
Name Vermilion
Gender Male
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 5
Bod/Feet 7
Luck 3
Drive 8
Looks 6
Cool 4
Bonk 4
Powers Telepathy (vehicular) - Able to 'talk to vehicles' Vermilion can ascertain the overall condition, who's normally driving, what radio stations get played, and frequent destinations of any vehicle. It's a strong and very specific form of psychometry geared directly to cars, boats, planes, anything that has the ability to travel. He must be near the vehicle (within 10 meters) to do this, but doesn't need to be touching it. He often will want to though, because mmm, carrrrs.
Giant Robot Command - Mom absolutely loves him being able to do this. Where she must plug into a mech unit manually, he can just... 'be' the pilot. Not just the pilot, but the mechanic, navigator, and detailer of the craft. He prefers 'bigger' ones - where you'd expect there to be a bunch of individuals managing each portion of a Mech, he can do it all. Of course the down side is that he also feels the machine parts as his own, so if it gets hit, takes damage, falls into lava, or starts spinning around, he'll feel every bit of it and react accordingly. He will not bleed or break from injuries to the machine, but he'll bruise up a bit, and will require rest and possibly healing later.
Computer Whiz - Though his psychometry extends to vehicles, it doesn't look that deeply into computer parts. But their code and results are easy for him to manipulate. He can 'read' a hard drive without it being installed, sense what's on a disk or usb stick, and codes like a demon. Must be either holding the disk or able to type at a terminal.
Know Damn Near Everything - well, within reason. He can recite the make and model of any car on the street, the ton-rating of industrial transportation, the history of that factory tooling table... Mostly it's trivia to other people, but in the right setting he impresses the hell out of vehicle and technology buffs.
Clusters Pilot Craft +3
Skills Blurt Out Answers +3
Electronic Design +3
Speed Freak +2
Knacks Awesome Grooming Skill +3
1 Thriving in a Post Apoc Dystopia / Aretha
2 Advanced Technical Language / Charybdis
3 Technical Writing / Leland
4 Measuring Up / Haital
5 Martial Arts for the Fashion Conscious / Carver
6 Robotics / Mandragora
7 Multiplanar History / Prescott
8 Mech Suit Piloting / Valarian (mom!)


Dragon Industrial Rust
From Catbreeze212 on Deviantart / Wings of Fire
(Donor Parent) Thirrea Valarian
(Siblings) Jasper





Name: Industrial Rust, Rusty
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium, 12' shoulder / 50' l / 80' and 55' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip and behind limbs medium grey; fronts of limbs, wing fingers dark grey; armor on limbs charcoal black; tongue and jaw nubs black; wingsails deep graphite grey with tiny glowing pinpoint white stars; side armor from neck to tail, face medium orange with white glowing spots; back armor and sides of face, down tail rusty orange; dorsal strip on neck and body dark red-brown; claws, horns, back / tail spikes white; eyes intensely dark indigo blue
Features: Nightwing / Hivewing hybrid; four sturdy muscular limbs with 5 and 4 digits having short curved claws, heel claw on hind; four leathery wings, upper large with four visible fingers, elbow strut and prominent wrist thumb all with curved claws, smaller lower wings hive-like with two slender visible fingers, elbow strut and small wrist nub, tiny claws; burly body, scaled with large soft belly plates, large patchy armor on limbs, angular plated armor on neck, body, tail and back, face heavily armored with sharp nose hook and central back-curved horn, external ears, two large elegantly backswept and up-turned horns; neck has long spikes, back and tail have short triangular ridges to tip
Powers: Winged Flight, Rusty is very good with speed flight, turning at high speed, and getting lift without much effort. He's also very strong in the air, able to hold position and lift things that are quite heavy. He doesn't have a lot of endurance for lifting, but overall flight doesn't tire him.
Verbal Speech, with a strong technical vocabulary, Rusty understands how things work, and has a good grasp on what each of the items he's helping to assemble or tear apart does. His voice is eerie, hissing here and there, and with a kind of echo that unnerves people if he whispers in a long hallway. He uses this to excellent effect, sounding like steam escaping or ripping metal, he can cause confusion among enemy troops that think they're in immanent danger.
Oxidizing Breath, Rusty can live up to his namesake, by causing nearby metals or even other substances to begin falling apart, rusting away, or just crumbling to dust if they're already weak. His breath 'weapon' is more of a delayed response in some cases, however he can also heat it up a bit - not true fire breath - and accelerate the process. He's quite useful for breaking into places with heavy locks, weakening structures to cause them to fall, or dissolving armor and weapons. A favorite tactic of his is to weaken a floor or support beam, then hide and cast his voice to lure enemies into a room which then collapses on them.
Parentage: Unknown, Nightwing mother, Hivewing father; full brother Smokestack
Origin: Adopted from Catbreeze212 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Industrial Rust was very intrigued by the idea of this Rookery thing, his Nightwing side apparently cluing him in to something going on with those weird portals appearing here and there. He was not an adult when he came to the Rookery, but has grown quite large in the time he's been here. He enjoys being useful for more than just fighting, and knows he has to be careful with his breath weapon around the area that is being built, rather than destroyed. Even though he looks quite fierce, he loves company and exploring new places with more than just his human companion Vermilion.