrates her efforts on the high-tech aspect of life in the modern era. While she does like learning about the places she is capable of visiting from her Nexus Geohistory class, it's not really going to be her strongest point. Likewise, she's good with a crowbar and a thrown rubber duck, but her Improvisational Weaponry course only aids her if she sticks around a place long enough to get chased by wildlife or enemies. She does, in fact, occasionally dwell a while in places she's tried to map out for her Cartography class.

She spends a lot of time hanging out in the Hyperlabs, learning not just Technical Languages and Netiquette from the odd Matrix-realm instructor Charybdis, but assembling things and helping troubleshoot for the school on occasion. She really enjoys the artistic freedom that her Website Design course offers, and the Akita-robot version of Gordon Freeman (... not the same one as her Improv Weapons Freeman, this one's furry!) has relied on her for computer programming and debugging. He thinks she'd make a great teacher's aide, in fact.

Though he definitely tries not to play favorites too strongly, of course, Grandpa's course in Pocket Dimensions is her favorite. Not just because it's taught by the seemingly-stern Keenan Lane, but because she really does ace all their quizzes and gets around like a pro. She loves their field trips too!

It was on one such field trip that they were all introduced to his dragon (of course grampa has a dragon, it's all the rage! and why he started the Rookery!), the class as a whole got a good sniffing-over by another of the Carramba Dragonry search dragons. It wasn't just her and her brother that were searched that day, but it was very clear that Keenan was pleased how his grandkids were progressing.

And it was later clear why. Since he'd allowed that small black dragon of his to participate ('allowed'? the dragon scoffs) in a flight frenzy, they were looking for potential candidates to stand for hatchlings! Maybe one of them would be for the siblings. So before they headed out to Isla, both of them were encouraged to take extra credit course work in Carramba's dragonry. They would certainly get future credit for those classes, but more importantly they would learn how to deal with all manner of draconic issues. Teala figured she could be best with recordskeeping, given she could make notes on a data pad without even typing? She kept a large-volume (but thumb-drive sized) storage device on her at all times after being Searched, and has recorded her own notes on it ever since.


Name: Cisurth
Gender: female
Parentage: mother Shimmer white Alioth, father black Denhadarvahth
Origin: Isla Weyr Sport Frenzy http://isla.mage-circle.com/
Other Info: A green scrambled across the sands straight for Teala Terrell . The hatchling, who was clearly spotted with blue, warbled as she touched the girl's mind. I'm Cisurth , the green said.



Name Cisurth
Gender female
Species Pernese
Color(s) blue spotted green
Size Class sport
Suggested Length 37' 4"
Suggested Height 7' 7"
Personality Traits high-spirit, curious
  • telepathy: can speak using his/her mind only
  • teleportation: can travel to a different location instantly
  • telekinesis: can move objects with their mind
  • assisted fire breath: can breath fire after digesting firestone
Genetics XgwdF Xgw+dF Rr BB cc * TT * EE/Ee Ii K+k pp Oo2 ss * ap3 *S ap1 U R U * hhs MM
Genetic Base green
Base Hexcode #158f5c
  • Xg Xg Rr BB . a green female dragon
  • ww+ dd . a sport sized dragon; is not turned white
  • FF . has a 11% chance to clutch if chewing firestone
  • cc * . dragon does not have a change in color; has color sets for: natural base
  • TT * . wings do not change color; has color sets for: natural base
  • EE/Ee . hide is a brighter saturation (46%)
  • Ii K+k pp . no change in shade
  • Oo2 ss * . does not have speckles; carries light density in a ticked pattern; does not have color sets
  • ap3 *S ap1 . spotted in blue (natural base) and dark opacity; has color sets for: natural base, solid
  • U R U * . no clouding; does not have color sets
  • hhs . does not have any shimmer; carries wing shimmer
  • MM . dominate for no multiples